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if you want to personalize your fruity loops listen up!

go to your fruity loops folder and look for where your sounds are once you find them you can move them around and put your sounds in them. When you go back into fruity loops the menus and sound should be in the order that you aranged them

(if you understood that go ahead and try it out, it make it easier to navagate around...........but if you did't understand by all means don't try this, you can screw up your stuff and might have to reinstall everything over)

kinda helpfull I think, write me if you have any questions.


BlackMageArmy: Actually, you can do a lot of personalizing with the "Extra Search Directories" under the File Settings menu. I personally use it quite a lot so that I don't have to keep on moving things out of the FL directory when I want to install a new version, and all the files are accessable to other programs without referring to the FL directory. If you make any folders or add any files inside the FL directories, though, they will show up the next time you run FL.

Today's top tip: Get new skins, and change your background every now and then. It really helps your creative drive.



n00b here :

I'm trying to use FL for the first time.... and since I don't like the piano roll thing, I just import my midi stuff in it.... so...

I enjoy playing around with the wasp thing and soundfont player... however I'm sure FL can do more than just that.... but... :?:

< n :oops::oops: b...

If you want the FLP file, just IM me. :wink:


Or better yet, use a scoring program (one that uses music scores) and write your music there. Export out of the scoring program and into FruityLoops. Now all you need to do is just touch up the velocities which is the lower graph (the graph on the bottom).

If you don't like the FL piano roll, you should give up music. It's the best piano roll there is out of all I've tried (Cubase, Logic, etc)

I didn't say I don't like FL's Piano Roll. I just don't like Piano Roll, that's all.

Or better yet, use a scoring program (one that uses music scores) and write your music there. Export out of the scoring program and into FruityLoops. Now all you need to do is just touch up the velocities which is the lower graph (the graph on the bottom).

Actually, that's what I do. I use my good ol' MIDI score editing program and I import all the stuff in FL... but ... I'd like to know what to do next, because for now, it's somehow still MIDI... :?


I am just wondering, why does my midi playback in fl have like a delay of like a 16th note?

Sometimes, though midi sounds crappy, i play a piano channel i wrote with the rest of the original vg song to hear how it works together but on mynew computer (well few months old now) its always had a stupid delay in play time, so the notes dont match up like id like.


Watch out for your buffer. Look under Options>Audio. You'll probably have your buffer quite high. Keep it at about 50 to 150 ms for listening to what you got but make certain that you get ASIO or kX drivers if you want to reduce it.

Is their anyway i can use Reason soundbanks in fruity loops. They come in a .rps file i think.

Buy Reason and use ReWire to use Reason in FruityLoops. Believe it or not, it does work.

If you have specific questions about FL, then go ahead and ask, but don't ask a general question like "how do I use this?"

ok. Here's my question, then : Besides the soundfont player, WHAT can I use to make my stuff sound good ? (and how do I use it ?) :(

And if this isn't the right place, WHERE can I ask this ? :?

If you have specific questions about FL, then go ahead and ask, but don't ask a general question like "how do I use this?"

ok. Here's my question, then : Besides the soundfont player, WHAT can I use to make my stuff sound good ? (and how do I use it ?) :(

And if this isn't the right place, WHERE can I ask this ? :?

Use effects on your sounds. Learn to use the Mixer in FL. It allows you to add reverb, delay, and a whole host of other effects. This will help your music to sound less dry.

What you should do zerk would be to open a bunch of songs in the cool stuff folder in FL and disect them. See how they work.

Thanks, djcubez. :D

I'll try this. :)

Use effects on your sounds. Learn to use the Mixer in FL. It allows you to add reverb, delay, and a whole host of other effects. This will help your music to sound less dry.

Cool 8)

I didn't even notice that mixer thing. Thanks, DS. :D


Okay, so far I've never heard anything like this in FL. I'm currently ReMixing a tune from the game, Battletoads in Battlemaniacs. It's mostly an electronic piece, but it has classical elements in it also. Anyway, for the intro I wanna add strictly a classical, chamber-style section. I want to get a vintage sound and so far I added some heavy resonance and reverb, but I need--how do I explain--a crackly sound...like that a record makes before a song starts playing. Any of you FL gurus know of a plugin or somethin' else that is able to do this?


For some reason izotope vynil doesnt work on my computer... I got the email with the registration code and everything but even after putting the code in, it just doesnt work.

Maybe I need to redownload it and get a new code...

I dont even know what the damn thing is capable of yet, lol.


Besides upgrading your processor, is there any way to reduce system strain from VSTis in FL? I routinely use 10-15 instances of things like FM7 and Superwave p8, making it near-impossible to do anything on my computer, let alone in FL itself. Previewing, of course, is completely impossible.

Besides upgrading your processor, is there any way to reduce system strain from VSTis in FL? I routinely use 10-15 instances of things like FM7 and Superwave p8, making it near-impossible to do anything on my computer, let alone in FL itself. Previewing, of course, is completely impossible.

You could do one channel at a time then exeport it to a wav file. Then put them all togather.

Besides upgrading your processor, is there any way to reduce system strain from VSTis in FL? I routinely use 10-15 instances of things like FM7 and Superwave p8, making it near-impossible to do anything on my computer, let alone in FL itself. Previewing, of course, is completely impossible.

You could do one channel at a time then exeport it to a wav file. Then put them all togather.

but then when he wants to change something even just slightly hed have to go and take out the wav, use the old setup, make the change, export, replace the bad wav witht he new one and then see if it worked and if not repeat the process...

One thing I do is restart my computer after everytime I mix something for more than 20 minutes.

Also, sometimes I make the mistake and later realise, that I use multiple effects to do kinda the same thing, or they cancel each other out or something... Like say you have filter lfo and at the same time you have a constant lowpass filter on the instrument. use event editing on the lp filter and then can make your own lfo filter. I use to use fruity bass boost and an eq, you can boost the bass witht he eq, lol. Theres a lot of little things to look out for.

Another thing, a lot of vsti's have delay built into them, watch out for this, using a delay is basically the note being retriggered so this eats up polyphony obviously adding to your processors workload.

If you have four synths with a delay on them and the original notes are on every beat, thats 16 notes altogether, and with delay depending on how many times it echos you could be throwing out 32, 48, 64 notes per measure and each of those notes is affected by all your effects, eq, compressor, reverb, filter, etc.

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