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Been rejected lately? Feeling bad after remix #5 is still getting lukewarm criticism from the judges? Does it just seem like you're not improving? Check this out...

One of my good friends from home just revealed that he still has all my old anime remixes, vg remixes, and originals. So, if any of you are interested, I've made these available to the public. Here are ALL my old video game remixes, prior to "Faunaphonic" (DKC project). Enjoy! Or... perhaps not :)

Final Fantasy 6 - "Hyper Lab" (Devil's Lab remix)

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - "Inverted Terror" (Boss remix)

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - "Mystic Clash" (boss/final boss)

Phantasy Star 4 - "Oblivion" (various themes)

Phantasy Star 2 - "The Fiery Salute" (battle theme, various)

Phantasy Star 2 - "Righteous Palace" (dungeon theme)

Castlevania - "Night Stalker" (Vampire Killer)

Chrono Trigger - "Fall of Man" (Magus)

Lufia - "Fall of the Legends" (forget which theme)

Phantasy Star 4 - "Aerial Fortress" (dungeon 2)

Phantasy Star 4 - "Motavian Battlefield" (this was the 3rd resub - battle theme remix)


Wow. It's inspiring comparing these to your current stuff, thanks for sharing. You had some great choices of source tunes. The FFMQ ones really deserve a rehaul, such a great OST that doesn't get enough remix love.

Oh, this is weird...did you have a WIP of the PSIV Oblivion mix in this forum years ago, or maybe on VGMix? I've definitely heard this somewhere before...

Any plans to cover any of these tunes again someday?


I'll probably redo at least 5 of those - maybe not in the same style, but the same source tunes... eg. most of the Phantasy Star material.

Mystic Clash, Aerial Fortress, Motavian Battlefield, Oblivion, and Fall of the Legends were all on VGMix 2. They are well over one year old though.


Haha this is awesome. I've recently been going through a lot of the old judge decisions from remixers lookin at the decisions. Some of your first few Phantasy Star mixes got rejected in like 8 word sentences.

If your gonna redo any of these redo the lufia one for god sakes, it the song from the fortress of doom. Darangen has remixed it 3 times. My mix for the C2C proj is mainly that theme too, its an incredible source tune. Thanks for sharing these.


I feel so much better now. You're a hero for letting this out in public, Zircon. Thank you. Really. :)

EDIT: Hey, that Lufia one is actually pretty good. The volume levels could be better and the so could the drums, but overall, I actually liked it... LOL, I'll never be a better remixer than I am now, will I... :)


This is the second thread that zircon has posted his Night Stalker song in... (I actually had lost it in a semi-recent hdd corruption) Waaaay back in like... Early '05... Maybe April... Someone posted a "Discouraged? Check this out!" and zircon posted a few...

And actually... Though I'm not "zircon" material... I have some old songs... EDITED IN RESPONSE TO IGNORANCE (God damn you people, now I have to get the links again) EDITED AGAIN UPON REQUEST OF TEH FISHEH.

First ReMix: Collab with DJBren and ReaktorZer0

- http://www.escariot.net/nbots/Castlevania_Adventure_Stokers_Deathwish.mp3

Second Song: 90 Minute time limit compo.

- http://www.escariot.net/nbots/Cold%20Confrontation.mp3

Current Works:

- None. Wait for the SM64 Project to be released.

  Fishy said:
Escariot/Mods, please remove the SM64 mix link ASAP please.

I didn't spot that Miszou, good call.

Assholes... That's the Audition that's available on the public forum... check the link before making assumptions... Because you'll just make an ass out of your mumptions...


I made my first ReMix (I use the term loosely) after Christmas, 2002. Most of those others were created during 2003. Faunaphonic, my first REAL remix that could have actually passed on OCR, wasn't completed until early 2004 if I remember correctly. I didn't actually get accepted on to OCR until July, 2004.


some of this stuff is pretty cool! however, comparing the mixes you do now and the ones you did back then, i'd say that you do alot better now than before. in some of these mixes, there were quite a few problems. you've definitely improved since then, but i am very impressed that your first mixes were as good as they are. Awesome stuff!:wink:


Who made the FFMQ sound track anyways, I remember the game itself was made in the usa but they didnt make the music did they?

I love the music from ffmq I just want to know if it was really produced in the usa.

  Turnip said:
Who made the FFMQ sound track anyways, I remember the game itself was made in the usa but they didnt make the music did they?

I love the music from ffmq I just want to know if it was really produced in the usa.


The composers are Ryuji Sasai and Yasuhiro Kawakami. Never heard of their other work, if they've done any.

And no, the game wasn't produced here, it was made by one of Square's Japanese dev teams. It was released in NA first, though. The only Square game I know of that was produced entirely in NA was Secret of Evermore, but I'm not keeping up with Square-Enix these days.

  Hylian Lemon said:
Yes, I do think I suck.

Your old stuff isn't terrible, zircon. Some people (including me) started off at the bottom of the dumpster.

It IS pretty funny to listen to my first MIDIs though.

Did you listen to mine? I'm too embarrassed to show you what it was before the collab... And I was thinking of submitting it then

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