Liontamer Posted January 19, 2007 Posted January 19, 2007 Good groove, but does it lock together? - LT Title: Inverting the Tower Temple Game: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Composer: Koji Kondo, Toru Minegishi (according to and System: Nintendo 64 Year: 2000 Track: Stone Tower Temple (Reality) Original: (miniusf) Track 244 Original: (midi) ReMixer Name: GSlicer Email Address: Forum ID: 6482
The Orichalcon Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 GSlicer passed this by me a couple of times before submitting. I told him the issues I had with his beats and he addressed them from what I can see. While he does use the same pattern recurring right through the mix, he's done the breakbeats necessary to give it a proper structure. He's turned the source into a rather dark and menacing sounding atmosphere. It sounds like it could be overbearing to start with, but it's right on the line and actually ends up coming across as quite clear and pronounced to me. The arrangement is fairly simple and does repeat, but I think it's structured well enough that it's not a problem. What I would like to have heard was a shift in the style at one point through the mix. It's only 3:25 long, so there was room for another minute or so, which could have opted for a nice quiet section in the middle to build up that brooding atmosphere with the melody, allowing the beats to come back in a little thicker at the end and really build up the context of how powerful they are. While it's not everything it could be. I think it's good enough to pass. YES
Liontamer Posted February 12, 2007 Author Posted February 12, 2007 - 244 "Stone Tower Temple (Illusion)" Like I alluded to in my off-the-cuff comment in the sub letter, the groove was aight, but the countermelodic writing that's part of it didn't seem to mesh with the arranged melody well. The beats from 1:54-2:01 were pretty flimsy, but brief; not a huge deal. Something about the production was really murky and rough and undermined the tracks dynamics. Perhaps overcompression, I wouldn't know for sure. Everything sounded lossy AND seemed too sizzly/trebly with those "tss" sounds. TO thought things were fine overall for the genre, but to me the issues added up to "no good". At 2:33, you rehashed 1:30's section verbatim rather than developing something new or different. Not a big deal given the overall variation of the arrangement, but some tweaks to make 2:33 feel different somehow could have helped. With the dynamics lacking though, repeating a section wholesale made the groove feel like it was dragging on. The arrangement itself was decent, but arguably didn't seem to have much direction. Tightening up the writing of your groove will help remedy that. Refine the groove and overhaul the production, and this would at least be in better shape. NO (rework/resubmit)
zykO Posted February 22, 2007 Posted February 22, 2007 i'm fairly familiar with this track as it is actually my first official videogame remix waaaaay back in the original vgmix... before luigi's mansion even. funny enough, i had the same idea as i sent it through a vicious trance beat just like this except with a horribly recorded and EQed guitar blazing above it. this is MUCH more like what i wanted to do with it. i really really like this. i am a sucker for zelda music but i am also particularly more critical of it than i am of any other game's music. this is a good interpretation of the theme and stays fresh despite the beat being recycled the whole way through. yes, we've heard the argument a million times: it is the genre. but really, it is and there is nothin wrong wit it. i agree with TO on a need for a break. that would instantly give the piece much more credibility. it is fine the way it is but adding a moment for introspection would have a similar effect to the one that Disco Dan's Green Amnesia has; ethereal and driven at the same time. all in all, i really like it. YES
Jillian Aversa Posted February 23, 2007 Posted February 23, 2007 This is solid. Nice groove, decent production, and plenty of variation to keep things interesting. I'll agree with Larry that some of the countermelody seemed a little off, in the section from 2:01-2:32, but there weren't any actual sour notes... just... strange voice leading. I'd rather not read into things too deep with this one, though. It's enjoyable as is, and exhibits some great effort all around. YES
Vig Posted March 1, 2007 Posted March 1, 2007 Dont have any issues with the production like larry: my problem is that the track seems to be a series of minimally related 2-bar phrases copied and pasted until you're sick of 'em. Really. Check it out. Skip to any point in the song. You'll hear a 2-bar phrase. then you'll hear it again. many times. then it will change to another 2 bar idea. It's just too choppy, repetitive and directionless. NO
zircon Posted March 2, 2007 Posted March 2, 2007 I agree with Larry & Vig. The production is at least at our level, and the execution is good... it's just extremely repetitive. The whole mix centers around a simple riff/chord progression with minor variations on it. I think there needs to be more "stuff" here - a B section at least! Change up the chords more substantially, add more original parts, maybe keep the bassline static for a bit, quote other themes from the game, anything to break up the repetition. You did vary the minimal source material admirably, but that doesn't necessarily mean the mix overall is musically interesting or stands on its own well. Work more on the arrangement here and resub. That's the only weak area. NO
JJT Posted March 5, 2007 Posted March 5, 2007 I was on the fence with this one for awhile, because it sounds fine. However, I find myself in the larry/zirc/vig camp. This is the basic shape of the arrangement (minus an 8 second break at 1:45): The only time there's any sense of movement, where I feel like the song is going anywhere is at the beginning during the build. From that point on it just feels like it was arranged from a "well, this section is done, what should I put next?" kind of mindset. This mix needs something else, perhaps a B section or at least a bridge. The overal problem I have, though, is that I think the mixer needs to pay more attention to the 'big picture.' You definetly take the listener to a specific place at :28, but by the end of the mix we're still at pretty much the same location, and have done little more than the sonic equivelant of spinnin' a few donuts in the parking lot. NO
big giant circles Posted March 6, 2007 Posted March 6, 2007 The production is at least at our level, and the execution is good... it's just extremely repetitive. The whole mix centers around a simple riff/chord progression with minor variations on it. I think there needs to be more "stuff" here - a B section at least! Change up the chords more substantially, add more original parts, maybe keep the bassline static for a bit, quote other themes from the game, [etc] While it's not everything it could be. I think it's good enough to pass. I'm going with the borderline YES on this one. If he simply added such a section as zircon mentioned, even for something as short as 20 seconds or so, my borderline YES would be a resounding YES. I like the track. I've got no groove-bias. And despite the "repetition issues", the track isn't completely overstaying it's welcome by going on and on for 5, 6, or 7 minutes. He's cut it short enough to make it enjoyable, and not a nuisance.
Malcos Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 I think this can pass. While it is repetitive to some extent, there is enough variation built in to the mix for it to be interesting. Production and arrangement levels are above bar, however in terms of arrangement I agree with other judges that this needed some kind of breakdown or bridge section to add further interest. I will pass this, but it is borderline. YES
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