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Im sure this has been covered before, but that list of subjects hasnt been posted yet so...is there somewhere I can download the full FL slicer? (i have FL 3 but when I go into the slicer it has, it tells me that it's just a demo and wont save) Oh, and is there a good description on using the slicer somewhere since i havent used it before. I read the tutorial in FL, but it doesnt really say much. Or maybe if someone wants to write a description on using it.




By the Way, GrayLightning. I will try and start this little endeavor now...

Tight. It would be good if other people would help, it's a big task. Some of you FL thread posters keep complaining how the same topics keep popping up and it's so hard to find anything on this thread. Now's your chance to do something about it. ;)

Good luck.


As it stands, i think i can do it by myself at this point. It might take a few days (70something pages) but i will do my best.

I am debating, should i give the answers credited?

ie: Beatdrop says....., Starla says....

or do a plain



Anyways, i will try and do it first, then go back and catagorize them after i am done.

Im sure this has been covered before, but that list of subjects hasnt been posted yet so...is there somewhere I can download the full FL slicer? (i have FL 3 but when I go into the slicer it has, it tells me that it's just a demo and wont save) Oh, and is there a good description on using the slicer somewhere since i havent used it before. I read the tutorial in FL, but it doesnt really say much. Or maybe if someone wants to write a description on using it.



For future reference, for anything that's a demo version in FL and won't save, you've gotta pay money to get the full version. That's just how it works.

Also, the fact that you're still using FL3 leads me to believe you've acquired a copy through other means. I'm not gonna try to give you a guilt trip, but seriously, make the purchase so you don't have to ask us how to work around the limitations of illegally obtained software.

If you DID buy FL however, then go download the latest version (4.51). FL has free updates for life for online purchasers.


Ok, guys, before i go any further, how is this looking for the way the FAQ will look? Comments? Changes?

Remixing 101 – Fruity Loops – FAQS

What's Fruity Loops?

Israfel said: Fruity Loops is basically a software synth/sequencer.

The FL sounds SUCK!! How can I solve this problem?

Starla said: Do not EVER use the default instruments that come with Fruity. Download soundfonts, use the softsynths that come with it, use vsti synths [some of the coolest ones are free, come on], and download drum samples. but don’t ever use the stuff that comes with it

If you import a MIDI file, it plays fine in a pattern, but when you switch to song mode, it only plays the first five seconds or so. Can anyone explain this to me?

SeattleOverCoat said: See those 5 buttons at the top? Says: PL SS PR SB FX. You really only need to worry about the first button for this. This is called a playlist for some odd reason. This is where you select patterns and sequence them. Got it? The reason the pattern stops is because you have no patterns down.

Djcubez said: it only plays for the amount of blocks in for it. I mean it loops back to the arrow once theirs no more blocks to the right.

Is there any way to make a 3rd party VST respond to slides? Or is this a feature not yet addressed by the current wrapper?

Starla said: VSTs will sometimes respond to channel pitch; this may be your only way to get them to slide until another release fixes the problem.

Beatdrop said: FL 3.5 and up allow you to apply portamento to a VST synth. However, the track portamento that you can slap on anything in Fruity is REALLY touchy, so be careful with it. Of course, this is only if the VST plugin doesn't have portamento built into it, and if it's a vsti synth of any kind, it most likely does

Can you record on a staff using FruityLoops?

Israfel said: Nope - it's a bummer. Actually the vast majority of software seems to center around the piano roll. In my opinion, even programs like Sonar or Cubase are inadequate for people who compose on a staff.

What does "Cut itself" mean?

HBCyBeR said: The "Cut Itself" is used to prevent a sample in the MIDI from overlapping itself.

Beatdrop said: The ability to have a .wav sample "Cut Itself" is only useful with drum samples. If you're using an instrument sample, your best bet would be to just slap a Volume envelope onto it and program notes using the piano roll. Also, you can use the Cut feature to make analog beatbox-sounding drums (having certain sounds cut others, like an open hi-hat cutting by a closed hi-hat). All you do is hit "Cut Itself" for each of the samples involved in this, and then set the numbers so that they match up with the way you want things to cut other things.

When I load a Track from a MIDI file into a Piano Roll, how come the sample doesn't "cut itself" even though the "cut itself" mode is on?

Beatdrop said: Cut Itself only works when you're programming INTO THE STEP SEQUENCER. When putting notes into the Piano Roll, you MUST have a Volume Envelope on the sound in order to control its length. If you have one on it, the note will stop the moment it stops in the Piano Roll.

How do you save a mix in the demo of Fruity Loops?

DM Lee said: All you can do with the demo is export the mp3. It turns whatever you have into an mp3 but you can never work on it again. If you want to be able to work on a mix more than once, get the full version

How do I humanize in Piano Roll? "What" does humanizing a piano roll mean?

Gecko Yamori said: Humanizing is like slightly randomizing velocity levels... Like adding human errors to make it sound more natural.

Beatdrop said: Right click on the track in the Step Sequencer and click "Humanize..." That works for both Piano Roll-ed notes and notes in the Step Sequencer. Humanizing allows you to add variations to a NUMBER of parameters to make it sound more human. These include pitch, panning, and velocity...

What is the “Main Automation” in the Piano Roll?

Beatdrop said: The "MAIN AUTOMATION" is nothing but a pre-labeled pattern that can be used to put all automations into (which is why it's triggered at measure 1 in the playlist). The thing is, you can put automations into ANY pattern(s) now, so all that is part of the default template.

Is there something that can create a computerized voice in Fruity Loops?

Djcubez said: The computerize voice comes with fruity loops now. On the browser there should be the directory "speech" their should be some already generated ones in there but if you want to make your own just drag and drop any old one into the step sequencer and an edit window should pop-up, just edit it there.

Beatdrop said: FL 3.5 and up come with a Voice Synth that can create multitudes of voices at any pitch or speed. They can be used like any other generator and have FX applied to them. They basically render as samples from the speech engine, you just tell it what you want said and at what speed/pitch/voice and it renders it as a .speech file that can be used exclusively in FL. But again, that only comes with FL 3.5 and higher.

I plan on going back after all is done, and dividing into catagories (Ie: Basic, Importing, ETc)


I'll take a stab at it later. I'll go from 45 up, and if anyone else wants to help, we could keep on subdividing the thread, if that sounds like a good idea (just to keep things organized, really. No point in having several people archiving the same pages).

Mythril: To make it easier to read, you could bold or underline the questions, just to make them more obvious. I'm not that fussed about using a "Q&A" format, but legibility will be a concern later. It's a little difficult to scan as it is.

Edit: Oooh, just had another idea. If we make a new thread, I request that we ask people asking new questions to try to make them snappy and to the point. It's difficult deciding whether or not a question is legitimate when people are saying things like "FL starts speeding right up and I can't hear anything, I think it's because of hairline cracks on my processor, or because of escaping radiation from my computer's case, can you help?". Cut the crap, and don't make inferrences when you clearly don't know what you're talking about. A better example of that would be "FL stops audio playback, the CPU meter reads 90-100% plus, and the tracking bar/beat clock travels very quickly. Anyone know what's going on?" Straight to the point and we know exactly what your problem is and some of the symptoms.

Also, something like "Is FL capable of applying effects to a dry input from Line Input/my soundcard?" is better than telling me your life story, that you've gotten a new guitar for your birthday and that you want to have FL apply effects to it without having to record the waveform, inport it into FL and audition it just to see if you like it. Stop beating around the bush, and more people will help you!

Yes, these are based on some of the results of my archiving. It's much harder than it sounds to do this with questions like these.

Now I just wish there was a way to convince my dad to let me cough up the 50 bucks for the program. My parents have always been a little iffy on internet stuff and ordering....

Unless you only want to make drumloops, DO NOT buy the $50 version! It doesn't have the piano roll, so practically, you cannot write melodies with it.


IMO, I don't think this will really disrupt the current thread, since we don't need to communicate much as long as we're organized (and I think Mythril knows what he's doing, so we're all good). The only forseeable discussions I imagine we'll be having in this thread will most likely be organizing who's archiving what if we get a new "team member" or if someone's finished their bit.


How do you make a track stop ringing in Fruity loops? for example if I had a string track and at a certain point I wanted to mute it or stop it from ringing, how do I do that?


First, be patient. You only waited one hour before asking again, and nobody posted anything in the thread within that time. :roll:

As for your question, automate the channel's volume to zero, then just bring it back up again, after a bar or two. It would probably make sense to automate any reverb or delay effects you have on the channel down to zero also using the effect's knob so that any residual sound gets killed too.

If you need to know how to automate things in FL, check out the helpfile, or just search this thread. Automation should be in here somewhere.


Got a question, see every time I save my progress in Fruity Loops, I Lose everything I did because it tells me it is going to erase all channels that are using demos and I'm prety sure none of them are. IT then proceeds to erase everything I did except for the pattern layouts. It does erase every channel I created, but the ones that come when you select new (ie: kick, hihat, etc.) are not deleted. WTF? I want my progress back! Or at least make it so it won't do it anymore. That's the second time it's done that to me.

Got a question, see every time I save my progress in Fruity Loops, I Lose everything I did because it tells me it is going to erase all channels that are using demos and I'm prety sure none of them are. IT then proceeds to erase everything I did except for the pattern layouts. It does erase every channel I created, but the ones that come when you select new (ie: kick, hihat, etc.) are not deleted. WTF? I want my progress back! Or at least make it so it won't do it anymore. That's the second time it's done that to me.

Don't you think it's pretty obvious that you ARE in fact using demos? It could be a bug or something, so I won't rule that out, but chances are you're using Sytrus or Wasp or SoundFont Player or one of those dealies. You're going to want to avoid getting too attached to those if you don't want to buy them =P (Sytrus will be especially hard not to get attached to).


Savior, did you buy all the extra plugins? Because you have to pay for a lot of the extra stuff like SFPlayer, Wasp, and Sytrus. If you did, go to FLStudio.com and post your problem there; they'll help you get it sorted out.

If you haven't paid for it, then don't used the plugins, find alternatives, or buy the ones you want to use.


GRRRRRR............ :evil:

speaking of plugins, I just got my copy of FL Studio Express today, and the minute I try to save any progress it all gets erased for exactly the same reason. So now I can't use any soundfonts whatsoever unless I buy the "add-on"--why is it so expensive, anyway?? And then I realize the piano roll's gone too...grrrrrr...in order to get it back I need to buy the "Edition" version or whatever. I also need Sytrus and the DX10. This means, even if I upgrade, it'll cost more than twice what I payed for the first freakin' download. Which sucks. 'Cause I'm tired of bugging my parents for their credit card info...grrrrr...and it's really annoying to explain why, after I've purchased the program, I suddenly need to buy all this extra crap. :?

Ok, end rant. I'm just really pissed, because I've been waiting for the download email to arrive all week only to find out it was pretty much a waste. I'm not made of cash!

I just got my copy of FL Studio Express today

And you did not happen to see the multiple warnings posted in this thread to stop people from buying the express version? Also you do not NEED sytrus or any of those other ones, for soundfonts you can use rgc's sfz (but be warned it has very lame jokes in it), and most of the really good vst synths are free.

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