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Fan Art Competition 8: Pokémon [Results]

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An entry is me!


"Survival of the Fittest" - two wild pokemon duke it out for territory.

Done with a mechanical pencil and colored in Paint Shop Pro 8.

Also, I seem to have forgotten the names of both of these pokemon (I've never played any of the games). Can someone help me out?




Assume that Pokemon develop slowly in "real life". The stage in between a Charmeleon and Charizard would include the horn splitting in two, the wings developing, and growth in size (Yes, I'm a freak.). Maybe this would be that in-between stage? Kabutops are living fossils, and extremely rare, so I doubt one would be battling a Charzameleon (?) naturally in the wild. Still, Freakin' AWESOME... *Ahem*

Now, I said I'd be making badges, but here's something I've been working on as well:


It's the pokecenter/mart before the elite 4 in fl/lg. I think I plan on doing the whole game like this. Ignore the stripes and message, I'm running the trial at home. When I get it done, I'll render this at school and re-post it. And about those badges... well, they're in the works...

first off rockin grammar :]


Its cause its not on the front page. Id gets not enough exposer

Dang... I just read my post, and I sound like a 7 year old.

Consider this: It's very likely none of the previous FAC contests got this much attention so far before the deadline.

you obviously don't remember the Zelda one


PMd ya my entry Atma.

Little depressed that the amount of work i have this semester wouldnt let me take a break do to an animation for this FAC but hopefully Ill get a chance next month with Spring Break

*edit* O yea my roomate's gonna submit her entry too. I just gotta get her to sign up...

ed;235096']Turns out I dont have the time to cut those badges out' date=' but I still have the 3D models, if thats anything. And that Pokecenter.

...Not sure if they're "art"... whatever. I'll post them when I'm done. Soon.[/quote']

that counts yup yup yup

Maybe we should just make a thread in Gendisc protmoting those to come here...

i have let it be known that i really dont like this subforum in the past

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