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A couple weeks ago I was going to download a program called SC2Gears, which lets me see my per-race stats and stuff like that. I think I'll investigate whether or not it's considered "cheating" before I use anything like that...

That is perfectly safe to use (assuming it doesn't do anything it doesn't advertise ...). All it does is check for new replays, and moves them to an achieve folder to save them permanently. You can then search and look at various stats pulled from the replays.

I can't think of any other instance in gaming history where a company denied players the ability to play their game because they used third party hacks or mods in single player, doing absolutely no harm to other players.

Not only is this untrue, it's unrealistic to think they wouldn't enforce this if that had the means to, and Blizzard has the means to.

Anyway, a slew of XBL and Steam games come to mind.

And every MMO ever. Using 3rd party programs to hack WoW, even if it's just walking through a wall that no one ever sees, will get you banned. At the point where you're using external methods to manipulate the software to do something, anything, it wasn't intended to do by its developers (in this case specifically intended to NOT do) you should realize this might not be OK.

You can't have your cake and eat it to. You can fuck with it, sure but don't expect everyone to sit back and let it happen, and don't get upset when you were doing something that was pretty obviously wrong to begin with just because you thought it MIGHT not be wrong.

Ignorance is not a defense.

Besides, nothings stopping them from going and cracking the game now. It's not like someone bricked their computer or uninstalled SC2, and it's not like they were playing totally legitimately before hand. Crack it, play by yourself and use all the trainers you want. Blizzard just removed the social experience.

And every MMO ever. Using 3rd party programs to hack WoW, even if it's just walking through a wall that no one ever sees, will get you banned.

So your counter example to my not being able to remember another time someone got banned for hacking a single player game is hacking in a multiplayer game? The thing you're not getting is that I have no issue with banning people who hack in multiplayer even if they aren't hurting anyone elses experience. When it comes to online I have no problem with zero tolerance. But in a single player game where you hurt no one by doing whatever you want?

It may be Blizzard's game, and they certainly have the right to do it if they choose, but it really shows that they don't give a crap about their audience at this point if they're pulling this (as though things like dropping LAN, region locked multiplayer weren't making that apparent already). How would fans of Oblivion have felt, after all, if Bethesda broke their game for installing some third party mods to alter their game experience? It honestly hurts no one, but Blizzard would rather treat their fans like they just cheated their way to the top of the leader boards.


Here's the kicker. Even though cheating the single player "couldn't hurt anyone", it actually can. Some people care about achievements. Most of us know how empty they are, but it means something to some people. Blizzard is protecting people who care, and hosing those who don't.

Also, as proof that Blizzard DOES care about their fanbase and want this game to go far, look at the map editor. That one tool, made to be as powerful and user-friendly as possible, is not something they needed to include. The game is really good standing alone, but Blizzard gave people the power to do pretty much anything they want with the engine. You guys have seen the crazy things that can be done with it right?

You might have a point if your achievement score had anything to do with the matchmaking process online. It doesn't though. In fact the only thing cheating in the single player would do is boost your achievement score, but if it doesn't harm matchmaking or your opponent then who cares? Sure, ban anyone hacking online, but in single player? Give me a break Blizzard. If someone wants to use hacks against the computer opponents then let them. They aren't hurting anyone by doing so.

How do you know they don't (counter argument being "how do you know they do")? Like I said before, they may have incorporated gamer score into matchmaking because, regardless if single player achievements only represent playing against the AI, it shows, on certain levels, how much of an understanding you do have about the game. And if there is another level at which they can balance matchmaking, why not use it?

Also, like Zircon said, being able to cheat to get achievements lessens the meaning of getting them. If Blizzard wanted to put more meaning into getting achievements, and they had warned about banning people well before hand, then how can you blame them for protecting their investment?

The fact of the matter is, Blizzard has given online meaning to getting single player achievements for everyone to see. Everything is connected (well, sort of, with region locking...), and one thing we do know is that, like Blizzard has stated, gamer score carries "weight and prestige". They are simply protecting the integrity of their achievement awards.

And like Rama said, why can't they just use the in game cheats if they merely want to advance through the game?

And then people will stop wasting their life trying to get them. Sounds like a win to me.


Yes, the editor is impressive, but in the end it is only a glorified map maker, to my knowledge you cannot make any changes to the engine per se, and you cannot use external assets like custom models and such.

A quick google search yielded

So it does indeed look like you can use custom models. The map editor is much more than just a map editor if you ask me.

Yayyyyy 1.1.2 update is out and finally fixed the cursed Phoenix Graviton Beam (I love using phoenixes). I actually like most, if not all the changes.

The Void ray balance is a great balance considering level 1 damage got owned and level 2 damage was pretty OP imo. It was a fun tactic to deal with, but for the most part you could charge up the VR's in so many different ways and avoid level 1's pitfalls. Most commonly, I would charge up on vespene buildings, being closest to the nexus yet usually on the outskirts of the base.

Never really had much of a problem with reapers/marine (marines gave me a bit of a fluster) rushing (due to scouting and good micro), but hey, I guess a lot of people do so the tier change for barracks' must have been deemed necessary. I actually saved a really good replay where I defended against a marine rush if anybody wants to see it. The guy said I was lucky lol.

Fungal growth preventing blink makes sense. Roach range increases is going to be a bit more deadly to deal with, but ultimately you can still kite them with stalkers and the range of 6. Not sure what the cool down transition from energy use for the Thor and Corruptors was for. I guess their respective special abilities aren't getting used that much or they were dumping the abilities too much, dunno. I personally haven't really EVER seen 250mm, and only seen corruption sparingly.


The next season of the GSL has started. www.gomtv.net Fruit dealer is actually playing in the very first match, so something to look forward to. Also, if you bought a ticket last season, the tickets this season are cheaper for you. I got mine for 15 bucks. Lastly, they have hq VOD's if you purchase as well.


i know a lot of nerds are almost allergic to paying for things, but if you enjoy the GSL, please support it for the vods or at the very least just watch the free stream instead of ripping them off by watching a restream of the hq or watching the vods on youtube


It's kind of funny. There is a Boxer poser playing tonight. The real boxer is going by SlayerSBoxeR, and then the poser guy is just called boxer. I kind of thought that with a name like that, the only way someone could ever take that name was if they were completely new to the sc scene.

One thing that is super exciting now, is that the live stream is not going to be super late like it usually is. The one tonight is going to be at 9pm pacific. I'm really excited.

How do you know they don't (counter argument being "how do you know they do")? Like I said before, they may have incorporated gamer score into matchmaking because, regardless if single player achievements only represent playing against the AI, it shows, on certain levels, how much of an understanding you do have about the game. And if there is another level at which they can balance matchmaking, why not use it?

Everything that I've read about the matchmaking system indicates that it is based only on your wins and losses (hence the need for ranking matches), and everything I've been reading even indicates that the bonus pool doesn't affect matchmaking either; just your displayed rank. And frankly, letting any stats other than wins/losses affect matchmaking, especially something like gamerscore from playing single player would be a stupid idea if it had been implemented as showing some degree of skill in single player has absolutely nothing to do with ones success in multiplayer.

  • 2 weeks later...

Yup. Roflstomped him, in fact. I watched it live. I was rooting for FruitDealer, but even I could see how easily F-BoxeR was exploiting the timing windows left open by the only build order Fruit seems to be going these days. Fruit's good, but when your strategy revolves around an essentially blind fast expand, you're going to get punished when your opponent figures it out.

Yup. Roflstomped him, in fact. I watched it live. I was rooting for FruitDealer, but even I could see how easily F-BoxeR was exploiting the timing windows left open by the only build order Fruit seems to be going these days. Fruit's good, but when your strategy revolves around an essentially blind fast expand, you're going to get punished when your opponent figures it out.

Yeah, I was definitely dissappointed in fruitdealer's play. His biggest strength in the last tourney, I thought, was how he used a different build every game, so he was utterly unpredictable. Much less so this time around.


Wow BoxeR just blew my mind.


He just went with marines against banelings, not because they are good against banelings (they suck so hard normally), but because we wanted to show that you could. Kind of reminds me of Day9 a little bit. Woah he's going banshees? Guess I better make more reapers. What, he's flying his buildings? Guess I better make more roaches.


Can't wait to see the next matchup. Previous 2nd place against the Blizzcon first... Gonna be insane.

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