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i put 2 targets and 3 walmarts on speed dial after i gave my first wii (that i standed in line for 5 hours for on launch day) to my brother. got another in like a week. just call em' up man.


Like a month ago I called circuit city on a Saturday night. "Yeah, we got 15." I arrived two hours before the store opened on Sunday morning, got a voucher, came back later, and snagged one. So that's how I wound up with mine.

I really wish we'd start to hear more about Battalion Wars 2. They really seem to be pushing the online in that game.

I'd like to hear about online itself first.


It's sick, how after 6 months, you still have to either be really lucky, or stand in line to wait for the store to open, to snag one in most cases. By this point, even the 360 started easing up their production woes.


I just went out to see if there're any new games out and I decided to pick up Heatseeker.

Big mistake T__T. I only played for like 15 minutes but I can already tell it's crap.

What was I thinking anyway?

The controls are the worst ever. I know I should probably give it more time but any other game you adjust to in like 5 seconds.

The game looks horrible too. Almost worse than Psone games. This alone is enough for me to not be able to enjoy it at all.

*sigh* I'll save you the angry rant on why I think games are so bad these days and that the only time you'll know you're getting quality is when it's made BY Nintendo itself, and just exchange it for something else.

of course there aren't any other good games out so I may have to get Prince of Persia then ;_; I hope that will at least offer some entertainment.

Screw this! I'm sick of games!

Damn. I was kind of hoping the game would be good. Oh well, one more game I won't be getting now...

I had high expectations myself and I really wanted a good flight game.

Perhaps you could still rent it and give it more time than I did.

But I think most people will agree that if a game has bad controls it'll not be very enjoyable.

I've played the first two levels and the difference between the planes I flown was so redicilously big that I could hardly even keep the plane in the air, let alone steer it properly. It just doesn't work for me ;_;

EDIT: As for Donkey Kong: *sigh* You know I really wished they'd just make him star in his own (2D) platform game again. Anyway; it's not that I think the novelty of the wii-mote wore off, I just think it's not used properly in a lot of games yet. Thankfully this DK game is by Nintendo so I'm sure they'll be much better than say...Heatseeker's T__T.

But still, this whole motion-control deal is walking on a thin line...


Sheesh. Poor Sony. the PS3 just -barely- outsold the PS2 last week in Japan, according to the latest numbers. Meanwhile, it takes pretty much all other hardware to overcome the DS there.

And then we get Pokemon over here shortly. They might as well start selling DS Lites in hospital maternity wards, at this rate. :P


Actually, that would be pretty cool.

I might pick this up, as I never got a chance to grab the GCN version. My video game playing is still dominated by my parents, but I'm going to college next semester, so I can gain freedom and pick up stuff like Assassin's Creed, Crysis, and RE 4.


So I was checking out the gameplay vid and trailer (different one than on Capcom's site btw :P) for RE4 Wii Edition on IGN and it looks like they added some stuff. I never played the PS2 version and only saw a friend play it a little bit so I dunno what changes there were in that besides more extras, but I know at least in the Gamecube version Leon couldn't suplex opponents. Also, when playing as Ada you can now perform a fan kick, which I don't remember being able to do in Assignment Ada (as well as use a hookshot). I also don't recall el gigante being able to charge at you before quite as it does in the video. It'll be interesting to see what other little differences there are in the Wii Edition.


You guys need to look at the RE:UE video. The game looks amazing. It looks pretty fun too.

Treasure Island Z looks good too. Finally a point and click adventure game. I read an article where they describe the game as "the bizarre love child of Monkey Island and Wario Ware"

You guys need to look at the RE:UE video. The game looks amazing. It looks pretty fun too.

Speak of the devil...just noticed they posted a hands-on impressions on IGN...along with a gameplay vid that isn't terrible quality. The vid looks pretty cool, and I'll go ahead and read that article now...

EDIT: Read the hands-on, and watched the vid again...could end up being pretty cool. At this point, doesn't look nearly as good as RE4 to me, but still probably entertaining.

EDIT 2: Yeah, Treasure Island Z is looking pretty fun as well.

You guys need to look at the RE:UE video. The game looks amazing. It looks pretty fun too.

Treasure Island Z looks good too. Finally a point and click adventure game. I read an article where they describe the game as "the bizarre love child of Monkey Island and Wario Ware"

I've heard the opposite actually.


Gotta question - if I have a GC game that supports progressive scan and I'm playing it on my Wii (with a component cable) will the progressive scan mode in the GC game enable automatically or what do I need to do? (I have progressive scan selected in the Wii settings but I don't know if it affects GC games. Also remember that playing on a Wii there's no GC intro screen to hold B during.)


UC definetly looks a lot more promising, but I'm still in doubt. Personally I think being able to see the pre-rendered areas in full 3D would be worth the price of admission alone to any RE fan, but the game is going to get old awful quick if it's just point and click shooting the entire way through.


The guy who's making it said that he wants to make it long and hopes it can be 15 hours...

Bigfoot, I read some stuff where they said the game was really fun, but it's only like 30% complete, there's still a lot of time for those guys to make the game better. It's not even half way done yet.


Yeah, that's what all devs say...but how many games do you know that were changed during development to become radically better? They always say there's time to fix the kinks, but they're rarely fixed.


Well, it can't possibly be that hard to make a search of every nook and cranny of well known RE areas last 15 hours. What I'm worried about is it may not feel worth doing.

If this were an actual light gun game I might think differently, but when you throw the cursor in that makes it a bit too easy.

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