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Hopefully, people won't ignore my last post, and instead ignore the fact that this is a double-post.

I decided if I'm going to put the whole "my-idea-first" schtick behind me, I'm going to overcompensate by helping out like nobody's fucking business.


Not the best, but all you have so far, right? I left room for a name, which we don't have yet. I figure something simple and obvious like "OCR Gaming League" should cover it, but thats not up to me (grr...). I knew I said I wanted to see Mario Kart in the future, and Street Fighter should be on everyone's lists, too. Of course, you could just replace Ryu with someone/something else easy. Up to everyone what to do. Nice, yes?


Are we going to use SNES exclusively? I have some Genesis and NES games that I'd love to get played later on, as wall as there are plenty others I'm sure that you guys would like to play.


I played a little on ZSNES last night on my PC Gamepad. If worse comes to worse and I end up having to play with that pad, I won't be much of a threat to the better players. I mean, I can still pull off 5 and 6 chains but it's with much difficulty as I just can't control the cursor and flip as quickly as I normally can. This is opposed to when I use the SNES pad, I can usually do 10 chains with the same amount of effort.

All in all, I might just pick up a PS2 to USB converter as I probably don't have the time to wait for the shipping on an SNES converter. I'll probably be on IRC later tonight to try some pick up games if anyone wants to join. I still need to figure out Hamichi though.... Does anyone have a quick tutorial handy?

How's "OCR Emulation League" sound?

The mods would put the kbosh on that immediately, since they don't want the image that they condone illegal emulators. I think OCR Gaming League would be a better bet than that.

Still thinking of an idea...

The mods would put the kbosh on that immediately, since they don't want the image that they condone illegal emulators. I think OCR Gaming League would be a better bet than that.

Still thinking of an idea...

You're forgetting that this site was originally founded as a subdomain of an emulation site. I don't think there'd be any problems so long as you refrain from linking to illegal rom websites in the threads and crud.


I've been talking on the IRC channel about tournament format and some rules and other things which I'm not going to apologize for because I'm knowledgable on these sorts of things. I'd just like to see a show of support or disdain for the following:

1) NON-POOL SCHEDULE (recommended)

First 2 weeks: All players are assigned four opponents to play. Some scoring system is assigned.

Last 2 weeks: The top 35% (rounded-up) of first-round finishers are assigned to a championship bracket (seeded with byes). Everyone else goes to a consolation bracket (seeded with byes).

Estimated maximum number of matches: 6-7


First 2 weeks: Each player is drawn into some number of pools (probably 4).

Second 2 weeks: Each pool's top two finishers play in an eight-team bracket.

*NOTE* I don't like this one - it's not particularly complete or even.

Estimated maximum number of matches: 6-8


First 10 days: Each player is drawn into some number of pools (4, 5, or 6)

Second 10 days: Each pools top two finishers play in one of two pools.

Final 8 days: Each second-round pool's top two finishers play semi-finals and finals.

Estimated maximum number of matches: 8-10

So these would be significantly more matches than a simple single elimination bracket. I particularly like the non-pool option (1) because everyone plays the same number of first round games and the bracket is skewed in favor of higher finishers. And there are fewer matches.

I don't think most people can fit in 8 to 10 games in a month without just brooding at their computers. Even 2 a week might be a little tough for some people (shouldn't be though). But I'd really like to throw my weight behind idea (1).


Dudes, I'm sick as hell right now, and also I think my controller broke earlier. Hopefully I'll be sane enough to continute orchestrating this stuff, and I can remap my control if necessary. Also, kamoh, looks good. I can't comprehend that at this hour and in this state of mind, but know that I looked at it, blinked a few times, and wrote this post! I'll consider it when I feel better, hopefully tomorrow, as you seem to know what you're talking about.


I like the first version as well. It's the way that most tournaments I've been in before do it, so I like it that way.

I just wanna emphasize that it isn't pool play - it's hard to explain it without pen, paper, and a presentation.

What I do is make a big circle, and put "x" points on the circle (where x is the number of players).

Each player is assigned to a point on the circle (at random)

Each player is assigned matches against the two next players both clockwise and counter-clockwise away from them in the circle.

If a player wishes to leave, their opponents are given replacement matches easily just by removing the leaving player from the circle.

There's other stuff :P


Sorry for the delays, everyone's added to date. (If I missed someone, let me know.) Bump, and kamoh, the ideas sound good, maybe I'll just put you in charge of organizing brackets or whatever, if you want.

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