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Do you have any idea how LONG ive been waiting for some good ole dynamite headdy remixes? ITS BEEN SINCE I FIRST found out about OC remix.

I support you and your demand :P

Always good to have someone else aboard, and thx for the support.

Hi, I've long enjoyed Dynamite Headdy's Soundtrack and when I heard the awesome Sonic 3 Remixes from this group I am really hoping for a top quality release :)

Well, if some high-class maverick hunters... er, I mean Remixers join the fun, it might be the case.

But as of now, (and sorry if I crush your dreams), it's nowhere near becoming a top quality release... let alone an OCR project. :oops:

Last time I checked, it was just me, Selios, and maybe a few others lurking in the shadows, remixing for fun and for fans of Headdy's journey.

Good new is, I've finally got a working computer again, so I'll be resuming my duties on this project as planned.

Expect something new in the next few days. ;-)

EDIT: Next few weeks seems more appropriate, as I need to fix my PC's overheating problem.

It's like a toaster right now. I can't work for extended periods of time. :(

  • 1 month later...

I haven't been very active on this recently, and it makes me kind of sad.

Got lots of stuff going on, and so little time for the poor Headdy. :sad:

But things need to move forward, so I took drastic measures:

-The tracklist has been narrowed to a grand total of 15 tracks.

-Priority was given to the songs that people requested in this very thread.

And here's what's going to happen:

-I'll take suggestions on genre, but I won't add tracks to the present list.

-If someone wants to join and claim track, you're welcome to do so.

-Likely, there will be no track release on this thread from now on.

-Instead, the finished album will be released directly upon completion, and made available for free of course.

I'll be making a post with project's tracklist and details later today.

Stay tuned.

  • 5 weeks later...

A bit of news for those still following:

People have joined and the tracklist for the album is filling gradually.

However, since it's 'project-mayhem-festival' on OCR right now,

I'll have to wait for a more auspicious time before launching.

And seeing as everyone including myself will be pretty busy in the next months,

progress will be made at a slow (but sure) pace.

I'll post details and link to the project thread when it's ready to go online.

Hope to get some more support in the meantime. ;-)

  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everybody. I've been working on my track,

but since i was not able to get a proper lead sound, i was wondering if anyone would be interested in playing the theme and solo parts of I Sing.

Yup, that's correct sir. Though you've never mentioned if you were going for the 'short' version or the normal one?

Yeah, I like my taste in sources... yum

Theres a short and normal one?

the only version I know of is this one

But yeah normal is good, just send me it if that isn't the one in the link

Hello everybody. I've been working on my track,

but since i was not able to get a proper lead sound, i was wondering if anyone would be interested in playing the theme and solo parts of I Sing.

I'd be happy to do it

Just give me your remix and the tempo and i'll get to work on it

It's ok Will, the version you have is the normal one. So you're not missing on anything here. ;)

The short version is just the part from 0:35 to 1:00 looped for some events in the game.

oh thats cool then :D

I'd better get remixing :D

btw, I can sub this if when I finish it right? seeing as its not an official project or anything... would put its going to be on the album in the write up tho :D


btw, I can sub this if when I finish it right? seeing as its not an official project or anything... would put its going to be on the album in the write up tho :D

Yes of course. After all, this project was born for the fans that have been waiting Dynamite Headdy remixes for ages.

I trust you'll work fast, and be done ages before the album is out. :mrgreen:

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Well, the thread was a bit difficult to follow, but I like the track "Scuhmacher Fly" and I have an arrangement idea for it. If this is already taken, I'll go ahead and remix this on my own. As I said in the PM a while back, I'm quite interested in the project and would like to help in some way. :smile:

Well, the thread was a bit difficult to follow, but I like the track "Scuhmacher Fly" and I have an arrangement idea for it.

If this is already taken, I'll go ahead and remix this on my own.

As I said in the PM a while back, I'm quite interested in the project and would like to help in some way. :smile:

Hey JH, yeah I haven't made a proper thread yet because I wanted to get progress done beforehand.

Schumacher Fly was already claimed, and I've received a final version a couple days ago.

Even though I wasn't planning multiple remixes of one source originally, we can work something out.

Just in case, check the list of available tracks at the end of this post, and let's discuss this in PM. :wink:

Didn't see anything about A Ballad for You, but I will do it, if not for the album, for myself.

It may be a bit since I'm doing everything by ear but I promise it will be as beautiful as I can possibly make it.

Swann: as a matter of fact, A Ballad for You is one of the few songs remaining to claim in the tracklist.

So if you wanna claim a place for yourself on the album, just send me a PM.

EDIT: A Ballad for You was claimed by Swann.

To avoid confusion, here's the list of available tracks left to claim (linked to their source):





And yes, no one has claimed You're Izayoi yet! 8O

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there. Just to say that i've managed to work a couple of hours on my track (finally! O_o) and it's nearly finished (that could be in a month or two, though).

Even though I wasn't planning multiple remixes of one source originally, we can work something out.

Does it really matter if some tracks are covered more than once?


Hey, guys! :-)

I was tracking down some Dynamite Headdy VGMs and spied this thread on the Google results.

Looks like everyone shares my love of Treasure's masterpiece soundtrack and "You're Izayoi" in particular!

Here's a short demo of what I've been building.

- Remember to knock the quality up for better audio.

It's still very much work-in-progress, not to be complete for some time, and the actual version sounds a fair bit different from the demo now.

I just thought I'd let you know that someone, somewhere, is paying attention to such a ballistic and brilliant soundtrack.

Expect metal, drum & bass and electro influences.

I'd love to get some moral support in this, as I've been suffering from a massively annoying creative block. Knowing that people want it is going to be a big incentive to keep going.

Cheers! :mrgreen:


Does it really matter if some tracks are covered more than once?

In the end not really, because that means more Headdy for everyone.

But I'd prefer to have all current tracks claimed first before taking side roads, that's all. :wink:

I'm very happy that this thread became this.


Hopefully, this will be living proof that 'Requests' actually find an answer sometimes. :grin:

Expect metal, drum & bass and electro influences.

Yum yum! This could be sweet!

i've just listened to your mix, that could be awesome... maybe adding some overdriven guitar powerchords^^

  • 3 weeks later...

In recent news, we now have forums for the project. It's an opportunity I'm very thankful for, so let's not waste it.

Also started a recruitment thread to gather more help in claiming remaining tracks and doing artwork.

Attention - people with claimed tracks:

You should have received a PM with all relevant info. For those who haven't responded already, get back to me before April 10th 2010.

After that, I'm cleaning up the table, voiding all unanswered claims and starting over.

I plan to have the album completed this year, even if that means having to remix 10 songs by myself. :grin:

  • 2 weeks later...

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