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I startet remixing video game music several years ago, but I just stumbled across this site today and I must say, I really like what you all have done! I want to contribute one of my mixes to the long list here. It's one I finished not too long ago, and I am very proud of it. It's actually being used in a film that's in post-production right now (I will provide a link to the final movie when it is complete!).

It's a remix from the Super Nintendo game, Tetris Attack. This was my favorite game growing up and this song of mine makes me feel as though I'm giving just a small part back.

Anyway, here is the mix. I wanted to do something that sounded like Hans Zimmer. I have always admired his music, and even though this doesn't do him justice, I am still very proud of it!! I would like to submit it, but after seeing what others have written in this forum, it seems like a good idea to get a little feedback first. Thank you, and I VERY much look forward to getting involved in this community!


(Sorry for the public file sharing site. I don't have my own webspace yet)


Is it really that bad? I thought it sounded good. I know it's my song and that makes me a little biased, but I didn't think it was horrible :?.

Can you help me with some specifics of what I can do better?


What, no, there's been a miscommunication. I'm just...shocked that someone as new as you could make something this...this...

Words can't describe this.

I'm crying from how beautiful this is.


I'm not familiar with source and am too lazy too look that up. There's some submission standards available on this site, it's good reading to know what the site is looking for in terms of arrangement and production. That said, I can't comment on the original content vs. source ratio and how interpreted the source is, but what I can tell you, I will.

0:10 - Wow, great samples so far. The first crash could be longer.

0:20 - Drums sound a bit empty when alone, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

1:14, 1:34- You've incorporated the piano real good in this. I like it.

1:52 - Great break. Sounds a bit sampled here, tho. It needs a bit more life, more humanization. The half minute following this is a little repetitive, but still sounds ok to me.

2:50 - Panning is starting to bother me, especially that of the drums.

3:16 - Great break, once again, and the end of the break is really cool.

3:33 and forth - it's a little repetitive for a one minute finale and ending, and doesn't quite meet my expectations. It should be bigger, grander, and more climactic. It's not bad, but it's not quite great yet.

Listen to this using headphones, you'll get a headache from the panning. That aside, there's really not much more I can say about how you can improve this. There's some humanization required at some places, some repetition to kill, either by cutting or by re-arranging, and then there's the finale that needs to sound like the ultimate finale.

But this is a higher-quality wip. Sounds like it doesn't need much to meet the judges' approval. :D Then again, I haven't got any of mine approved yet. But great work and good luck submitting, whenever you do that!


Well, it has a bit too much reverb.

Also, some of the strings and percussion are sort of faux. If you're hitting the same note repeatedly on any sampled instrument, it's usually a good idea to vary up the velocity a bit.

Also, before you submit this, make sure you come up with a better remixer name. David Cleese is sorta boring. How about "Cleek?"

I look forward to hearing the next update.


Ok, thank you Geoffrey Taucer. I will work on the violins and the percussion!

I'm not sure about changing my name. "Cleek" sounds a little strange, but I will try to keep it in mind.

Thank you all for your help!!


First off, great remix. It really captures the essence of Zimmer while remaining your own work. But, since I too work with samplers, perhaps I can get more specific for you. :)

-Most of your samples have a very "machine gun-ish effect." If you are using Kontakt 2/3 there is a nifty little humanizer function that you can use as a script that will help there.

-I would personally like more "notes." More counterpoint, more chords, more parts, the whole gamut. Orchestration is really more important than samples. I don't think that the actual composition is judge-ready YET. Also, add a real ending. Please. :)

-Another trick to get more realistic instruments is to use some light distortion on the tracks - think about it. What recording have you ever heard of an orchestra where the brass/strings are CRYSTAL clear? None.

-The drums need to vary up, but that's composition again.

-Reverb. I actually think it could use some more...more reverb, less wet, more dry. This will give you less LOUD a reverb but a longer tail to help cover up some sample "errors".

This is very close - I look forward to an update.

David Cleese is sorta boring. How about "Cleek?"

lol 10 char

EDIT: Yeah, this needs some humanization. Everything is very stiff, playing at the same velocities and perfectly in tempo most of the time. Fixing that could improve this. Also, hearing the same string/brass sample playing the same note 3 times in a row makes the fact that it's just a sample very obvious. Messing with the velocities could remedy this, I think.


Tweek, come on. Let the guy improve his work until he submits. Cleese, you're getting there, your work is close. Still has a bit of work left before it's good. Don't let anyone like Tweek tell you your stuff is perfect, 'cause nothing really is. But the stuff I mentioned before, plus Taucer's and Dafydd's criticisms, they're worth dealing with to improve this so it could get accepted.


Thanks Tweek. That's a wonderful compliment. I think I agree with the others though.

However, I have some bad news. The music file has been corrupted and I can't open it. I don't have any backup files. I think the version that has been posted will have to be the final version.:|

Should I still submit this? I would like to.


Sucks when that happens. I don't think it's gonna be accepted, seeing as it's unfinished and still needs a lot of refinement before getting to ocr. But depending on software, you might be able to extract the MIDI from it and just put all the track settings and automation from memory.

I don't think anything like this could be on the site today, the bar is too high for that. Then again, some remixers do submit half-done remixes, thinking they're good. The judges usually shoot them down (the remixers, not the remixes), but they sometimes make it onto the site.

So sure, go ahead. Whatever man, it's your remix.


The weirdest thing happened with a .wrk file I'd made - it went corrupted, but then, years later, it started working again. :shock: I've also noticed some .rsn files made with patched versions of Reason 3 will cause a "file corrupted" error when opened in Reason 3.0.0. Are you sure it's not a similar issue? I don't know what you used to make this, but it could be worth a try... maybe it's the other way around, maybe you patched your software and the old project file won't work with the new patch or something. I honestly don't think it would be accepted, but submit it anyway - the judges can give you advice like we do and you'll know what to think about when making your next mix. The waiting time for getting a mix rejected is pretty short these days. It's when your mix gets accepted that you have to wait... *peeks at judging forum* oh, yeah, when you submit something to ocr, you'll have to wait

A (in case your mix was rejected): about the time you'll have to wait to see whether your girl got impregnated after you submitted your... sperm.

B (in case you mix was accepted): about the time you'll have to wait until a baby pops out. Heh. Yeah, there's an accepted submission dated March that still hasn't gotten posted... though there's probably a reason why it's taken so long.


I know exactly how you feel. I just recently decided to try my hand at remixing and spent two months researching and working on my first remix (I don't have much free time, so everything takes longer). As I was getting my WIP polished enough to post here, I really didn't need more than an hour's worth of work, my computer died and I don't know if my hard drive is recoverable yet (I'll be finding out this weekend though). I have a couple mp3s of my progress prior to the crash available, but all the volume levels aren't completely conformed, the timings aren't quite sync'd up, and less of the arrangement is present. I'm going to be pretty devastated if it's all gone. I sympathize with you completely.

What, no, there's been a miscommunication. I'm just...shocked that someone as new as you could make something this...this...

Just because he is new to the site doesn't mean he is new to music production. The belief that *every* newbie knows nothing about making music runs rampant around here, unfortunately.

This is fun, but tons of reverb. Not only does it muddy up the sound field, but it makes it fatiguing to listen to. Otherwise, good stuff.

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