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Im trying to play the game on Master, and I couldnt find the last verb in a sentence, because Above is not a verb, it is a preposition or an adverb.

you cant above somebody, but you can 1-up someone.

find the noun

"She Came to the Baseball Game..

there are two nouns there"

baseball is being used like an adjective. Dictionary.com says that baseball cannot be used as a adjective, therefore, baseball should be a descriptionary noun. not an adjective.

further research conludes, that "baseball game" is all one word and a noun. your game is ruining my score. and i love it.



movie theater OMFG.

Movie is not a damned adjective. its a noun, descriptory, therefore it becomes part of the word it is describing, the same with treasure and chest, both nouns (and in one case a verb too.) but treasure chest does not make the word treasure an adjective.


not to say its not a great game, i really like it. fix yur bugs.



Find the adjective:

"like a school of sharks, hunting for their prey."

Your game believes hunting is an adjective.

which is is, if it was used like this,

"like a school of hunting sharks"

Score, RUINED.

I havent been able o beat your game without missing something because of a bug.

you should set up a QA database so we can input bugs for you to fix.




whole sentence:

Reason there is a bug:

and just have different text files on a closed ftp or something.

Otherwise Ill keep flooding gen disc until I beat your game with a perfect score.


I just beat master mode in 2 minutes. after several bugs i needed to be aware of, and just failed beginner because of this bug.

Find the Noun:

"The police officer eats donuts often."

I chose Police. the game believes officer should be the winner.

Policer officer should either be one choice or two answers.

I just beat master mode in 2 minutes. after several bugs i needed to be aware of, and just failed beginner because of this bug.

Find the Noun:

"The police officer eats donuts often."

I chose Police. the game believes officer should be the winner.

Policer officer should either be one choice or two answers.

Sorry Trenth - it's definitely an adjective in that sentence. "officer eats" - "police" defines what kind of officer.

Haha, yeah, I noticed that, too... I was actuallay expecting something like Rickshaw :P

Usa!!! I haven't talked to you in forever!!!

Anyway, KWarp, there's a whole database dedicated to Asian fonts on dafont.com. You should pick something nice out from there. Papyrus has become as much the crux of design jokes nowadays as Comic Sans.


Fonts have cliches too now? <(o_O)>

You get me a good Ninja font, tell me how to load it in flash, and I'll use it.

Trenthian: This game has no bugs. All sentences are entered subjectively. A bug is an error in the AI, commonly found in Microsoft Word. The errors in this game are simply errors and nothing more.

Also when a noun describes another noun it's an adjective. Example: video game


Awesome work guys!

Just noticed one thing, and I don't know whether or not it's an error with the game, but definitely is one with the grammar. :P In one sentence about a bird and trees and stuff, it lists "above" as a verb. It's a preposition, which so far I haven't seen the game ask for yet. Keep in mind that they exist!

Also, "She came to the baseball game," where baseball is apparently not an adjective.


Sunshine on my sholders makes me happy most of the time.

Please no...don't make spelling mistakes in a grammar game.

Also, apparently I suck at English. If only I could remember what all those words mean...

Please no...don't make spelling mistakes in a grammar game.

Also, apparently I suck at English. If only I could remember what all those words mean...

This folks is evidence I was writing sentences at 5AM after writing a research paper. >.>


Lets not confuse the fact that a bug is a bug.

Above is still not a verb,

and yes anything that is incorrect is a bug, it may not be an AI bug, But I worked in QA for 5 years, I know what a bug is. Unless its your desire to have the game run improperly, anything operating outside of the intended output is a bug.

You may not care about the problems, but the problem is still a bug.

And if you want to include such a complex idea on a BEGINNER level game of grammar ninja that its okay to use any part of speech as an adjective be my guest. Simple is supposed to be simple.


Added some new sentences, fixed noted errors.

Lets not confuse the fact that a bug is a bug.

Above is still not a verb,

and yes anything that is incorrect is a bug, it may not be an AI bug, But I worked in QA for 5 years, I know what a bug is. Unless its your desire to have the game run improperly, anything operating outside of the intended output is a bug.

You may not care about the problems, but the problem is still a bug.

I disagree. Human error can not be considered a bug. Say I draw a Cello but others say it's a violin because I didn't draw an endpin. That's an error. Same applies here.

And if you want to include such a complex idea on a BEGINNER level game of grammar ninja that its okay to use any part of speech as an adjective be my guest. Simple is supposed to be simple.

You're acting rather high and mighty. For your information Easy mode exclusively asks for nouns and verbs.


Human error is a bug. it is an undesired result. You can fix it.

As far as acting high and mighty goes, im just commenting that the difficulty of your game is judged not by the complexity of the grammer, but by having larger sentences.

Its more or less part of speech nazi, not grammar nazi. In fact it has very little to do with the way sentence is constructed at all.

That isnt to say it isnt fun.

It's a fun game, just fix it up. I expected it to be more out of the box friendly.


Why didn't I think of this sooner? I'll just post all the sentences and have you guys pick at it.

esen001 = new Array(new Word("Joe", "N"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("hungry.", "ADJ"));
esen002 = new Array(new Word("Mario", "N"), new Word("broke", "V"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("block.", "N"));
esen003 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("poodle", "N"), new Word("ran", "V"), new Word("away.", "ADV"));
esen004 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("dinosaurs", "N"), new Word("lived", "V"), new Word("before", "PREP"), new Word("man.", "N"));
esen005 = new Array(new Word("Bill", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("Ted", "N"), new Word("are", "V"), new Word("on", "PREP"), new Word("an", "ART"), new Word("excellent", "ADJ"), new Word("adventure.", "N"));
esen006 = new Array(new Word("People", "N"), new Word("learn", "V"), new Word("from", "PREP"), new Word("their", "PRO"), new Word("mistakes.", "N"));
esen007 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("police", "ADJ"), new Word("officer", "N"), new Word("eats", "V"), new Word("donuts", "N"), new Word("often.", "ADV"));
esen008 = new Array(new Word("She", "PRO"), new Word("told", "V"), new Word("them", "PRO"), new Word("two", "ADJ"), new Word("jokes.", "N"));
esen009 = new Array(new Word("Bob", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("Jim", "N"), new Word("play", "V"), new Word("golf", "N"), new Word("together.", "ADV"));
esen010 = new Array(new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("eat", "V"), new Word("peanut", "ADJ"), new Word("butter", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("jelly", "N"), new Word("everyday.", "ADV"));
esen011 = new Array(new Word("Julia", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("Jules", "N"), new Word("are", "V"), new Word("brother", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("sister.", "N"));
esen012 = new Array(new Word("Rainy", "ADJ"), new Word("days", "N"), new Word("make", "V"), new Word("me", "PRO"), new Word("sad", "ADJ"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("depressed.", "ADJ"));
esen013 = new Array(new Word("Harry", "N"), new Word("has", "V"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("magic", "ADJ"), new Word("wand.", "N"));
esen014 = new Array(new Word("Stop,", "V"), new Word("look,", "V"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("listen", "V"), new Word("before", "PREP"), new Word("you", "PRO"), new Word("decide.", "V"));
esen015 = new Array(new Word("Greg", "PRO"), new Word("likes", "V"), new Word("pie.", "N"));
esen016 = new Array(new Word("We", "PRO"), new Word("climbed", "V"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("mountain", "N"), new Word("quickly", "ADV"));
esen017 = new Array(new Word("Everyone", "PRO"), new Word("loves", "V"), new Word("a", "ADJ"), new Word("compliment.", "N"));
esen018 = new Array(new Word("Easy", "N"), new Word("Mode", "N"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("not", "ADJ"), new Word("very", "ADV"), new Word("easy.", "ADJ"));
esen019 = new Array(new Word("Some", "ADJ"), new Word("dog", "N"), new Word("ate", "V"), new Word("Jim's", "ADJ"), new Word("homework.", "N"));
esen020 = new Array(new Word("Rocks", "N"), new Word("are", "V"), new Word("hard.", "ADJ"));
msen001 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("skinny", "ADJ"), new Word("brown", "ADJ"), new Word("squirrel", "N"), new Word("ran", "V"), new Word("over", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("broken", "ADJ"), new Word("fence.", "N"));
msen002 = new Array(new Word("Ben", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("Jill", "N"), new Word("went", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("moon", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("find", "V"), new Word("cheese.", "N"));
msen003 = new Array(new Word("Steven", "N"), new Word("often", "ADV"), new Word("sleeps", "V"), new Word("during", "PREP"), new Word("English", "ADJ"), new Word("class.", "N"));
msen004 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("blue", "ADJ"), new Word("dress", "N"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("prettier", "ADJ"), new Word("than", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("green", "ADJ"), new Word("dress.", "N"));
msen005 = new Array(new Word("At", "PREP"), new Word("noon,", "N"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("lunch", "ADJ"), new Word("bell", "N"), new Word("will", "ADV"), new Word("ring.", "V"));
msen006 = new Array(new Word("One", "ADJ"), new Word("slice", "N"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("pecan", "ADJ"), new Word("pie", "N"), new Word("fills", "V"), new Word("me", "PRO"), new Word("up.", "ADV"));
msen007 = new Array(new Word("George", "N"), new Word("Washington", "N"), new Word("was", "V"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("first", "ADJ"), new Word("president", "N"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("United", "N"), new Word("States.", "N"));
msen008 = new Array(new Word("Sally", "N"), new Word("loves", "V"), new Word("James", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("writes", "V"), new Word("love", "ADJ"), new Word("notes", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("him", "PRO"), new Word("often.", "ADV"));
msen009 = new Array(new Word("She", "PRO"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("her", "PRO"), new Word("friend", "N"), new Word("live", "V"), new Word("in", "PREP"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("cave", "N"), new Word("during", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("summer.", "N"));
msen010 = new Array(new Word("Sunshine", "N"), new Word("on", "PREP"), new Word("my", "PRO"), new Word("shoulders", "N"), new Word("makes", "V"), new Word("me", "PRO"), new Word("happy", "ADJ"), new Word("most", "ADV"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("time.", "N"));
msen011 = new Array(new Word("They", "PRO"), new Word("sat", "V"), new Word("under", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("tree", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("ate", "V"), new Word("strawberries.", "N"));
msen012 = new Array(new Word("Some", "PRO"), new Word("parents", "N"), new Word("work", "V"), new Word("more", "ADV"), new Word("than", "PREP"), new Word("two", "ADJ"), new Word("jobs.", "N"));
msen013 = new Array(new Word("There", "PRO"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("never", "ADV"), new Word("any", "ADJ"), new Word("food", "N"), new Word("in", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("house.", "N"));
msen014 = new Array(new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("do", "ADV"), new Word("not", "ADV"), new Word("like", "V"), new Word("green", "ADJ"), new Word("eggs", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("ham.", "N"));
msen015 = new Array(new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("really", "ADV"), new Word("want", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("play", "V"), new Word("Snowboard", "N"), new Word("Kids.", "N"));

Hopefully it's close to errorless. I want to put the game on Newgrounds tomorrow.


Of course I broke the character limit. Here are the hard sentences. ;[

hsen001 = new Array(new Word("This", "PRO"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("particularly", "ADV"), new Word("hard", "ADJ"), new Word("sentence", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("define", "V"), new Word("because", "CONJ"), new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("might", "ADV"), new Word("have", "V"), new Word("labeled", "V"), new Word("some", "ADJ"), new Word("words", "N"), new Word("incorrectly!", "ADV"));
hsen002 = new Array(new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("refuse", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("listen", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("them", "PRO"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("will", "V"), new Word("not", "ADV"), new Word("allow", "V"), new Word("them", "PRO"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("control", "V"), new Word("me.", "PRO"));
hsen003 = new Array(new Word("On", "PREP"), new Word("Wednesdays,", "N"), new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("walk", "V"), new Word("three", "ADJ"), new Word("miles", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("movie", "ADJ"), new Word("theater.", "N"));
hsen004 = new Array(new Word("You", "PRO"), new Word("won", "V"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("trip", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("Alaska", "N"), new Word("but", "CONJ"), new Word("have", "V"), new Word("only", "ADV"), new Word("three", "ADJ"), new Word("weeks", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("go!", "V"));
hsen005 = new Array(new Word("Sonia", "N"), new Word("or", "CONJ"), new Word("Karen", "N"), new Word("will", "V"), new Word("babysit", "V"), new Word("their", "PRO"), new Word("sister", "N"), new Word("after", "PREP"), new Word("school", "N"), new Word("today.", "ADV"));
hsen006 = new Array(new Word("Under", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("tall", "ADJ"), new Word("tree", "N"), new Word("on", "PREP"), new Word("our", "PRO"), new Word("front", "ADJ"), new Word("lawn,", "N"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("bird", "N"), new Word("found", "V"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("worm", "N"), new Word("in", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("ground", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("flew", "V"), new Word("with", "PREP"), new Word("it", "PRO"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("its", "PRO"), new Word("nest", "N"), new Word("above", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("bushes.", "N"));
hsen007 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("desert", "N"), new Word("was", "V"), new Word("so", "ADV"), new Word("hot", "ADJ"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("desolate,", "ADJ"), new Word("but", "CONJ"), new Word("we", "PRO"), new Word("had", "V"), new Word("plenty", "ADV"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("water", "N"), new Word("with", "PREP"), new Word("us", "PRO"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("survive.", "V"));
hsen008 = new Array(new Word("She", "PRO"), new Word("came", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("baseball", "ADJ"), new Word("game", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("cheered", "V"), new Word("for", "PREP"), new Word("our", "PRO"), new Word("team;", "N"), new Word("however,", "CONJ"), new Word("they", "PRO"), new Word("still", "ADV"), new Word("lost", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("our", "PRO"), new Word("rivals.", "N"));
hsen009 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("battleships", "N"), new Word("raced", "V"), new Word("over", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("sea", "N"), new Word("like", "PREP"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("school", "N"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("hunting", "ADJ"), new Word("sharks", "N"), new Word("in", "PREP"), new Word("search", "V"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("their", "PRO"), new Word("prey.", "N"));
hsen010 = new Array(new Word("Last", "ADJ"), new Word("night,", "N"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("moon", "N"), new Word("shined", "V"), new Word("brightly", "ADV"), new Word("over", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("homes", "N"), new Word("in", "PREP"), new Word("my", "PRO"), new Word("neighborhood.", "N"));
//Teachers are wrong all the time. That's why they don't have proper jobs.
hsen011 = new Array(new Word("Teachers", "N"), new Word("are", "V"), new Word("wrong", "ADJ"), new Word("all", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("time;", "N"), new Word("that", "PREP"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("why", "ADJ"), new Word("they", "PRO"), new Word("do", "V"), new Word("not", "ADV"), new Word("have", "V"), new Word("proper", "ADJ"), new Word("jobs.", "N"));
//why is a viola better than a violin? A viola burns longer.
hsen012 = new Array(new Word("Why", "ADV"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("viola", "N"), new Word("better", "ADJ"), new Word("than", "PREP"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("violin?", "N"), new Word("A", "ART"), new Word("viola", "N"), new Word("burns", "V"), new Word("longer.", "ADV"));


Submitted the game on Newgrounds today where it received a Daily 2nd Award with a 3.8 score (link). Oddly the Daily 1st currently scores a 3.79.

Interesting review responses:

Full of errors

From the intro: "Grammar Ninja" is all one noun. "Grammar" is NOT an adjective.

In "Last night, the moon shined brightly over the homes in my neighborhood," "shined" is when you shined your shoes or shined a flashlight. But after you shined them, the shoes _shone_, just like the moon _shone_. (You have the wrong verb form)

In "The battleships raced over the sea like a group of hunting sharks in search of their prey," "their" is NOT a pronoun; it is an adjective. There is no pronoun in the sentence.

In "She came to our baseball game and cheered for our team; however, they still lost to our rivals," you've misused the semicolon. A semicolon should only be used to separate two sentence clauses where the second clause is a clarification or elaboration of the first; the second clause should not be used to make a new or contrasting statement.

In "One slice of pecan pie fills me up," there is one adjective, not 2. Pecan is not an adjective (look it up). It is part of the noun "pecan pie" (look up "pecan pie").

You make the same mistake in "I eat peanut butter and jelly everyday"; "peanut" is not an adjective. It is part of the noun "peanut butter." Also, "everyday" is used as an adverb here but it is not an adverb; it is an adjective. You should use "every day" instead of "everyday."

In "Sonia or Karen will babysit their sister after school today," "today" is not an adverb. It is a noun that forms part of an adverbial clause.

I see are a few other errors as I'm replaying this, but you get the picture. I wouldn't ordinarily nitpick like this, but it is after all a grammar game.

Why can't I get feedback like this from the beginning? ;[ *pouts*


I saw this on Newgrounds front page today and gave it a shot. I played on Medium difficulty and got the Grammar Ninja rank with no errors in 2 minutes. W00t.

It was an interesting and enjoyable educational game. I haven't had to deal with differentiating between parts of speech in about 10 years but some of the answers didn't seem correct. I only clicked on some things because the game said I had some left. The strangest one to me was pecan pie, which I'm pretty sure is all noun instead of an adjective or whatever you had it labeled as but it looks like the Newgrounds reviewers have corrected all your mistakes.

You should make another one of these and get these bastards here at OCR to help fix your mistakes before it's released. I know most of them are math or band nerds but I'm sure some people here know their English. They could even be immortalized with a "Thank You" in the credits. Or you could just ask that Berder guy whose review you posted earlier since it seems he is extremely knowledgeable and enjoys breaking down sentences.

Bottom line is: This game actually made learning somewhat enjoyable and you should be proud of yourself for that.


It's been up there for a few days now. :rolleyes:

The reviews are starting to contradict each other concerning grammar errors. I can't seem to satisfy everyone. ;[

That said the numbers currently stand at


Ranked # 7,434 for Score

Ranked # 7,499 for Popularity

1,802 votes, 38,897 views

Daily 2nd Place 1/28/2007

Grammar Ninja is more popular than Star Blaster ever was. I'm quite baffled.

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