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I'm sick to death of working on this. I now despise my own singing voice after realizing I can't actually make myself sound good, so I'll probably either dump the vocals in the final and replace them with a synth, or have someone else do them.

Obviously this isn't video game music, but it is a remix. Please take a listen and toss some feedback my way. I'm sure I'm going to hear a lot of bad, but I'm expecting it.


EDIT: Link to the synth only version (instead of scrolling down for it).



Heh, you probably won't want to hear it after hearing my vocals ;)

Oddly enough, I tried downloading myself and the "Ok" button in the download window of Firefox never highlighted, but when I right clicked and did a "save as" on the file it worked fine. Perhaps try doing that? I have no idea why it's not working normally, unless the server hates my vocals just as much as I do.


Ah, I'm just so used to click directly on the links that this hadn't even occured to me =P . Okay, let's have a listen...

Well your voice isn't really THAT bad, I mean okay, the guy from the original had a voice that was a bit more developed, but still, mad props for being able to do the falsetto's (Can't hear if you used pitch correction, I guess not =P)

I wouldn't call this a real ReMix in the purest sense of the word though, since apart from the instrumentation this is pretty much a straight cover from the original, but a good one at that. I like the ending =P


Yeah, I guess calling it a remix is pretty much incorrect. I added a few elements of my own here and there, but yeah it's mostly a cover. Guess I didn't really know how to define it.

The main reason I even tried covering this song was that my dad and I were having a competition of our own on who could make one faster. He had to drop out due to work stress, so I ended up lagging on mine. I'm just glad I've gotten it to where it is. I just hope the final will reflect how great the original was.


I say replace them with synths. Not so much because your voice sucks, but because I've heard a lot of dance-y remixes of Take On Me, but I don't have any decent instrumental versions with synth leads ;).


Haha, I like it. You voice isn't that bad, and it's a tough mother to sing, I'm sure. Maybe you should just go balls out and give it the "I don't care what my voice sounds like" approach. It'd be punk as hell.



no one in this world will ever be morten harket

no matter how hard they try

your attempt at singing was very good nonetheless, but i'd stick to the synth version

overall, its a very good arrangement, a little too close to the original for my liking, but a very good effort

good luck


You should get somebody to do vocals for you if you're worried about it, cause there's nothing more unprofessional than using a synth lead in place of vocals.

Besides I quite like your voice, lol, reminds me of that fella from Monty Python! Just needs a bit of pitch training, I'm convinced you could pull it off with practise.

The "take-on-me" backing vocals should be reverberated and maybe some echoes and stuff and I think they need their levels sorting a bit.

If I was to cover an A-Ha song, though, personally I'd pick "The Sun Always Shines on TV" ;)


Sounds cool! I don't know that many people that can actually hit that high note! (I don't sing professional, but more or less as a hobby and I don't make it without chocking out...) Your voice is just fine, neglecting the fact that the pitch is a tad off on a few notes, but hey, nobody's perfect anyway. I wouldn't do better, so I don't have the right of complaining, right? Stick to your voice and I'll be looking forward to the final result :D


Thanks for the input and responses guys.

I've done a bit more tinkering and I think I've got a fairly solid plan down on how to finish it. I'm going to try leaving some of the lead synth stuff in, but put it in the background to compliment the vocal track. The vocal track is going to be re-recorded again, hopefully this time with me not pushing so hard and going out of pitch as much. Someone else with then edit the vocals in properly and apply the right effects to get them to fit in. I just don't have the plug-ins and effects to do that properly myself at this time.

And I know I'm not Morten and don't have his voice, but it's fun to try! Hell, I've been able to pull of his 20+ second note sustain in Summer Moved On. That has to count for something ;)

Thanks again for listening.


I pretty much start out by singing the whole thing all the way through (it really isn't that hard). Then I went back and started chopping out sections that I wanted to redo and did those. In the end I pretty much end up redoing everything anyway, but hey it's experience.

It's times like this I wish I still worked at a music store with a large studio I could play in during the wee hours of the night, and not my bedroom that measures 8x12' (might be smaller actually).


i am really enjoying your cover of "Take On Me". Was wondering for the longest time if anyone was going to try a crack at it. And the vocals are hard, but sounds like you were having fun at the same time. Just keep trying you'll find what you like.

Overall, this is pretty darn good. Dont beat yourself up about it. =D


Thanks! Glad you like it.

A few nights ago I re-recorded all of the vocals again and sent them off to a pro to edit and master. Hopefully they're able to get it to sound better than I could.

I also adjusted some volumes a tiny bit. There's a little bonus I hid in there that I'm sure people in this community will pick up on in the final.

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