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Nobbynob Littlun

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  1. I believe this shall soon feature in my Dungeons & Dragons game...
  2. Great stuff. This is the kind of thing I keep coming back to OCRemix for. My only thought is that the volume on various instruments and sections could have used more ease-in-ease-out.
  3. It's a beautiful and uplifting song, skillfully rendered, that stands on its own merits without any need for comparison to Pink Floyd. But if I were to compare, I'd say it does Pink Floyd better than Pink Floyd does Pink Floyd... hahaha. Certainly, I feel it's more polished, with a fuller sound and more harmonious tones. And my mom loves it
  4. This song put a big smile on my face. And I suddenly feel a need to watch the Wayans Brothers Show.
  5. Well, I'm impressed. Without reading the description, I instantly recognized that Doors sound, and then picked up on the Dark World tune. Executed with skill and panache. Well done!
  6. Wow! This is really well done. Instant favorite. I was particularly impressed with 4'00-5'00; that grand sweeping feel, and the vocals right there especially. It's got that "talented amateur" sound, where the emotion carries it further than any amount of professionalism would.
  7. Don't let the lyrics turn you away from this song, Claire's voice is an instrument she plays with skill and panache, and it fits beautifully into the song as a whole.
  8. I know EXACTLY what is meant by the comparison to Starcraft's Terran music, and I agree completely. I'm so used to hearing all this overblown dramatic scores in today's video games that sound like something Hans Zimmer would scribble on a knapkin. It's wonderful to hear something that's similarly epic, but in a more subtly textured, less derivative way.
  9. Lots of fun! I especially like those drums at 1:33. The lead synth has just the right amount of cheese, too
  10. Any song that fits perfectly both for OverClocked AND OverLooked Remix has my immediate, unconditional approval.
  11. All the different songs, instruments, and vocals fit together seamlessly. Great job! I don't save many songs with lyrics to my hard drive My only issue is that some of the synths early on are pretty cheesy-sounding, but that won't stop me from listening to this in years to come.
  12. Doesn't sound like a prayer to me. I think I'd have titled it "Saren's a Big Fat Jerk."
  13. I think the best thing about this song is that it actually took me a minute to remember that this was a remix and not from an actual soundtrack. It would perfectly fit a Sonic game. In fact, compare it to this: http://youtu.be/A1SFHvG0CHE
  14. This has kinda the same thing going as TimeChill in my mind; there's some really nice flow going on, but the percussion - particularly, that SNARE DRUM - is wayyyy too prominent. It punches straight into the foreground, which kind of bugs me, especially as it is not nearly so interesting as the other stuff going on. That being said, I've had TimeChill on playlists for about eight years now, and I expect this to join it for a similarly long time...
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