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ORCL - The OCR Chess League is Back! --- September/October Tournament

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metzgerism (2:49:53 AM): lets pool

atulkaranth (2:49:10 AM): !

atulkaranth (2:49:21 AM): why do u always wanna play when im abt to sleep

metzgerism (2:50:12 AM): ok

atulkaranth (2:59:30 AM): 134340 !

atulkaranth (2:59:42 AM): i want a badass icon !

atulkaranth (2:59:56 AM): j00 gave me umm sum nice looking kid on the forum

metzgerism (3:00:57 AM): 134340

atulkaranth (3:00:31 AM): did u get a job btw?

metzgerism (3:01:23 AM): um

metzgerism (3:01:54 AM): one is working at my radio station on-campus

metzgerism (3:01:58 AM): on is for the san jose sharks

atulkaranth (3:01:18 AM): sharks ? !?!! ?

metzgerism (3:02:05 AM): the sj sharks one is still up in the air

atulkaranth (3:01:31 AM): try and get it

atulkaranth (3:01:38 AM): u gotta maintain and feed the sharks /?

metzgerism (3:02:25 AM): just applied last week

metzgerism (3:02:36 AM): www.sjsharks.com

atulkaranth (3:02:08 AM): and here i really thought it was an aquarium

metzgerism (3:03:57 AM): lawl

atulkaranth (3:04:06 AM): i want a new avataaaaaaaaaar

Me waits for za blue skull avataar. ;-)


Let's see...

  • 15 hours at GT = 5 classes including teh Graph Theory

  • 15 hours at part time job, including remotely submitted daily performance reviews

  • 15 hours part time Resident Manager position at the BCM: security detail and maintenance

I don't think I'm keeping busy enough. WTH I'll play some chess too.

Kickin' sig Kamoh. I miss SoCal.

Oh, and WWJDD? 134340 N3V4 PH0|2G37


Tonight @ 11:59 pm EDT will be the end of registration.

If two more players join in, the qualification box will be increased from 6 players to 7, so if you have friends this is the time to bring them in - you have about 7 hours.



Registration is now over - no new players are permitted to join. Tavernero_Rudd, if he can get his act together, is still an available opponent (but has refused to get AIM or update his profile with an AIM screen name), which brings the total to 19 players. Excluding him, you have, potentially, 34 games to play. For those of you who haven't gotten any points, that means that your

final total COULD be 102 points, but just playing as much as you possibly can would get you into the current top 6 (with an 0-0-34 record, 34 points beats out the next closest 33).

I've always been one to encourage people to play, but this is always on you. Salaxzar and I both have 22 games played, and it shows. He's totally dominating, and I'm securely in the top 6 with a losing record.

You all have one week (until the stroke of October in New York City) to finish this phase, so good luck and may the best chesser not necessarily win unless he proves it.

  salaxzar said:

Bahamut, Eppy, Helmholz. HEED MY CALL ! Overthrow the dark seer so we may stamp him to oblivion.

...or better yet, no more chess league ;)

See what I did there?

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