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Put up a list of some things that annoy you the most or that should be added in future versions, I'd say one thing that FL could use is being able to set loop points on the playlist an patterns. How about you?


Make it so 'leave remainder' affects effects (i.e. reverb, delay, etc.).

Enable changing of time signature on -parts of the playlist-.

(not as important, but) Make a song read/apply automation data from beginning of song after exporting. (So many times have I exported a song, clicked exit, "do you wanna save changes?" sure, click ok, and I open it again later and my audio clips are all in the wrong pitch. (this is because the 'save' feature automatically 'restretches all audio clips now', i.e., tempo events have changed the tempo from the initial song tempo, and clips are now automatically re-time stretched so they will be normal pitch at the new speed. took me a while to figure that out. nowadays I just save before exporting, export, and then say 'no' to save changes. but it would still be a good idea for them to change that so it doesn't confuse and enrage 100s of more people to come before they too figure it out.)

Make the soundfont player no longer a demo. I paid $100+ for FL Studio, the god damn soundfont player is kind of expected. Wasp, Sytrus, etc. being demos I can understand. Drumsynth Live I could understand being a demo, if it was a better plugin. The important thing though is the Soundfont player. I'm sick of using SFZ, it sucks.

Add more robot voices. MORE and MORE ROBOT VOICES. I can't get enough of those fuckers. My friend and I have nicknamed Collosus "Frank." Listen to him, his name is totally Frank. It's self evident. Make sure he's set on "random" because that guy makes up some killer melodies.

If I think of more I'll post them.


I hate how there's that little staticy effect that repeats every few minutes when using the ToxicIII, and the new morphine. (the morphine one is worse, it pauses the sample when the second of static kicks in at the worst timing.)

I hate how there's that little staticy effect that repeats every few minutes when using the ToxicIII, and the new morphine. (the morphine one is worse, it pauses the sample when the second of static kicks in at the worst timing.)

I'm quite sure that it's intentional, you're using demo versions aren't you? It's to make you actually want to buy it.

Add your own robot voices. FL Vocoder is very good. I've been playing with that fucker for hours per night since last week.


I know full well about the vocoder and use it aaalllll the time. When I say "robot voices," I mean speechsynth specifically.

I would love to have the pattern/playlist system replaced by something more akin to Logic or Cubase, but I guess that would go against the integrity of the concept.

I haven't really used those intensively, so you may be referring to something else, but...

Are you aware of the bottom half section of the playlist? (Sometimes it defaults to dragged all the way down and thus hidden):


It is a way of representing audio clips, patterns, and event automation visually, instead of using bricks.


DEEPFREEZE similar to Live. There is a work around with Smart Disable and Rendering an individual track to audio and then bringing it back into FL. The same basic end result as Live's Deep Freeze except it takes longer.

I agree with Gecko’s point. Although they should really add a 3rd arrangement style option similar to Logic/Cubase/Sonar. Hence they should keep what they got bc it is a pretty powerful creative tool in some respects. You could copy your pattern and it would paste all of the audio/midi/automation data from the pattern in the Linear Style Arrangement page under each respective instrument/audio clip. This allows for people to still use FL as a creative tool, but gives another option to easier arrange everything in a visible organized manner.

Having another Arrangement Page in a linear style would allow for easier implementation of Deep Freeze functionality. It would allow for better organization of Freezed track too.

Drag and drop FX channels…this is another must.

Solo buttons for FX Groupings and Instruments.

Have an option to give the readouts in DB levels instead of %’s for all of the volume and FX knobs.

Have all automatable parameters for the instrument show up in the piano roll under pattern control.

Besides those FL has lots of really strong points, but when it comes down to creating an efficient environment for full on productions where you have the options and flexibility to really craft your sounds it fails miserably. It really sucks to have to split up your project file in parts just to be able to listen to what you are doing while you are working on it.

tweak the knob, then go to last tweaked parameter > edit events.


Kind of a wierd way but it def works.

Having 'time streching' of midi notes would be pretty cool. Really helpful when working with different midi data based on vastly different tempos.


Sometimes when I'm working with audio clips on the playlist, chopping them up and such, I find myself wanting to restretch just a specific slice of an audio clip, however, when you do this, it stretches all slices of that audio clip. The only way I know how to accomplish this is to clone the audio clip, place it on the playlist, and re-slice the particular slice you wanted to modify, and then modify it. It'd be easier if FL Studio just said "Stretch just this slice? Yes, No" when dragging to stretch a slice, and then automatically doing the process I just described if you select yes.

Anyone know of an easier way?

Why would FL need deep freeze? It has smart disable for ALL VSTs, which is arguably better, and it takes all of a few seconds to bounce down a track as necessary...

Good point. My perspective and opinion is coming from an Ableton Live users stand point. I don't really know how in depth other programs Freeze functions work besides the obvious implication of what freeze does.

Basically with deep freeze in Live it's one click and whammo it rips the audio right away and then all of the CPU usage from the plugins is cut off. Just like Smart Disable except you don't have to go and click off all of the Intruments and FX. On the track that is deep freezed you can pull midi or audio(once it is frozen) data from the track. Say there is a note you need to change. One click unfreeze, and then another click to change the note. And finally just hit the freeze button again and you're back to square one.

Thinking in depth, FL does have work arounds but they all require alot more clicking. It's piano roll is god and is fast and intuitive. Basically I'd prefer if FL made the process a lil quicker and more intuitive. This goes more so along the lines with how I like to work in songs.


Ahh yup should read the manual a lil more in depth. The lil plug in the vst wrapper has the option to click 'smart disable' and that does the trick. The option under tools macros when selected doesn't seem to switch 'smart disable' on for every plugin. Hence you have to go to each wrapper to turn it on.

Regardless though you still have to go and click the off buttons on the instrument and all related FX after you render the wav so when you play the song they won't start playing and eat up CPU. All the clicking just becomes more time consuming.

Also about the automation. I record the automation, then the parameter shows up that I automated which is fine. Can you edit the parameters within the piano roll without having to record it or tweaking and then selecting tweaked parameter > edit events? How would you be able to edit the mod wheel on a synth such as Vanguard(doesn't have a visible mod wheel) if you don't have a midi keyboard to trigger the mod wheel?


It would be great if when you bring up the parameters like in the picture above if all of the automated parameters related to the synth/sampler came up. It would save a lil time.


Dude, you're not getting it. Just hit the macro, trust me, it DOES activate it for ALL VSTi and VST fx. I just tried it. You only have to do it once per project (or do it every so often if you add new VSTs constantly). You never have to click anything again - smart disable automatically freezes any VSTs you're not using, completely offloading that CPU until they're actually playing. 0 latency, no wait times, no BS, it's the best "freeze" you will ever see in any sequencer. And it only takes ONE CLICK to activate for your entire project. :)

For automation, there are a bunch of different ways to do it. The easiest way is creating a MIDI Out, point it to your synth of choice. Right click on the slider, hit "Configure". Put "MW" as Full Name and Short Name. Controller should be "1" which is the Modwheel cc. Then, all you have to do is edit the automation for that slider at any point to control the modwheel automation for whatever synth it is pointing towards. You can of course save this configuration as a preset and call it up anytime.

To edit that stuff in the piano roll, just right click on that slider control and do the "Edit Events in Piano Roll".

You can use the MIDI Outs and configure them to ANY control setup too, which is nice, and since basically everything in FL can be saved separately you can take the Modwheel automation you wrote for a Pro-53 patch, and load it up as the Expression automation for a QLSO patch.


Haha I think we're both just miscommunicating a lil bit. :)!! I def think the smart disable is a great feature. I mean what it does is basically the same thing the VST3 format does...except FL does it with any version of VST. At the end of day I just prefer the workflow of Live's DeepFreeze.

In all honesty here's what happens.

1. I load up Reaktor5 with Steam Pipe2 CPU 12%

2. Turn on macro control CPU 12%

3. Wait a lil bit...still CPU 12%

4. Go to vst wrapper for Reaktor5 and click smart disable CPU 0%

5. :grin:

So prob something wrong with my system or I need to reinstall FL bc that damn macro control 'switch smart disable for all plugins' has never worked.

The midi out idea is def a good one. At the end of all this it just goes to prove FL is deeper program than people (like myself) give it credit for. It just does things in a very unique way.


I've always wondered, is smart disable left enabled when you render to wav?

I guess i could do a test. hold on for results.

edit: yay, i just checked--smart disable is turned off (in other words, all fx are always on) when you render. (tested using a long delay on a single sample).

I want to know why they took out the "levels adjustment" control knobs in the layer channel settings. I liked using those for automation, but they're gone now for some resaon...

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