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PRC89: How many barrel rolls have YOU done today? [Results]

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The People's Remix Competition 89


Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition!

Heathens! PRC starts early! Actually, I'm going to be hanging around Manchester for this afternoon, and odds are I might not return until the early hours of the morning. Either way, let's get to business.

PRC88 had a very quantitive turnout thanks to the use of some Lunar coverage. And in spite of the tight vote, you guys wanted me to pick another source tune. I've had so many thoughts in mind, yet in the end, it all came down to this. We need more kemonobitos flying spaceships, right?


I didn't actually start actively playing Nintendo 64 videogames until last summer, when I went through a fair selection of titles and came to see how they shaped up. Yet it's this title that stuck out to me like a sore thumb - it may be simple to the point that much of the game is flying from point A to point B but the diversity in the way you get there thanks to the branching paths made it all worthwhile.

I also really like the music score in spite of djpretzel openly criticising the sound chip (see his description for V to the X Power) - technology aside, I thoguht much of it was well written and emphasised well enough for the respective areas that we're in. It may have been a radical departure from the original title's rock/orchestra blends but I still thought it worked.

I chose this song because it was shown to be one of the more easily identifiable tracks in the score as well as what can be seen to be a more frequent reoccurance than most themes emphasized in the series to date. It also has that kind of Spanish combat feel to it, which seems good enough for me. I'm sure there's plenty of room for interpretation, so I hope to see some good stuff come out of this ;)

Star Fox 64 - Star Wolf Battle Theme

MIDI | MP3 | USF (library)

I hope this goes down well, and I hope I come out of Manchester alive and well. But enough thoughts about the day ahead...


Fine Print:

PRC instructions

  1. If you happen to be mixing this song already, start over in the interests of fairness.
  2. There is no limit on entry format or file size, but length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed.
  3. Entries must be posted in this thread by NEXT SATURDAY, March 10th at 4:59am Eastern US Time. Alternatively, you can also email your submissions over to submission@doulifee.com, though it would also help if you put forward a reminder in the thread.
  4. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix.
  5. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted.
  6. The winner of the previous contest may not enter an eligible mix, but his/her vote will count double.
  7. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score.

Doulifée's PRC Archives! If you need help with hosting your mix, contact myself or Doulifée, and we'll help you out.

Ugh... Not liking this. It certainly is okay music, but I'm not feeling anything that could be rearranged or a creative spark. I'm probably a no show for this one.

I'm hearing that...sorry.


The mixing stage is over. The voting stage is here! To vote, you send me a PM and in that PM you place the three mixes from first to third. Contestants don't need to place their own songs as they will automatically get a first place vote. The vote of the winner of PRC88 (me) counts twice. Your deadline is Tuesday, March 13th at 4:59AM EST. The winner gets to choose the source material for PRC90!

PRC Archive


munchi - Dancing with Wolves

Villainelle - Sirius Business

Xela - Star Fox vs Andross


Sir Nuts - Symphonic Test


Okay, since submissions are over...what was with the modulation in this source tune? I'm pretty sure most of it was in F minor except that middle verse, so that's what I went with and just threw out the rest...actually didn't even look at the MIDI beyond that part and just winged it. Is that what you did too Xela?

Also, this song basically having no bass aside from the timpani was...interesting. >.>


Okay, it's results time. Fingers crossed over who managed to escape from Fortuna alive...

Total number of mixes - 3

Total number of votes - 11

Highest possible score - 33

munchi had to settle for third place with 17 points.

Xela made a sweep into second place with 23 points.

And the winner of PRC89 is Villainelle with 28 points!

Nice job, Leah! You've made some good leaps and bounds across the community in the past two months, and I hope to see it continue as your portfolio continues to expand. Anyway, PRC90 has you picking the source tune, so when you've made your choice, please send it over to me via PM.

Thank you all very much, and I should see you all again this Friday.

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