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Super Mario 64: Portrait of a Plumber - History


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I'll fight any challengers to the death for Metallic Mario, I have this idea in my head that'd make it a bitchin house track.

In case you haven't heard my stuff, contact me on aim and I'll hook you up.

My AIM is Fishy1618@aol.com.

Alternatively you could send it to Fishy1618@gmail.com, eithers good with me.

Also, the-almighty-tallest has already shown interest in that track. Assuming we like your stuff when we hear it, you'd have to ask him really. I don't really want the same track done twice on this.

I'd like to join, tell me what I need to do...

Show us some recent examples of your best remixes and we'll decide if you can join then. I remember seeing you name in the WIPs forum, I'll check something out in a bit.

EDIT: I had a look at ocean's turntables in the WIPs section, and it was pretty good, but this isn't really my genre so I can't say for sure, I'll have a word with POCKETMAN.

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I'll fight any challengers to the death for Metallic Mario, I have this idea in my head that'd make it a bitchin house track.

In case you haven't heard my stuff, contact me on aim and I'll hook you up.

I was gonna do that one.... BUT I'll let you have it instead. I don't really have that many ideas for it yet.

Just don't disappoint.

I'm currently checking out the Soundtrack to see what else I could do.

EDIT - We need to get a guitarist for Main Theme. Well, we don't need to, but It would be awesome if we did. And Ive now came to realize that Bomb-On Battlefield and Main theme are the same song.

2nd EDIT - I'd be interested in either Slider or ending... Maybe even both. But if somebody wants to take one, thats cool, I'll take the other.

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Show us some recent examples of your best remixes and we'll decide if you can join then. I remember seeing you name in the WIPs forum, I'll check something out in a bit.

EDIT: I had a look at ocean's turntables in the WIPs section, and it was pretty good, but this isn't really my genre so I can't say for sure, I'll have a word with POCKETMAN.

http://www.e-concerto.net/journey.mp3 <--this one's currently on the judging panel (Skies of Arcadia - "The Journey of the Delphinus"), Ocean's Turntables is the beginning of a remix, not even close to being done...
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