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Posted (edited)

Under For Sale, :::nintendo ds:::

Animal Crossing: Wild World, cartridge only. $10 + shipping [kanthos] (12/10)


Silver PSP 2000 + 16 GB and 2x 4 GB Memory Sticks, 6 UMD Games, Pandora's Battery/Magic Memory Stick, Case, and PlayStation Store Account with many games: $150 + shipping [kanthos] (12/10)

And the details:

The PSP is unhacked at the moment, updated to an official firmware that's 6-9 months old. It's got this skin on it, the matte/satin version so fingerprints don't show.

UMD Games: Dracula X Chronicles, Final Fantasy I, Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lion, Puzzle Quest

PS1 Games (from PlayStation Store): CoolBoarders, Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bandicoot 2, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX, Grandia, Hot Shots Golf 2, MediEvil, Spyro the Dragon, Suikoden, Wild ARMs, Wild ARMs 2

PSP Games (only available from PlayStation Store): Ape Quest + all chapters, Beats, Creature Defense, Crystal Defenders, Fate/Unlimited Codes, Go! Puzzle

PSP Games (available on UMD, but these are from PlayStation Store): BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger, Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded, Capcom Classics Collection Remixed, Crimson Gem Saga, Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower, Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness, Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days + all 7 DLC Heroes, Disgaea Infinite, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus, Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure, Half-Minute Hero, Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley, Mana Khemia: Student Alliance, Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X, Patapon 2, Prinny: Can I Really be the Hero? + DLC missions, Rock Band Unplugged (+ 20 tracks), SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny, Star Wars: Battlefront Renegade Squadron, Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max, Tekken 6, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10

Edited by Kanthos
Posted (edited)



40gb FAT PS3 comes w/ six axis controller, power & analog av cables; jailbreakable 3.30fw $240 or trade for YLOD PS3 + $ [kittykar] 12/10

MAG w/case + manual $18 shipped [kittykar] (12/10)

Overlord II w/damaged case + manual $8 shipped [kittykar] (12/10)

Skate 2 w/case + manual $18 shipped [kittykar] (12/10)

Edited by kitty
  • 2 weeks later...

xbox 360:

controller (wired or wireless, any color) [drumultima] (12/27)

hard drive (any size) [drumultima] (12/27)

a note, doug - unless you've got a reason to install more than one game at a time, don't bother getting larger than a 20gb HDD, or at largest a 60gb HDD. i never had a use for my 120gb (or my 250gb) drives, even with tons of stuff left on there, until i got into using homebrew stuff.

also, wired controllers work with a PC =) and represent a pretty darn good gamepad for Windows, all told.

I have an extra 120gb HDD for the older Xboxes if that's what you're looking for Drum.

I think? It's for the 360, the kind that clips to the top. Is that considered older? what are the new ones?

And yeah, a 20gig would do me just fine. I'm not looking to spend a lot, because I know I won't be playing a lot.


If you mean when the 360 is standing vertical then yeah that one (i.e. not for the 360 slims). If you're interested in the 120gb then I guess you can offer me what you're willing to pay.

If you mean when the 360 is standing vertical then yeah that one (i.e. not for the 360 slims). If you're interested in the 120gb then I guess you can offer me what you're willing to pay.

I'm not looking to spend a lot on a big hd, just because I won't be using it that much. I was hoping to stumble on a used 20gb for like, 20 bucks or something, but it just depends on what people offer me really.

oh yeah! I'll add one more thing



Wavebird controller (preferably gray) [drumultima] (12/27)

I got one. whats it worth to you.. I dont think I have the back for the batteries tho.

Posted (edited)

Want to sell:

White/silver (whatever it is) PSP 3000 with the following games> Megaman X Maverick Hunter, Final Fantasy Crisis Core (not a real box, gamestop box), and that gay Final Fantasy fighting game. Comes with memory stick (iono what's in it right now).

$110 takes it. might have more to add to the PSP deal I'm at work not sure what all I have.

White DS-i. No games. Comes in original box with all the stupid manuals and shit. what do these go for now i don't know $120 takes it i guess.

edit: forgot I had Disgaea 2 for the psp also

Edited by Nekofrog

I have a buttload of YuGiOh cards I'm looking to get rid of. I'll probably go the way of Ebay shortly, but if anyone is a collector feel free to contact me if there's something you want and I can check to see if I have it. I'm okay with being emailed about it (misscatlady@gmail.com) rather than PMed, and likely to see that a lot faster. :)


PSP: img00260201012281654.jpg



Laptop: Core i3 something or other (I think 2.3GHz), 4GB RAM, 250GB hard drive. The screen is pretty much fucked, Amazon has replacements for this model at about $100 or so. I just have no need for it anymore (I have 6 fucking computers in my house, 3 laptops, 3 desktops) so I never bothered to fix it. It's only like 6 months old, Inspiron 1750 or something like that. 17.5 inch monitor.

$200 (costs like $600+ new). price may be negotiable.


8GB ipod nano. the gen before this this one. yes it does the video crap. just never really used it, I use my cell phone for music. waste of my money. $80



oh and this shit

GTA Vice City PS2 $5

PS2 GH2 $5 who would buy this shit

Katamari Damacy $10

FF12 $10 i played this piece of shit for two hours im never fucking buying a new ff ever

ratchet and klank something or other $i dont think im selling it i dont know how it got in this picture

oh right and let's not forget this stinking pile of dogshit guitar hero 5 $15


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