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OC ReMix Albums on Last.fm, FF7:VotL Updates

For Immediate Release

October 2, 2007

Contact: David W. Lloyd, dlloyd@ocremix.org

OverClocked ReMix recently made all nine of its albums available for live streaming on Last.fm (www.last.fm), a music and social networking website. The albums are listed at http://www.ocremix.org/albums/, with credits and links to their official homepages, BitTorrent downloads, and Last.fm pages.

The most recent album, Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream, was recently reviewed by SquareSound, one of the largest websites devoted to Square Enix music on the internet, at http://www.squaresound.com/reviews/ronin/ff7vol.php. Since its debut on September 14th, Voices of the Lifestream has been downloaded an estimated 70,000 times via both a BitTorrent distribution and MP3s available at the official album website, http://ff7.ocremix.org. Limited physical copies of the album made for promotional usage will be given away at the upcoming Anime USA (http://www.animeusa.org/) and MAGFest (http://magfest.org/) conventions and through online competitions that will be announced shortly.

OverClocked ReMix Albums, Newest to Oldest:

Wow, :nicework: on the album section, guys. Very slick.

Thanks - a bunch of development work that Larry assisted with on data entry. We still need to associate official discussion threads, too. Actually, this is just the beginning... the logical next step is to highlight album participation on ReMixer profiles and albums on game detail pages as well. Potentially composer pages, too, depending on how much sense that makes...

Thanks - a bunch of development work that Larry assisted with on data entry. We still need to associate official discussion threads, too. Actually, this is just the beginning... the logical next step is to highlight album participation on ReMixer profiles and albums on game detail pages as well. Potentially composer pages, too, depending on how much sense that makes...

OCRemix.org level-up!

Actually, all that makes perfect sense and should be implemented as soon as possible :) just don't forget to post remixes ;) hahaha


Nice. It's great having all of the main album info and links condensed down into one concise page. I noticed a few things that might need to be fixed, though.

  • On the Project Chaos page:
    Length: 2 CDs, 21 Tracks, 1:15:05
    What about the third ("Special") disc? Not counting it?
  • All of the individual album pages have some sort of project logo to the left of the section with the links/generic info, except for Hedgehog Heaven. For consistency alone, shouldn't there be one? If you don't have anything suitable, I can find my original CD artwork files and send them to you.
    EDIT2: Looks like you had one there, but the image is no longer available. The red x doesn't show up in Firefox, but it's there in IE7.
  • I've also noticed a few (minor) issues with the last.fm implementation. The playlist widgets that are on each page only show the first 26 tracks in the playlist (up to Shnabubula's Stone Eyes on VotL and Hetcenus' Ivory Gadget on Project Chaos, doesn't affect other projects). Also, some of the track times in the player are showing up as 0:00. For example, the whole of Kong in Concert shows up like this, and on Rise of the Star, all but two are 0:00. (I'm not sure if these are errors on OCR's or last.fm's part, or if it's only some issue on my end, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to point these out anyway.)


Actually, this is just the beginning... the logical next step is to highlight album participation on ReMixer profiles...

Will this be extended to forum profiles as well? I'd love to see some sort of indication of OCR album involvement in my post header.

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