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Know of any way to make a 3rd party vst respond to slides? Or is this a feature not yet addressed by the current wrapper?

hehe per my discussion with gol:

gol (DidierDambrin) wrote :

"listen, fruityloops plugins were designed for slides in the piano roll. VST plugins weren't, they were designed to support MIDI pitch bend. You want slides for your MIDI plugins? Fine, contact every single VST plugin maker, & ask them to port their plugins to fruityloops plugins.

You don't seem to realize that if you were using another sequencer, you would draw pitch bend messages the same way."

now learning how to draw on the pitch bend sequencer is a bit of a task for me, because the grid is too wide between levels and does not show you numbers. i'd like to see numbers so i can just plot mathematically instead of drawing events.


Most VST plugins come with built-in portamento (glide). In fact, I can't think of any that don't... Usually, if there's no dedicated Glide setting, there's a MONO setting that will force portamento, albeit not very much. Even HALion sports a portamento feature...


I've been messing around with Fruity Loops lately, and I'm not quite sure how you remixers do it. If you import a MIDI file, that plays fine in a pattern, but when you switch to song mode, it only plays the first five seconds or so. Can anyone explain this to me?

(Appologies if this is an obvious question...)


ok. do you know what the playlist is?

See those 5 buttons at the top? Says:


You really only need to worry about the first button for this. This is called a playlist for some odd reason. This is where you select patterns and sequence them. Got it? The reason the pattern stops is because you have no patterns down.

Bah, you sound like a smart guy, I think you can figure this out. :wink:


... No, that's not what the MAIN AUTOMATION is for. The "MAIN AUTOMATION" is nothing but a pre-labeled pattern that can be used to put all automations into (which is why it's triggered at measure 1 in the playlist). The thing is, you can put automations into ANY pattern(s) now, so all that is is part of the default template. Usually what I do is just delete it and move set my automations where ever I feel they should be.


lol that's what i use it for. i never use the main automation, so i usually set it as the end of a song. i much prefer setting up individual patterns for each automation. it's a pain in the ass to scroll 30 measurements in the event editor when you can just use a new pattern and create the automation in the first measure then place it where you need it in the playlist.


Indeed. It's much easier that way than using the so-called "main automation" pattern. And if anyone would care to contend my belief, I have the words of FL beta-testers/creators to back me up. :P

So yes, the "main automation" pattern is nothing. It's just there for show...


the only thing i use the main automation pattern for is keeping pace. so.. um.. yea i really dont use it.

its probable i CAN use it to automate somethings like tempo/EQ/filter changes... but i dont. i use individual patterns for each automation so i keep things uniformed.


I have one little question; where can i get some decent sounding guitar/violin/electric guitar/bass guitar/any real instrument sound-files for fruity loops?

I have some really cool ideas and loops going on, but i really need some realistic sounding instruments to add some feeling and mood into my works. Thanks if you can help, and btw i love (like, seriously love) the site you guys have here, it rocks in every way!^_^

later. ~raven


black omen:

I stopped using fruitly loops before version 3 came out, but im pretty sure that version 3 doesn't have a computerized voice creation tool.

Im not sure what exactly your trying to do, but if you want to make your computer talk in a computer voice and sample it to sequnce in FL you can use programs like "text ole" and the computer voice generator app from www.analogx.com

the analog x one is harder to make out the words but is very versitile in the sense that you can muck about with tempo and pitch of the voice.

Apps like text ole create the more traditional computer voice like the ones you hear in tracks by cylob or bogdan raczynski.

If your trying to get YOUR voice or one of your freinds to sound like a computer... thats a vocoder.. you can get a simple one at www.analogx.com but hardware vocoders will put it to shame any day of the week.

I apologize in advance if you allready knew all this, and i misunderstood your question. But as far as i know, FL does Not have this feature built in.



The computerize voice comes with fruity loops now from what i know. On the browser their should be the directory "speech" their should be some already generated ones in there but if you want to make your own just drag and drop any old one into the step sequencer and an edit window should pop-up, just edit it there.


its mainly becuase i only really ever used fruity as a sequencer, never really used the other dsp functions and stuff. Its a neat app though.

I have one little question; where can i get some decent sounding guitar/violin/electric guitar/bass guitar/any real instrument sound-files for fruity loops?

I have some really cool ideas and loops going on, but i really need some realistic sounding instruments to add some feeling and mood into my works. Thanks if you can help, and btw i love (like, seriously love) the site you guys have here, it rocks in every way!^_^

later. ~raven

I'll say it again, if you havnt looked at page 4:


now go look at page 4


FL 3.5 and up come with a Voice Synth that can create multitudes of voices at any pitch or speed. They can be used like any other generator and have FX applied to them. They basically render as samples from the speech engine, you just tell it what you want said and at what speed/pitch/voice and it renders it as a .speech file that can be used exclusively in FL. But again, that only comes with FL 3.5 and higher.


First, in the sample songs that come with Fruity Loops, are most of the channels actually made with the Fruity Loops generators, or are they just samples? Is there any way to tell?

Also, some of the channels are different colors, what do the different colors mean? I didn't see it anywhere in the help...

In the piano roll, when I know you can drag the end of notes to change the length, but some seem to be smaller than I can make them, in the premade songs... How's that done?

Oh, and one simple MIDI question I don't really get... When you hook a synth up to the computer, is the sound that would be played on the synth, sent exactly as-is to the sequencer?

First, in the sample songs that come with Fruity Loops, are most of the channels actually made with the Fruity Loops generators, or are they just samples? Is there any way to tell?

Also, some of the channels are different colors, what do the different colors mean? I didn't see it anywhere in the help...

In the piano roll, when I know you can drag the end of notes to change the length, but some seem to be smaller than I can make them, in the premade songs... How's that done?

Oh, and one simple MIDI question I don't really get... When you hook a synth up to the computer, is the sound that would be played on the synth, sent exactly as-is to the sequencer?

1.) Click on the channel. If you see a neat little interface with lots of knobs saying stuff like "coarse" and "fine," you know it's a generator. All of the generators have their names on the graphical interface (the WASP, for example, has its in the bottom-right hand corner).

2.) The colors can be set by the user, but types of channels have preset colors. To set this, open the channel, and right click on it's name in the upper-right hand corner of the window and then click on the little colored box to choose the color.

3.) To make notes smaller than they can be dragged in the piano roll, double-click on them. A dialog box should pop up with duration and start time settings. You can adjust these to get down to the tiniest of notes. Great for making drum rolls and such.

4.) No, MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. It has nothing to do with audio. MIDI data is for transmission of note data, start and stop times, parameter changes, and etc. To get the sound off the synth into the computer, you'd have to hook an audio cable up to its output to an input on the computer, such as the Line-In on the soundcard.

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