Moogle! Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 Crashes upon loading with a VB runtime error, due to PSF plugin. I don't know why. These are both clean installs. Machine is Windows 98SE. All updates. PII 450, 384MB, SB64 value. Says: Microsoft Visual Runtime Library This program has ased the RUntime to terminate in an unusual way. WINAMP caused an invalid page fault in module KERNEL32.DLL at 0177:bff7b9a6. Registers: EAX=00000000 CS=0177 EIP=bff7b9a6 EFLGS=00200246 EBX=00000000 SS=017f ESP=0075fbc0 EBP=0075fbe0 ECX=010b0040 DS=017f ESI=0047bfd4 FS=449f EDX=0075fc10 ES=017f EDI=0047bfb4 GS=0000 Bytes at CS:EIP: ff 76 04 e8 13 89 ff ff 5e c2 04 00 56 8b 74 24 Stack dump: 0047bfd4 0044fb43 0047bfd4 00000001 0047bfd4 0075fc40 0045feb8 ffffffff 0075fbec 0044fef1 0047bfb4 0075fc08 004094e9 00000014 0075fc10 0075fc04 Quote
Darius099 Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 Just got a new PC set up with Winamp 5.2 (which previously worked beautifully with Chipamp), but now Chipamp appears to do nothing after install. Does anyone have experience with this issue? Quote
Jaybell Posted December 18, 2007 Posted December 18, 2007 I was trying to play some music on Winamp, and all of a sudden I got a guru meditation error thing and Winamp closed. I couldn't do anything, so I tried uninstalling Chipamp and all of a sudden, Winamp was working again. When I reinstalled Chipamp, Winamp crapped out again. So what's the deal? Quote
OverCoat Posted December 18, 2007 Posted December 18, 2007 Don't run Winamp on your Amiga It's probably just one plugin causing the problem. Install one plugin at a time and see where it starts crashing. I remember it would give me shit for skipping .gym tracks. You should be playing .vgm anyway, not .gym, but whatever Quote
Skummel Maske Posted January 20, 2008 Posted January 20, 2008 I installed Chipamp last night, and now mp3 files don't show up as "supported file types" when I try to add files to my playlist from Winamp. Of course, they still show up if I choose "all file types" and I can still add them by simple drag&drop, but it annoys me slightly. Can this be Chipamp's fault? If yes, is it a known bug? Quote
Liontamer Posted January 20, 2008 Posted January 20, 2008 I installed Chipamp last night, and now mp3 files don't show up as "supported file types" when I try to add files to my playlist from Winamp. Of course, they still show up if I choose "all file types" and I can still add them by simple drag&drop, but it annoys me slightly. Can this be Chipamp's fault? If yes, is it a known bug? Nah, it's not Chipamp. Chipamp doesn't even interact with Winamp recognizing the MP3 extension, just chiptune formats. I did a clean install of Chipamp on another computer just last night and everything was cool, as usual. Quote
SmartOne Posted July 11, 2008 Posted July 11, 2008 What happened to updating Chipamp? A lot of the plugins are out-of-date, and Winamp just isn't the best program to use to play some of the formats, anyway. I have the same problem with the Open dialogue not recognizing any extensions. EXTREMELY ANNOYING. Quote
OverCoat Posted July 11, 2008 Posted July 11, 2008 There's a problem with winamp that concerns a maximum amount of associated file extensions, and I don't know if it's been fixed with newer versions of winamp or what, but it was a problem back when I used it [XMPlay user now. for the win]. You should disable or remove plugins you do not use, and that may fix your problem Quote
SmartOne Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 I follow the status of chiptune players pretty closely. The plugins offered by Chipamp are very outdated. Here are the current and most accurate video game music format plugins that should be included: 64th Note v1.2 beta 3 in_usf.dll NEZplug++ + 2 + 17.01 in_nez.dll snes_spc player 0.1 (sound core used in bsnes) in_spc.dll GME VGM PLUGIN (AamirM's Regen core injected into GME with some modifications) in_vgx.dll SSF "Decorder" 1.17 (Saturn Sound Format) in_aossfu.dll 2SF "Decorder" 0.14 (Nintendo DS Sound Format) in_vio2sfu.dll DSF 0.04 (Dreamcast Sound Format) in_aodsfu.dll vgmstream r475 (replaces in_cube.dll) in_vgmstream.dll Toss GEZamp. VGM more than replaces GYM. SNESamp has nice features but is inaccurate. So is NotSo Fatso. So is Maxim's VGM input plugin 0.35. Stand-alone players of note: Hoot (Sharp X68000, NEC PC-8801, NEC PC-98x1, etc.) M1 (arcade systems) append "" to URL after you visit the link Frontend: Quote
Bleck Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 I don't know, the chiptunes sound pretty fine to me. Quote
SmartOne Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 You must not care about perfection. Maybe there could be a "perfect" version of Chipamp and then everything else. Quote
Bleck Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 I don't know, the chiptunes sound pretty fine to me. Quote
Moguta Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 Thanks for letting everyone know of the newest emulated game music plugins. I'll have to check them out. However, while SNESAmp may be a little inaccurate, I noticed that the SPC plugin you mention provides absolutely NO features or configuration. It never advances to the next song, even if the SPC is only a few seconds of audio. It's just too much of a break from the expected media player experience. Quote
djpretzel Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 Thanks for letting everyone know of the newest emulated game music plugins. I'll have to check them out.However, while SNESAmp may be a little inaccurate, I noticed that the SPC plugin you mention provides absolutely NO features or configuration. It never advances to the next song, even if the SPC is only a few seconds of audio. It's just too much of a break from the expected media player experience. Agreed. Also agreed that it needs an update... working on it. Gonna stick with SNESAmp for the reason above plus RSN support... as far as VGM support, I'd like to see more documentation... the file linked is hosted on a site that doesn't seem to refer to it directly. Accuracy is a concern, but it's not the only concern... Quote
SmartOne Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 I know, mudlord threw that plugin together at the request of others and me. It's the most accurate SNES sound emulator available because it uses the sound core of bsnes which uses blargg's SNES audio emulator. He provided the source in case someone would like to add features: "PS: The code is messy. Like the sample buffer code. Be warned." Quote
SmartOne Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 About the VGM plugin: Aside from the technical details, it's really the best. Have a listen. Information on Regen and the plugin: Quote
Moguta Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 I have to thank you though, SmartOne. Even though I didn't end up using that SPC plugin, it prompted me to do a for-the-heck-of-it search for a newer version of SNESAmp... and lo & behold, there was a new release this year! Also, with NEZplug++ I can't find a way to change the master volume. And it really matters, because as it is, all my NES chiptunes play much quieter than the rest of my music. NSFplug has that ability and is based on NEZplug core code, but for some reason the latest version seems to crash my WinAmp (I'm running an older NSFplug). Quote
1337 1 Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 I'll take this opportunity to also note that some of the plugins are actually quite bad for some systems; I had to uninstall chipamp on both my desktop (XP) and my laptop (Vista *shudders*) as it was messing something up. Wasn't as bad on XP; mainly a few minor errors that came up, but on Vista, the errors rendered, as far as I know, a few of my Steam games buggy as hell (TF2 crashed randomly, for example; after uninstalling chipamp, worked fine ). I know none of the errors are actually OCR's fault, but I just thought it was worth noting, as I really missed listening to my chiptunes. There are some damn good ones that I used to have I only ever seemed to use the NES, SNES, GBA and Playstation chiptunes, if that helps at all. Then again, I haven't heard of anyone else having problems, so it might just be me...though over two systems the same problems makes that seem less likely Quote
Moguta Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 I'll take this opportunity to also note that some of the plugins are actually quite bad for some systems; I had to uninstall chipamp on both my desktop (XP) and my laptop (Vista *shudders*) as it was messing something up. Wasn't as bad on XP; mainly a few minor errors that came up, but on Vista, the errors rendered, as far as I know, a few of my Steam games buggy as hell (TF2 crashed randomly, for example; after uninstalling chipamp, worked fine ). I know none of the errors are actually OCR's fault, but I just thought it was worth noting, as I really missed listening to my chiptunes. There are some damn good ones that I used to have I only ever seemed to use the NES, SNES, GBA and Playstation chiptunes, if that helps at all. Then again, I haven't heard of anyone else having problems, so it might just be me...though over two systems the same problems makes that seem less likely The ONLY thing that Chipamp would possibly mess up is WinAmp (or cause WinAmp to crash the OS). ALL it does is install plugin files into the \Program Files\Winamp\Plugins directory on your computer. If other programs were experiencing bugs after installation, it's likely a mere coincidence. Though it's an easy mistake. Believe me, all sorts of things get credited with causing or resolving errors when the bugs in question are intermittent. Quote
Bleck Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 Also, make sure to only use the installer from the actual site. It may seem unlikely, but the further away from home an installer is downloaded form, the more chance it's been tampered with. Quote
SmartOne Posted November 23, 2008 Posted November 23, 2008 Moguta, I'm always glad to point people in the direction of the highest quality video game music reproduction. SNESamp uses a "hack" that hooks Winamp to enable it to decompress RSN RARs automatically. Any Winamp unRAR plugin should allow you to play RSN files with in_spc.dll. (For example, you could use XMPlay and xmp-rar.dll.) Now that the VGM plugin no longer registers with SPC files, I think I'll migrate in_spc.dll over to Winamp. (Previously I was getting plugin conflicts.) Scratch that. Now I'm trying to convert myself to XMPlay. It's amazing. Quote
Dafydd Posted November 26, 2008 Posted November 26, 2008 I'd really like it if there was an accurate gbs plugin that let you mute individual channels. nezplug++ doesn't do this, unfortunately. If the guy who made it had his website in english I'd write him myself and ask for it, but I can't find a way to contact him browsing through the menus. If anyone here knows enough Japanese to find an e-mail address, and maybe even send him this request (though considering how much programming he seems to know he should have some knowledge of English), I'd very much appreciate it. Quote
WarpstarRider Posted November 27, 2008 Posted November 27, 2008 I'd really like it if there was an accurate gbs plugin that let you mute individual channels. nezplug++ doesn't do this, unfortunately. If the guy who made it had his website in english I'd write him myself and ask for it, but I can't find a way to contact him browsing through the menus. If anyone here knows enough Japanese to find an e-mail address, and maybe even send him this request (though considering how much programming he seems to know he should have some knowledge of English), I'd very much appreciate it. Actually, NEZplug++ can do this. Open up the "File Info" window while the GBS is playing and click the "Channel Mask" button. The row of buttons labeled "DMG" controls the GBS channels. Quote
Dafydd Posted January 10, 2009 Posted January 10, 2009 I forgot to thank you for telling me this. So thanks! After installing ChipAmp now though on 5.541, it wouldn't play back any gbs files... so I got NEZplug++, unzipped it in the winamp plugins folder and overwrote the existing files. Now it still won't play back GBS and NEZplug isn't even in the plugins list. EDIT: This seems to be related to the msvcr71.dll error I've been having. I fixed that and now the gbs files play, and NEZplug is back on the list. Quote
SmartOne Posted January 30, 2009 Posted January 30, 2009 Screw Winamp. We need "ChipPlay." XMPlay is by far the best music player available. Quote
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