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    • The metal/funk hybrid is an interesting direction and very fitting for the source. Loving the organs. The intro and early section appears to have an identity crisis of sorts, in spite of being quite fun to listen to. The arrangement seems to reach its most engaging and steady form starting from 2:15 onward, which if you're looking to extend/double the remix duration, could work as a gateway point between two halves of the arrangement. I won't comment on prod as I personally prefer to finish writing the song before focusing on the mixing process. But as mentioned I did enjoy this freeform jam of my favorite song from Sonic 2 GG, with the Boss Battle being a close second. Looking forward to where you take this next. (^-^)
    • I'm not very familiar with sonic 2 or the source, but it sounds like a great track. I like the overall direction of your remix. In its current state, I found that the synth sound that starts at around 1:10 feels a bit buried. I'm enjoying the percussion in the track, but found that it was a bit buried in a few places. As far as the arrangement, I found that some of the transitions were a bit sudden, for instance the intro into the first section at :06 seemed a bit sudden to me. Overall really like the direction.
    • Howdy, Nase! I'll echo the other commenters on the choice of instrumentation -- funk and metal is a great combo and you've achieved a working blend in the mix. I can hear some crash cymbal hits (e.g. 0:45, 0:49, 1:20 and 2:21) that are either very dry or choked. If they are choked hits, they're unusually placed. A live drummer would have a hard time replicating that, so it pulls some realism away for me. Good call on your decision to alter the intro. It's pretty jarring as is, but once it hits the funk, it's gellin'. Good feel shift at 2:14-ish. As others have mentioned, keep an ear on the volume of the slides on that lead guitar. I'd love to see where you take this mix from here! I'm not very familiar with the MS/GG version of Sonic 2, so it's cool to hear some deep cuts and hidden gems--er, emeralds. :P
    • Just what I noticed during review: 1:12  - feels like there's phasing in the snare layers (?) 2:15 - the slide guitar bit is just a little loud here. I am a huge fan of all of the instrumentation, it's really fantastic, but the mix does feel a little dry overall, and feel like it could stand to exist in a bit more of a 'space'. Definitely worth seeing this through, super spiffy remix so far!
    • Listening with headphones. Overall, I like where this is going. Intro chords are fine, then the sudden funk is surprising but certainly not unpleasant. I think the shredding guitar slides in the intro section sounds a little disjointed sonically with the rest of the mix, maybe reverb-wise? Character change after 2:18 is refreshing as it builds towards the current climax. I'm guessing that this is currently not the end and the echoing slide doesn't seem to fit right with what comes before. It just seems to end too suddenly. Maybe I just don't like that slide guitar. However, I think this is a solid little mix in terms of the structure that's there up until the end, but sonically it sounds a bit disjointed in the space. So now I see that it's meant to be longer. I think it would work best in a modified ternary form, i.e. A-B-A*, with some pizzazz added to that repeat. As for that slide, I think the reason why I don't like it is because to me it sounds a bit "thin". Overall this is a good jam! 
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