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  1. So it looks like another Konami property is getting a spiritual successor...
  2. In the form of a spiritual successor by several members of the original teams.
  3. Finally a new installment...
  4. It's like a weird Looney Tunes fusion...
  5. Looks like they're trying to involve as much of the original crew as possible. https://www.gematsu.com/2020/06/clockwork-aquario-cancelled-westone-bit-entertainment-arcade-game-from-1992-coming-to-ps4-and-switch-in-2020
  6. So the game that started out as an MLP fan game finally released its story mode and is out of Early Access.
  7. And here's some gameplay footage.
  8. Well this was unexpected. Interesting going for more of a cyberpunk feel with this one.
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