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You must not be watching the same episodes as me, because Season 4 was some of the best sci-fi TV ever. It's like I was watching a movie every week.

But maybe you gave up on the series too early and missed the last season?

Best ever? really? are you 10?

Best ever? really? are you 10?

I said Season 4 was SOME of the best sci-fi TV ever. And if you actually watched it, you'd agree with me.

And no, I'm not 10. I'm 29.


I'm sure it got better later on, but aside from "Klingots", the first couple seasons were pretty horrible. No, not every episode was someone being held hostage. However, a very large portion of the earlier episodes were that, someone being lost, a couple of people taking a shuttle and crashing, a couple of crewmen getting a disease and getting stuck in the sick bay... yeah. It wasn't the worst series ever, but given the budget, they could have done a lot better.

And no, I didn't see the later episodes because I couldn't stand the first ones. And all of the Vulcan hate. And how many Andorians were there. WHY WERE THERE SO MANY ANDORIANS?

And no, I didn't see the later episodes because I couldn't stand the first ones. And all of the Vulcan hate. And how many Andorians were there.

Don't let the fact that you didn't like the first season stop you from watching the fourth season. Season 4 is way better than Season 1.

There is a reason given in Season 4 for why the Vulcans act the way they do on the series. And it's a believable one. A three-episode arc covers that: "The Forge", "Awakening", and "Kir'Shara". After those three, the Vulcans act more like what you see (now and then) on the other Trek shows.

What do you mean by how many Andorians were there? I suppose there's as many as there are any other aliens. There were only maybe two or three Andorian characters that made multiple appearances throughout the series (mainly Commander Shran, who made ten appearances).


Wait, what? Some of the best SciFi TV ever? Are you kidding me? How do you figure? The characters are shallow, obvious, and boring. The series constantly contradicts everything that we ever knew about the Star Trek universe and its history. Not just little stupid details like "In episode 5 of Season 4 of TNG Data said planet XYZ was 65 light years from Earth and T'Pol just said it was 42 light years", but major established facts, like Vulcans having control over their emotions.

And from what I've seen so far of Season 4 does not have any appreciable changes. If DS9 hadn't already made a joke about the Klingons looking like Puerto Ricans in TOS, then the arc explaining that occurrence would've been cool, especially if they had done it without tying in that dumbass KHAAAAAN arc. Instead it was just evidence of how little originality this show has.


What about a straight to DVD movie? I mean there really popular with cancelled TV shows like Stargate SG1, Family Guy and Futurama. Tie up all the lose ends and give the fans a little something for supporting the show for four long years.

Were the writers just slacking off for three seasons or did they bring in new people?

Well, for the first two seasons, there really wasn't any real direction for the show. But once Season 3 came along (that's the Xindi storyline), new writers were brought in. And then by Season 4, a lot of the Season 1 and 2 writers were already gone and some more new ones were brought in.

So, yeah. They did eventually bring in new writers. The stories were much better, but it was kind of too late, because by then the viewership was considerably more diminished. (UPN didn't even try to advertise for it and the moved it to the "death slot" of Friday night.)

What about a straight to DVD movie? I mean there really popular with cancelled TV shows like Stargate SG1, Family Guy and Futurama. Tie up all the lose ends and give the fans a little something for supporting the show for four long years.

That's what SaveEnterprise is hoping for. It seems more likely to happen than the series coming back to TV. But they're trying for that too.

what if you fedexed them a sack of hot women

That could work. But I think it would be better if they were Orion slave women.


(from the Season 4 episodes "Borderland" and "Bound")


If Firefly was so good then why did it fail halfway through the first season?

But I'd have to agree with your statement about SG-1. It was really good when it started and it's really good now. (Although it faltered a bit for Season 8.)

Because nobody knew Firefly existed.

I knew it existed. I just didn't watch.

Until the movie was released, anyway. I watched the series on DVD. It was okay. (I'm not really into westerns, so maybe that's why I feel the way I do.) I thought the movie was great, though. Too bad all those people died.

I knew it existed. I just didn't watch.

Until the movie was released, anyway. I watched the series on DVD. It was okay. (I'm not really into westerns, so maybe that's why I feel the way I do.) I thought the movie was great, though. Too bad all those people died.

Same here, I knew about it, I just regrettably didn't care enough for the style to stick through and see if I liked it. After watching it later I realized what a good show it actually was.


If anyone actually does want to watch Enterprise, then I suggest watching Season 4 first. It's the best of the four seasons. It would be best to watch from the fourth episode of the season ("Borderland") to the second to last episode of the season ("Terra Prime"). That's 18 episodes.

The first two episodes ("Storm Front" Part 1 and 2) of the season are just a conclusion to the Temporal Cold War storyline from Seasons 1 and 2. So, you'd probably have to watch the first two seasons to understand what's going on.

And the third episode ("Home") is a conclusion to the Xindi storyline from Season 3. You'd have to watch all of Season 3 (which was very serialized) to understand the episode.

The final episode of the season and the series ("These Are The Voyages ...") is a waste of time. Don't bother.

If Firefly was so good then why did it fail halfway through the first season?

But I'd have to agree with your statement about SG-1. It was really good when it started and it's really good now. (Although it faltered a bit for Season 8.)

Because Fox is retarded, everyone knows that. :P

SG1 Season 1 - 4 was best. Season 10 is a joke.


I was in the same boat with Firefly. They didn't advertise it enough in the first place, had on TV on a Friday night to start (I think, and that's a horrible spot to be), and I also wasn't sure I'd like the format because it looked too western.

But then when I watched the episodes on DVD through a friend, I quickly realized that the western style was perfect for the show's premise, and the writing was durn good. Granted, this is coming from the same creator as the Buffy series, et al., which I most certainly DID NOT like too much. But Firefly was down to Earth enough, not too much Chick Power in it, and the characters, even the "dumb weapons guy" had stories that were interesting.

Serenity of course killed any chance of a tv come back, unfortunately, but they knew that wasn't going to happen anyway.

Bringing Star Trek back, though, is just not a good idea. I watched Star Trek for a long time, but I'm afraid the Trek died once Deep Space Nine ran its final episode. For me, The Next Generation had the Star Trek formula down pat, with few flaws. Sure, it suffered from a lack of episodic connection (only a few episodes each season, usually the first and last ones, had any repercussions for the Trek universe as time went foward), but the style was just right. Just enough action, but also just enough science/social techno babble in it to keep it interesting and smooth.

With TNG, I didn't mind if the episode had no violence at all in it, and there were quite a few episodes where the violence was almost non-existent. The characters (besides Riker... he was too vanilla for me) were all interesting, and solo episodes involving them were usually intriguing.

DS9 of course had to push the war angle more, as it was a show that didn't take place in the blissful corners of the Federation, but I still felt it had more spunk and interesting plotline than the Trek shows that followed it.

I don't know, I just feel like Trek needs a break. I hear the next Trek movie is supposed to depart from what they were usually doing with the Trek series, maybe getting more back to its roots. I guess time will only tell.

SG1 Season 1 - 4 was best. Season 10 is a joke.

Season 10 is better than Season 4.

Bringing Star Trek back, though, is just not a good idea.

I don't want any Star Trek series to come back. I want Star Trek: Enterprise to come back. A specific series.

For me, Star Trek ceased being excellent after DS9 (so I'd agree with you there), but it became excellent again with Season 3 of Enterprise.


There was very little excellence to be had in DS9. Voyager had some winners, but by the end it had run out of gas. And there is nothing at all excellent about Enterprise.

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