Shadow Wolf Posted September 11, 2007 Posted September 11, 2007 MODS: PLEASE leave this in Community. This is more a discussion than a help request, and I personally feel it should be left somewhere where people can hash it out. If it goes to Help and Newbies, it might as well disappear. Alright, so I've been wondering since iTunes 7.3 came out why in the world my playlists became such an out of order whackjob. Turns out the issue is this: iTunes used to look at the first letter, number, or symbol of an MP3 tag, and sort them in that order. Symbols first, then numbers, then letters. With the iTunes 7.3 update, MP3's are now sorted 'movie store style', meaning leading characters like a, an, and the are now ignored. So, using "The Calling" from DJ Redlight, what happens is this: Before iTunes 7.3, "The Calling" was in the T section of my OC Remix playlist. NOW iTunes sees it as "Calling, The" and puts it in the C section. Not only that, leading numbers and symbols are ignored, so files with those in the name could end up ANYWHERE in your playlist depending on the first LETTER iTunes finds in the name. Besides the fact that I think that's retarded anyways, here's the biggest issue: I retag all my OC remixes so the name of the song is the only thing in the title field. The game the remix came from is the album, the remixer is the artist, and I GROUP all the songs under OC Remix. Before anybody says anything, I know site rules don't allow me to redistribute them that way, they're only for personal use. At any rate, because of the way I tag, I have 650 OC remixes, from a huge number of albums. It also turns out that even though I've retagged all my MP3's iTunes actually 'remembers' what they used to be called. For instance, 'Visions of Kin' ends up in the W section of my playlist. Why? I changed the Name field to say 'Visions of Kin,' and it does, but iTunes still sees it as 'Wild Arms Visions of Kin OC Remix.' So it goes in the W section. That's just my remixes. Let alone the other 3400 songs. Has anyone found a better workaround for this than downgrading iTunes to 7.2? All they need to do is give me ONE CHECKBOX to turn that advanced sorting shit OFF, because I have my music pristinely tagged and sorted all by myself and I don't need them screwing it up for me, thank you. Discuss. Has anyone else encountered this? Quote
Doulifée Posted September 11, 2007 Posted September 11, 2007 still remember the old name? maybe not. idv tag are idv tag 1.0 and 2.0 did you change both? Maybe itune check the name of the files too? just throwing my 2 cents i don't have itunes. Quote
Neo Samus Posted September 11, 2007 Posted September 11, 2007 I have iTunes and haven't noticed anything. But I haven't really played with my playlist since I updated to 7.3. I'll see if it did it to me when I get home tonight. Edit: My are in the same order. But I organize my files by album. I hope this helps a little. Quote
WolfenAmphithere Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 I downloaded the ReMix "Dark World Prelude and March" by Jaroban (LoZ:ALttP) quite a long time ago, but I had completely forgotten about it until today, because I've never been able to play it in iTunes. HOWEVER, it does play in Quicktime player, and did on Windows Media Player back when I had a PC. I've tried it on several computers I've owned, and it has NEVER worked in iTunes, (any version, as far as I can tell). Today, I decided to poke around my computer a bit again, looking for an answer, and when I came here to see if downloading it again (which I've tried before, never has worked). This time, however, I right clicked and hit "open in iTunes" and it finally showed up in the list, but the time column said "continuous", and it didn't play. Does anyone know why this might occur like that? Has anyone else even had that problem? Quote
Liontamer Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 I downloaded the ReMix "Dark World Prelude and March" by Jaroban (LoZ:ALttP) quite a long time ago, but I had completely forgotten about it until today, because I've never been able to play it in iTunes. HOWEVER, it does play in Quicktime player, and did on Windows Media Player back when I had a PC. I've tried it on several computers I've owned, and it has NEVER worked in iTunes, (any version, as far as I can tell). Today, I decided to poke around my computer a bit again, looking for an answer, and when I came here to see if downloading it again (which I've tried before, never has worked). This time, however, I right clicked and hit "open in iTunes" and it finally showed up in the list, but the time column said "continuous", and it didn't play. Does anyone know why this might occur like that? Has anyone else even had that problem? We're aware of the issue, which had something to do with the encoding. Down the line we may be able to swap in a fixed version, but that will probably be months down the line. But if you just want to fix it for yourself, download the Windows version of MP3val and repair the file yourself. It may be able to fix other MP3s in your collection that don't properly play on iTunes, etc. Quote
WolfenAmphithere Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 ...Windows version of MP3val and repair the file yourself... except for the only slightly small problem of not having a Windows (or linux) computer >_>; (it's a Mac, and doesn't have any other OS installed...) Quote
Rozovian Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 It's one of the things being worked on, could be fixed by the next torrent. Whenever that is. 2011. I have the same problem as you do, Wolfen. Dunno what other tracks are affected, but they work in Quicktime, so if you just want to hear that one, just put it on loop there. Quote
WolfenAmphithere Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 Well I hope 2011 gets here quickly then Quote
Nearly Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 I have been trying to organise my Itunes Library. All thw OCRemix Albums now have artwork and I have been re downloading things that I had lost while changing computers. I have re catalogued all the old Ocremixes from the Main Site under the Album artist "Overclocked Remix" to match the sites more recent filing method, but for some reason the tracks have divided themselves up. There are now two big groups of Remixes that won't mix and several others have established smaller groups of two and threes. The groups do not distinguish between Date, Remixer or title name. as all are spread between the groups. I have scoured the file information but I am at a loss. It's frustrating my OCD. Please help before I snap and go on a random killing spree! Thanks Quote
Liontamer Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 I don't quite understand what you wrote. How about posting some screenshots to better illustrate the problems? Quote
Nearly Posted November 21, 2010 Posted November 21, 2010 As you can see tracks have been divided and refuse to blend into a single album. As you can see artists do not necessarily fit into one group, so this is not the problem. Nor is it to do with date. I can't find a logical explanation in the file info. I was wondering if anyone else found the same problem? Quote
Liontamer Posted November 21, 2010 Posted November 21, 2010 Thanks for the thorough explanation & details, J. Hopefully that's what'll help him get his files in order. That said, our fans seriously do not need to be engaging in this much work to have our files make sense, so I can't WAIT to have these fixed files released. My updated files are 1 album, 1985 tracks in my iTunes. I'll have to host some for people to look over once again so I can make sure all bases are covered, but they're basically as good as they're going to be. Quote
Nearly Posted November 21, 2010 Posted November 21, 2010 I re-imported them to Itunes and it did the Trick. My sanity is saved! Quote
SHADOW-XIII Posted March 15, 2017 Posted March 15, 2017 Not sure if there are users here who (still) scrobble ... I do since 2008 ... was saddened to find that OCRemix tracks are no longer working (for at least few months!) Currently, tracks from Latest ReMixes (singles) on the website have album tagged as: "" (older ones show www as well), Album Artist tag is "OverClocked ReMix" (fine). - audioscrobbling has blacklisted "http://" from submissions - tracks with that album are not longer scrobbling. Even if the submission is urlencoded. confirmed the http part is blacklisted Can we change it to something that works by default, without the need of us to edit the tag? My proposal is to use: "" - that is working fine. Quote
Yutsuo Posted November 2, 2017 Posted November 2, 2017 Hello! .o/" I have several Ocremix albums on my PC and iOS devices, and for some time now I'm having this weird issue with the majority of them where the tracklist is showing all weird. I've made a post on apple discussion forums to see if this is known but I was left in the dark. It seems I can't post images here but the post on apple site shows some screenshots: Tracklist is fine on my PC iTunes, by the way. Also somebody reported this same problem in this thread: It was suggested that this have something to do with the "Grouping" Tag used by iTunes, but many albums have this tag blank and the issue happens anyway. Removing the tag from albums that do have or using the same information on the tag for all tracks doesn't resolve the problem. Does anybody here had this issue? Is there a fix? Or is this something else that the Music App from iOS devices is doing wrong? Because I didn't had this problem until a little before iOS 11 update. It did start on iOS 10 though, but not at first. Quote
Yutsuo Posted July 1, 2018 Posted July 1, 2018 So, I figured this out. Thanks, Google! iTunes created a new series of tags called work and movement, those tags are created for classical music, mostly. But iTunes tags all songs automatically because why not. That's what's breaking the album listing on iOS. Just removing those tags fix the issue. More instructions in the following link: Zelikman 1 Quote
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