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so i'm flying into baltimore on thursday, stevo and i are leaving towson around 9pm (unless he can get out of his 100-level class that the nub is taking lol), and i'm flying home on 6am on monday morning (ugh). bringing my sax, my melodica, probably my crappy whistle and recorder as well. couldn't fit the rhodes on the plane =)

looking forward to seeing EVERYONE! AHHHHHHHH!

Green, if Jiggles' room is right at the MAGFest site, or about the nearest trainsportation (Amtrak), you can tell him I want in. Gotta solidify my plans soon.

Wait... but I already got the hotel room for us....

wait, you're bringing your mom's boyfriend?
Ok, well I'M coming for sure. I'm fairly sure one of my friends is coming but one of them might be a lost cause. He's really short on money and his mom won't let him come unless there's "adult supervision" (her definition = a full-grown male adult to go there with us and back). How effing ghey is that? His 18th birthday is only a couple weeks after MAG. Anyway, I have a "full-grown male adult" friend who said he might be able to go with us AND give him some work to raise some extra money.

Maybe. If he goes, my friend can most likely go (only have to worry about cash, then) but if mom's boyfriend doesn't go, I'll be by myself.

I didn't realize... :oops:

I PM'ed you a month ago asking what the situation was, and didn't hear from you. I'm now waiting to hear from Don to see about declining.

In other news, options may be too thin for heading back to Manhattan early on the morning of the 5th. I hope things will work out.

Oh crap...

I didn't send you a reply to that?

I thought I did... DOH!

I've been very scatterbrained lately so its entirely possible that I forgot to reply.

Ok, let me know whats going down

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