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Little known fact: mIRC's scripting function can actually be used to create fun and complex multiplayer games. About 5-8 years ago that was my primary hobby, and now I feel like doing it again in between working on musical projects. Here are the basics:

* The game takes place in its own channel.

* It's based on the Final Fantasy series, so you have HP, MP, Strength, monsters, jobs, magic, etc.

* The player begins the game as the race of their choice, and one of four starting jobs, at level 1.

* Experience, JP, and gold is obtained through battles (think FFT).

* You can form parties with other players

* Actual gameplay takes place mainly by traveling to an area from town, which will usually have a series of battles with short breaks in between. This will progress the story. Some areas will be solo-only (NPCs assist you) while some you will need a party for. As you clear certain areas, you may unlock others to venture to. Think co-op play in Diablo 2 for a rough example.

* Battles will take place using an ATB system - when your 'gauge' is full, you'll receive a notice or PM saying your gauge is full, and you can take an action. At this point the battle will halt for a brief period (like the "Wait" option in many FF games) so you can type out what you want to do. If you wait too long, the battle will resume and you'll just be wasting time.

* There will be a multitude of jobs, equipment, and abilities. All of the FF favorites will be there, but there will be lots of tweaks too and probably some unique classes. Character customization will be quite deep as you can equip abilities from other classes with a custom ability system and use relics a la FF6 to bestow other abilities and attributes.

"But it's only text!"

Games like this can be surprisingly fun, and the fact that they can be played on any IRC client and any computer connected to the net (even on 56k) makes them great for in-class diversions too. :) Trust me!

"Sounds cool, where do I sign up?"

Currently this is game is in the design/alpha phase. Many systems are functional, but it's lacking in content (only 4 working jobs and 2 maps, items up to level 3). That being said I've coded over 3000 lines and written a LOT of data into various files. Things are moving very fast! If you want to help out you can join #ffrpg on irc.esper.net . I mostly work on it later in the day. Warning: It might get a little techy at times :)

So far, Katsurugi, AnotherSoundscape, Kanthos, Xerol, Arrow, ToN, and CHz have been hanging out there and helping, along with an old programmer friend of mine.

Come on and give me a hand! :D


Not sure how often I'll be on later in the day, but I can probably swing by once in a while. I'm interested in coding it though. Never done any mIRC scripting, but I know plenty of other programming and scripting languages, so I'm sure it won't be too hard to adapt. If you don't see me on tonight (likely not, it's my anniversary), PM me or I'll try and be on later tomorrow night.


So... we now have up to about level 20 in playable content (takes about 10-15 hours to get through). This translates to 11 completed jobs (only one or two of which have been mastered), 14 maps, 143 items, 117 skills, a fully functioning party + battle system, constantly tweaked balance (for maximum playability)...

It's really a load of fun. All you have to do is /msg FFbot !play, if you're on irc.enterthegame.com. Once you have a character, use "c (whatever)" to chat to other players, and "who" to see who else is on. We also have a channel on irc.esper.net #ffrpg for additional fun. If !play doesn't work, make sure you're on a DCC-capable client.. if you're on mIRC, in the Options->Local Info settings, make sure lookup is on SERVER and "Local Host" is checked.

You can also try /dcc chat if all else fails.

Wiki: http://ffbot.pbwiki.com/ <- read more!

Acknowledging chat request...

Waiting for acknowledgement...

All I get at the moment, I think my settings should be alright... Fresh mIRC and nnscript installs (both newest versions).


When I do the /dcc chat [iP HERE] thing, I get further(?).

DCC Chat session

Client: [iP HERE]

Time: Sun Sep 16 13:15:24 2007

Waiting for acknowledgement...

Unable to connect

DCC session closed

Lookup is on Server and Local Host is checked.


After spending forever on trying to get it to work, I removed my router from the equation entirely. It works now atleast. :) Oh, and it's fun!

Is this an open-source project? Because while I'm not a big fan of FF, I really miss Legend of the Red Dragon, and it would be nice to be able to play it right in IRC.


It's not open-source. Zircon's done all the coding so far, but may allow others to help him out in that regard. Mostly, he needs design help.

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