DJ Skratch 'n' Sniff Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 Why's it called the Elite if there isn't any new hardware? Ooooh, it's black and has HDMI! How fucking exciting. Quote
UnforgivingEdges Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 Why's it called the Elite if there isn't any new hardware? Ooooh' date=' it's black and has HDMI! How fucking exciting.[/quote']HDMI, bigger HDD, slight internal component revision. 65nm chips rumored to come this fall/winter (though it could be as late as Q1 08 that the new models appear). Quote
Bigfoot Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 Yeah, i'm pretty much waiting for the new models. Quote
DJ Skratch 'n' Sniff Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 HDMI, bigger HDD, slight internal component revision. 65nm chips rumored to come this fall/winter (though it could be as late as Q1 08 that the new models appear). That justifies an $80 price hike? And I don't stock much faith in rumors. Quote
Effef Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 No they don't. People thought the Elites would have the new chip, but they don't. The new chip is not out yet. Thats lame. I'm not getting one until they switch to 65nm. The current models are just waay too hot. Quote
Bigfoot Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 Wow, some people have terrible luck. Some guy is on his 12th Xbox 360. Some people find it hard to believe that so many can go bad, but we get 360's exchanged all of the time here at work. Quote
Hector Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 I have a friend whose still on his first. And as to twelfths, I've had some bad luck but I'm doubtful a person can get that much bad luck unless they defile churches for a hobby or have there house built on a foundation of lodestone. Quote
Bigfoot Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 I have a friend whose still on his first.And as to twelfths, I've had some bad luck but I'm doubtful a person can get that much bad luck unless they defile churches for a hobby or have there house built on a foundation of lodestone. Well, check the link. He has audio with a customer rep for proof. Quote
UnforgivingEdges Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 This week on the XBLA (content goes up in 3 hours): Carcassonne -Features 5 player online play, 4 player offline play -Includes River II expansion -XBL Vision support New Lumines Live! skins/songs -2 new packs: 4 new songs (inlcuding a Heavenly Star remix), 20 new skins Quote
Bahamut Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 So, is the new trend that consoles that do well have shitty failure rates? Quote
DJ Skratch 'n' Sniff Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 I'm beginning to think that every time Microsoft refurbishes a 360 they count it as a sale. As a side note, I would just like to point out that my 21 year old NES still works as well as it did the day I got it (which is about 30% of the time) but still, at least it works. Quote
UnforgivingEdges Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 I'm beginning to think that every time Microsoft refurbishes a 360 they count it as a sale.As a side note' date=' I would just like to point out that my 21 year old NES still works as well as it did the day I got it (which is about 30% of the time) but still, at least it works.[/quote'] It's also a much less complex piece of machinery with far fewer moving parts. Not really a fair comparison. Quote
DJ Skratch 'n' Sniff Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 It's also a much less complex piece of machinery with far fewer moving parts. Not really a fair comparison. Wow, way to totally judge the NES out of its time. Are you forgetting that it was a "complex piece of machinery" when it came it? My point is: it fucking works after all this time and it doesn't cost $300-475. Quote
UnforgivingEdges Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 Wow' date=' way to totally judge the NES out of its time. Are you forgetting that it [i']was a "complex piece of machinery" when it came it? My point is: it fucking works after all this time and it doesn't cost $300-475. That point is rather irrelevant. How advanced it was for it's time has nothing to do with how mechanically complex it was and is compared to the Xbox 360. The 360 has a an HD-DVD drive complete with a motor and moving laser diode to read a spinning piece of media. The NES read data through brass connectors off of a stationary disc. That's just one example. You know, you do a fair amount of bitching and moaning about the 360. If you don't like the price and other factors, why did you even buy one? Quote
DJ Skratch 'n' Sniff Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 That point is rather irrelevant. How advanced it was for it's time has nothing to do with how mechanically complex it was and is compared to the Xbox 360. The 360 has a an HD-DVD drive complete with a motor and moving laser diode to read a spinning piece of media. The NES read data through brass connectors off of a stationary disc. That's just one example.You know, you do a fair amount of bitching and moaning about the 360. If you don't like the price and other factors, why did you even buy one? Whoa, calm down there buddy. I'm not trying to pick a fight here or anything. I play the 360 for the games; which is what a console should be able to do. If it can't do that, then that's fucking retarded. I don't care about the price either (I own a PS3 afterall; which I should add, works perfectly). I'm just saying that I don't want to spend that sort of money on something that hardly last 4 months. I only played 5 games on it. Just kinda' frustrated, you know? Quote
WesPip Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 ...Hm. So apparently the 360 Elites are kinda tough to find lately. Funny, considering how long the 360 has been out, and the fact that Ps3s are lining shelves everywhere now. Quote
Bigfoot Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 I think they should have held off with the Elite. I haven't seen one since we first got them in on release. They should have waited and included the new processor coming up to really make it earn the title "elite" compared to the previous model. I'd like to have an Elite, because i'd like to take advantage of HDMI(which my TV has 3 ports of) instead of the mess of a component cable Quote
WesPip Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 I think they should have held off with the Elite. I haven't seen one since we first got them in on release. They should have waited and included the new processor coming up to really make it earn the title "elite" compared to the previous model. I'd like to have an Elite, because i'd like to take advantage of HDMI(which my TV has 3 ports of) instead of the mess of a component cable Yeah, that's the main reason I'm after an Elite instead of just a "Premium" or "Pro" or whatever they're called. HDMI secks. Quote
DJ Skratch 'n' Sniff Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 That's one reason I want the Elite as well; I'm sick of unplugging my cable box or my Wii. My PS3 is the only thing taking advantage of HDMI right now. Also: the Elite, to the best of my knowledge, was never intended to be a major release (like the DS Lite, for example). It's more of a "hey check out this nifty thing I got that you don't have" sort of thing. Hence the name. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 I've gotta wonder what kind of hours the people that have failing 360s put into them at once. If you're doing more than 6 hour runs, well I can definitely see how it might go boom, of course that's hardly an excuse for something that shouldn't be so faulty, but it just makes me wonder... I have a first-gen PS2 that's still going strong, and I don't play for more than 2-3 hours at a time if that much at all. What about cooling solutions? Are there any that are reliable? I've been hearing some nasty things about a few of them, specifically the Nyko ones that mount on the back of the system and "melt" on to it, thus ruining it possibly. What about word of the Premium system eventually getting the 120 gig HD and HDMI port like the Elite in the near future? Reason I ask is because I'm hoping to buy a 360 within the month, but I still have a few lingering doubts. Quote
UnforgivingEdges Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 What about cooling solutions? Are there any that are reliable? I've been hearing some nasty things about a few of them, specifically the Nyko ones that mount on the back of the system and "melt" on to it, thus ruining it possibly. Yeah, don't use those. If you're really worried about cooling the system adequetly (which I admit is reasonable; the fan inside isn't quite powerful enough, IMO), try any combination of the following: -Place your 360 out in the open on top of a table or entertainment center to allow maximum airflow into the vents. -You could also place one of the intake vents near an open window -You could also point an ordinary house fan into the intake vent I have a sneaking suspicion that the reason for the failures is a large amount of heating and colling cycles on the chip and motherboard. If you can minimize rapidly cooling the system after use (i.e., leave it on the dashboard for a few minutes before you turn it off), then you should be fine. Basically the main thing to remember is not to subject the internal components to drastic changes in temperature. What about word of the Premium system eventually getting the 120 gig HD and HDMI port like the Elite in the near future? Probably not. But you never know. Reason I ask is because I'm hoping to buy a 360 within the month, but I still have a few lingering doubts. And well you should. My recommendation to you is to wait until either Microsoft anounces some sort of fix, or until the new chips are out if you're really worried. You should have a better idea of what's up after E3 in a couple weeks. Otherwise, if you go through with buying one, make sure you get an extended warranty from the store you purchase the system from. For what it's worth, my 360 is 7 months old (and was in fact manufactured in June of 2006) and has worked nearly flawlessly. Quote
DJ Skratch 'n' Sniff Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 I don't think extended console playing is what is causing the hardware failure; I'd only put in about 40 hours of game play in 4 months. Not only that, how about all the hours people put in to Halo live? I blame it on the simple fact that Microsoft was trying to get a jump on the console wars by releasing their product a whole year before anyone else. A bit too premature? Not enough testing, mayhap? Quote
Bigfoot Posted July 5, 2007 Posted July 5, 2007 Turok is looking pretty damn amazing. Executions Gameplay: Normal - HD Quality - Ranged Massacre Gameplay: Normal - HD Quality - Also, if you were worried about purchasing an Xbox360, then worry no more. Microsoft is extended the warranty to 3 years for the Red Ring of Death. Covers both repair and shipping costs, and anyone who has recently paid for repair costs will be reimbursed. Quote
Hum4n After All Posted July 5, 2007 Posted July 5, 2007 0_0 Talk about super saiyan Crocodile Hunter on the executions trailer. Quote
Bahamut Posted July 5, 2007 Posted July 5, 2007 All 360s now have a 3 year warranty, applies retroactively! Quote
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