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In fact, the fact that you cannot see them proves their existence.

Like I said, I'm trying not to go there. But if you insist, I'll tell you a little story. There are perfectly sane/"normal" people that run into all kinds of things, things that can be seen are seen very often. I've tried 1,000,000 times to explain my views dealing with things like this, and 99% of the time, I get laughed at, called a weirdo, or ignored. I'm not going to attempt to get anyone to believe anything, but I will state my stance.

I am a sane person who lives a productive life, who is completely immersed in the technological world, yet my belief in things beyond accepted scientific fact makes me appear as a nut case in front of many people, especially those who don't believe in anything that can't be seen or measured.

Imagine if you knew something was fact, not because you wanted to, but because you were just an average joe, except you and a few friends stumbled into something that would appropriately fit within the confines of a horror novel or a witchcraft book for young teenage girls. You didn't expect to see anything, you weren't a religious person, you weren't a crazy person, maybe a little bit of anxiety and a problem with biting your nails.

Then, things start happening that aren't supposed to happen. Stuff so crazy and out-of-the-ordinary, that you could post it on an internet forum based on video game remixes and cause people to laugh their asses off.

You and a select few people encountered the paranormal. Productive college graduates who have normal days jobs, don't worship and dieties of any sort (besides a few who are pseudo-Christian to a degree) - but there's one problem. We all saw something. Someone who knew nothing about it just happened to be around us, and ran into the same thing. It was completely real.

Then you find books about it in various libraries, you read stuff about it on the internet. Stuff about the people you thought were crazy, but weren't lying at all. The same things happened to them as well. Before, you thought they were crazy or delusional.

Yet the rest of the world thinks you are crazy if you mention it. I'm not even going to mention what was happening in the place where I came from.

It fucking happened and I know it did, and you can call me bat shit insane for all I care, I know what happened still exists, yet I can't hate a single person for not believing me - What else should I expect of someone who has never encountered it themselves? Nothing. But I can expect something of someone who respects me - And that is not to call me insane or laugh at what I tell them about this.

So yeah, that was a bit much for a thread about a Will Smith movie. You can now commence talking about Will Smith.


I always thought the vampire legend came from the fact that our ansestors used to cannibalize each other. And I mean this goes back like 800,000 years. Before we were even human yet. So it had a long time to become part of peoples nature. But it makes sense. There's not just one vampire legend. There's many. It didn't originate from some supernatural events. Probably just that people got hungry, and ate each other.

But back to the movie. I watched it last night and thought it was pretty good. I will agree with everyone else when they say Will has been doing a good job in movies. He constantly shows his versatility. So yeah...


I always thought the vampire legend came from the fact that our ansestors used to cannibalize each other. And I mean this goes back like 800,000 years. Before we were even human yet. So it had a long time to become part of peoples nature. But it makes sense. There's not just one vampire legend. There's many. It didn't originate from some supernatural events. Probably just that people got hungry, and ate each other.

But back to the movie. I watched it last night and thought it was pretty good. I will agree with everyone else when they say Will has been doing a good job in movies. He constantly shows his versatility. So yeah...


Yeah, there's a whole bunch of different stories on every mythological beast. What I was saying is that the Hollywood representation of the vampire is much different from the kinds that are most likely to exist - the ones who are researched by those interested in the paranormal (if you want to hear more about it than PM me or ask me right here. I'm not going to shove it down your throats unless you ask. I've tried to do it before and just wound up digging myself a deeper hole).

Anyway, I'm just saying that the American vampire and the vampire are two very different things, and I think that the original one gets represented in the wrong way. Kinda like a witch being compared to the one that has a big boiling pot and flies around on a broom.


I don't know if you've seen the movie, but the "vampires" in I Am Legend aren't really meant to be vampires. They're just people who got infected by an airborn disease.

That movie made me jump so many times. Will Smith is a great actor (as well as the dog/dogs). At least a few parts where I felt very emotional about what was happening.


I'm not dissing the movie, but I will be waiting until it comes out on video. It was sold out down here for the last three days, so yeah, I'll just pick it up on DVD in five months, like I do for almost every movie.

Like I said, I'm trying not to go there. But if you insist, I'll tell you a little story. There are perfectly sane/"normal" people that run into all kinds of things, things that can be seen are seen very often. I've tried 1,000,000 times to explain my views dealing with things like this, and 99% of the time, I get laughed at, called a weirdo, or ignored. I'm not going to attempt to get anyone to believe anything, but I will state my stance.

I am a sane person who lives a productive life, who is completely immersed in the technological world, yet my belief in things beyond accepted scientific fact makes me appear as a nut case in front of many people, especially those who don't believe in anything that can't be seen or measured.

Imagine if you knew something was fact, not because you wanted to, but because you were just an average joe, except you and a few friends stumbled into something that would appropriately fit within the confines of a horror novel or a witchcraft book for young teenage girls. You didn't expect to see anything, you weren't a religious person, you weren't a crazy person, maybe a little bit of anxiety and a problem with biting your nails.

Then, things start happening that aren't supposed to happen. Stuff so crazy and out-of-the-ordinary, that you could post it on an internet forum based on video game remixes and cause people to laugh their asses off.

You and a select few people encountered the paranormal. Productive college graduates who have normal days jobs, don't worship and dieties of any sort (besides a few who are pseudo-Christian to a degree) - but there's one problem. We all saw something. Someone who knew nothing about it just happened to be around us, and ran into the same thing. It was completely real.

Then you find books about it in various libraries, you read stuff about it on the internet. Stuff about the people you thought were crazy, but weren't lying at all. The same things happened to them as well. Before, you thought they were crazy or delusional.

Yet the rest of the world thinks you are crazy if you mention it. I'm not even going to mention what was happening in the place where I came from.

It fucking happened and I know it did, and you can call me bat shit insane for all I care, I know what happened still exists, yet I can't hate a single person for not believing me - What else should I expect of someone who has never encountered it themselves? Nothing. But I can expect something of someone who respects me - And that is not to call me insane or laugh at what I tell them about this.

So yeah, that was a bit much for a thread about a Will Smith movie. You can now commence talking about Will Smith.

Haha, lol. I love it how every single thread after 4 pages always seems to turn into a discussion about either religion or politics. lol

I always thought the vampire legend came from the fact that our ansestors used to cannibalize each other. And I mean this goes back like 800,000 years. Before we were even human yet. So it had a long time to become part of peoples nature. But it makes sense. There's not just one vampire legend. There's many. It didn't originate from some supernatural events. Probably just that people got hungry, and ate each other.

Actually, vampires are not that ancient. Ghouls and human eating zombies are not vampires or even equivalent. People can say that they're precursors, but they are not the vampires we specifically know them as. The romanticized/reviled vampire of modern era came straight from the 18th century when digging up bodies to study them became common and we were starting to understand the process of the human body. Such as a corpse bleeding while in coffin, its belly being either full or more empty than usual made it seem like it was in a habit of drinking blood.

But back to the movie. I watched it last night and thought it was pretty good. I will agree with everyone else when they say Will has been doing a good job in movies. He constantly shows his versatility. So yeah...


I'm not so sure about the movie now that I heard a lot of bad opinions too. There's that whole cheese factors that come with Will Smith movies too, as entertaining as they may be. Actually, this book to movie conversion reminds me of I, Robot. Both got their share of praise and criticism, though I think I Am Legend is making for more divisive discussion.

I'll still watch it when it comes to premium television or DVD.


It may have been said, but I am Legend has broken the record for amount of money made during opening weekend, breaking the old record of held by Return of the King.

Warning, contains spoilers.

I just saw it. You get a kind of emotional attachment to the dog after a while. And then you have to see Will kill it. It gets worse when you realize what he did to save it's life a little earlier. That first glimps of the zombies while he was doing it freaked me out. Actually, the whole movie was scary. Of course, I am not into scary movies so I don't know how it would rate in the fear factor.

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