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So I'm making a CD of ReMixes for art class...


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Not just for me. My art instructor usually plays music while we draw (for 8 hours -_-) and she said if we bring in some music, she'll play it (as long as it's not obnoxious). I'm making a CD of ReMixes to bring in, and I need some help, because I'll be damned if I'm THAT familiar with ALL the fricken remixes in this community.

I'm gonna throw some other stuff in there, but I'm trying to go with stuff that I can ALMOST pass of as NOT a game remix, and I'm trying to stick to the genre of the stuff we usually listen to, which can very at times but is usually pretty straight forward. Some of the stuff we've listened to is:

Tool, Massive Attack, Imogen Heap, some Fight Club soundtrack etc, etc.

THOUGH we have on occassion listened to: Michael Jackson (Greatest Hits), Queen (Greatest Hits), the Doors (Greatest Hits), we've listen to some underground hip-hop and other things, but this kind of thing isn't TOO common. That's why I'm trying to appeal to what my class NORMALLY listens to.

And while I'm trying to make it more appealing to people who don't usually listen to this kind of thing, I'm ALSO trying to not be TOO OBSCURE with the game choice so that people who DO know the songs WILL recognize them and so I have a better chance of someone actually recognizing them.

What I have so far is:

Pretty dead-on tracks:

-Marble Heart (by akumajobelmonte on RTS and VGMix)

-Love Hurts

-Green Amnesia

-FFX: How Much Longer (by pothocket)


"Pushing It" tracks:

-Enchant Esper

-Terra in Black

-Trial in Concert

-Subterranean Opus

-Calamitous Judgement

-Arab Painting

-600AD in Piano

"Tool cool to pass up" tracks:

-Linear Groove


-Eon & DJ Siamey - Toxic Caves

-Triforce Majeure

Footnote: With all these new forums and rules, I'm not quite sure where this thread should go, so I'm goin' with my gut on this one. Mods feel free to do with it what you wish.

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My suggestions:

Pachelbel's Ganon

Rhodes to the Past

Midnight Altitude

Sahasralah's Homecoming


Aquescent Symphony (this is a definite maybe)

also if you find anything on my page to your liking, then you can use it (i'm submitting Sorrows after I see a decision for Passion which in the queue right now and has been).

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I would draw to:

McVaffe - Cammy's London Drizzle (Super Street Fighter 2)

McVaffe - Indian Ragga (Yoshi's Island)

TheWingless - Aphrodite Oceanus (Secret of Mana)

AmIEvil - River of Time (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)

Tepid - A Rose for Zelda (Zelda: Link to the Past)

Indian Ragga might have too much of a beat... but I think everything else is pretty good. But I think that DarkeSword's Blue Skies over Guardia would make me feel like I'm on a path of making something great...


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