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Am I the only one irritated by the default genre set to 'Game' ? I don't even consider 'Game' being a genre. Whenever I download a new remix, I end up changing it to whatever it fits into.

Since most of the remixes fit into certain categories (mostly electronic/techno) why don't we do that?


djp doesn't really believe in "genres". He thinks that if all of the mixes were listed by metal, rock, piano, or whatever, people would become close-minded and not download and give other remixes a chance. Plus, there are a few cross-genre songs out there. Of course, you're free to add genres yourself.


I searched the forums but not the FAQ - oops. :/

I don't see what the big deal is - it's not like it even has to be listed anywhere. What I'd like is for the remixers to be able to list their songs as whatever.

It's not a close/open minded thing - it's just when I want to listen to Rock music, I'd like to have Sprinting Riffs or Twin Blood already on there.

I don't see what the big deal is - it's not like it even has to be listed anywhere.

Then just keep doing what you're doing and change them yourself when you download them. If it's not listed anywhere on the site, you'd still have to download it to determine what genre it is.

Also, there's this.

There are many pieces that don't fit nicely into genres or have multiple genres, and putting them in "miscellaneous" and "multiple" categories would be kind of lame
Then just keep doing what you're doing and change them yourself when you download them. If it's not listed anywhere on the site, you'd still have to download it to determine what genre it is.

I don't see what your point is - I download music I like, independent on the genre.

And so what if a song goes into multiple categories? I don't see how it's lame.

I don't see what your point is - I download music I like, independent on the genre.

And so what if a song goes into multiple categories? I don't see how it's lame.

It's not that "if a song goes into multiple categories" that it's "lame", but if a song is listed in the genre category "multiple" or "miscellaneous"...


I disagree with DJP's policy because I like to know what the fuck I'm downloading before I get it. Anyway, I don't think he should add a genre category to the backend of the site, however something just in the ID3 tags would be nice. But I doubt anything will change.


For people that won't read the rest of the thread: http://ocremix.org/info/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Why_aren.27t_the_ReMixes_categorized_by_genre.2C_i.e._techno.2C_jazz.2C_orchestral.2C_etc..3F

I don't see what the big deal is - it's not like it even has to be listed anywhere. What I'd like is for the remixers to be able to list their songs as whatever.

It's not a close/open minded thing - it's just when I want to listen to Rock music, I'd like to have Sprinting Riffs or Twin Blood already on there.

I don't see what your point is - I download music I like, independent on the genre.

I understand what you're saying. Back when I first DLed all the mixes, I tagged the ones I liked with genres when the labeling seemed straighforward. If you care that bad, it's not a bad option, honestly, unless you're lazy.

Regardless, as soon as tags are done like that and hosted that way here, it becomes a sortable option. For every one person than claims genre labeling doesn't limit what they'll download/listen to around here (e.g. myself), there are a several people where labelling will do just that. So, no.

And so what if a song goes into multiple categories? I don't see how it's lame.

Most programs only allow one genre label. It's lame because it's not straightforward enough to ACCURATELY label many of the mixes. So, no.

I disagree with DJP's policy because I like to know what the fuck I'm downloading before I get it. Anyway, I don't think he should add a genre category to the backend of the site, however something just in the ID3 tags would be nice. But I doubt anything will change.

The angles were thought through years ago. And even if you're a n00b OR an old-timer who doesn't realize it, those angles are constantly being revisited. If it were collectively advantageous for the site as a whole and the artists, it would be done. But in the big picture, genre labelling inadvertantly provides too many people with reasons to completely avoid tracks without giving them a chance.

So in closing, "I doubt it" too. As in, no. Live with it and don't whine. It's annoying. :lol:

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