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Posted (edited)

There are plenty of songs left to claim for those who want to join.

Track Listing:

Menu Theme (GCN)

Koopa Beach/Vanilla Lake Mix - Claimed by pu_freak

Rainbow Road (SNES) - Claimed by pu_freak

- Reserved by Metal Man, another by Level 99 and Ben Briggs

- Claimed by pokemoneinstein

- Claimed by DarkeSword, possible second version by Jamish

Peach Beach

Wario Colosseum

- Claimed by TheGuitahHeroe

Airship Fortress - Claimed by Dr Pepper Diet

- Claimed by POCKETMAN


- Claimed by imazi643

Tracks claimed: 8/20. Plenty of space left for more musicians!


- The Rainbow Road songs for MKWii and MK7 could be included as little snippets in the N64/GCN Rainbow Road remix.

- Moo Moo Farm could be a "Hillbilly" remix

- We could include various post-race result screen songs as bonus tracks (example, example)

Edited by pokemoneinstein
Posted (edited)

Well right now I'm just seeing if people would potentially be interested in one sometime in the future. I'm not trying to get anything started right away. Plus it's always nice to get the idea out there, because Mario Kart is a big series with a lot of music, but not a single accepted ReMix. An album devoted to Mario Kart would be a lot of fun. I'm relatively new, but I know at least the gist of how these processes work. But if you think I should have a big project plan before even asking, I could figure things out and then come back with a specific plan in mind.

Edited by pokemoneinstein
Well right now I'm just seeing if people would potentially be interested in one sometime in the future. I'm not trying to get anything started right away. Plus it's always nice to get the idea out there, because Mario Kart is a big series with a lot of music, but not a single accepted ReMix. An album devoted to Mario Kart would be a lot of fun. I'm relatively new, but I know at least the gist of how these processes work. But if you think I should have a big project plan before even asking, I could figure things out and then come back with a specific plan in mind.

Hmm... I started this once and it flopped miserably and was scrapped in a bout of depression, and I think that there's another idea floating around somewhere for this...

i will talk to brushfire about this. Maybe in the future

  • 3 weeks later...

Well nobody really seems interested. I've updated the first post with a potential list of tracks to be done, and hopefully some more discussions will brew up. I'm a lot more confident that I want this project to happen, and I'd love to head it up. So please, everybody who's interested, just say you are at the very least. I plan on updating the track list with links to the songs tomorrow, but tonight I don't have time.


I'll jump aboard this project. Been wanting to remix some of the tracks from Mario Kart, but never went through with it. I'll have an excuse too now. :P

When would we like to start putting this project into action?



damnit, this means it'll have to be done soon, doesn't it?


@perfecto57 I'll talk to Brushfire real soon, and hopefully we get this off the ground.

In the meantime, do any of you have any ideas for a theme or direction to take such an album (if it were to be done)?

Posted (edited)

I would say the overall goal is to give under-loved music the credit it deserves, meaning rather than seeing it as a driven album, seeing the project as individual remixes assembled into a group. I'll talk to Brushfire, and maybe you, he, and myself can co-run the thing. I was thinking it wouldn't start for at least a little while, though. As for now, we should discuss names, which songs we think should be on the first volume of the project, and which songs we should add to the track list of the project as a whole.

My initial thoughts are that there are about 3 or four songs per game on that list. Volume one could be one course song from each game, every listed title theme (which happens to be every one but DS), and the Awards Ceremony. That would be 12 songs. Then we could include just a couple of extras, probably one extra Wii song, and one extra Double Dash song (just going by which has the most tracks listed). Volume 2 would then be the rest of them. And if both go over well, we could think about a Volume 3.

I do have a couple of thoughts, though. First is for Moo Moo Farms. I think whoever does it should do a "Hillbilly Remix." It would be interesting to see what they would do if djpretzel wasn't the only one with one of those accepted, anymore. My other idea is that we could include a lot of shorter bonus tracks, which are made without the intention of getting accepted to the site. I'd be happy to make a couple of those. And lastly, for my own personal benefit, I'd like to try my hand at the GBA Bowser's Castle theme. But if there's someone who desperately wants it, I'd gladly hand it over. I'm not officially claiming it now, because I think claiming songs should come after we've decided what's actually going to be ON the first volume, but we'll see. Maybe we could decide what's going to be on it based on which tracks are claimed first.

Edited by pokemoneinstein

Kinda keen to take Rock Rock Mountain and make it a synthy classic rock song. Vocals a'course. ;-)

This project is kinda similar to VROOM, the SEGA racing one.

So perhaps you could find a few ideas/mixers from there.

I haven't got a lot of time on my hands at the moment thought sorry.

My family is just about to move to another country, so I'll be without my music recording computer/internet access for several weeks.

If you can live with that then I'd love to take the track.


I'm not sure exactly how soon the process will start, but if it's unclaimed by the time you get your stuff back, consider it yours! Besides, there'll be plenty of chance to do it for Volume 2.

But there's still a question of whether or not we want it in separate volumes, as opposed to one single release. Is anyone opposed to either idea? I know the FFIV album released with a TON of songs in a single album.


Just an idea, but if you want to split it you could have one album for console Mario Karts and then another for handhelds. Or perhaps a Disc 1/Disc 2 type of thing.

Though then some crossovers between games might not fit. (For example, I've considered remixing Luigi Circuit from the N64 with Waluigi Pinball from the DS as a sort of rivalry thing) But its just a thought I'm throwing out there.

Posted (edited)
haven't got a lot of time on my hands at the moment thought sorry.

My family is just about to move to another country

Goin' to the Land Down Under, eh, mate?
Just an idea, but if you want to split it you could have one album for console Mario Karts and then another for handhelds. Or perhaps a Disc 1/Disc 2 type of thing.

Reminiscent of the DKC3 Project that SHOULD BE WRAPPED UP SOON *glares at Emunator*

Though then some crossovers between games might not fit. (For example, I've considered remixing Luigi Circuit from the N64 with Waluigi Pinball from the DS as a sort of rivalry thing) But its just a thought I'm throwing out there.

How about doing the Console Vs. Handheld disc idea, plus a 3rd "Rivalry Mix" disc.

This is just a spacer line. It quotes no one but me

Originally, I discussed with Brushfire the idea of doing just the SNES (or maybe even the N64) soundtrack, and having each track match one of the playable characters. For instance, in the SNES version, Mario would match up with Mario Circuit (duh), and Bowser with his castle. Other than those two, the rest would be pure interpretation. And by discussed with Brushfire, I mean it was a one way conversation.

Edited by Anorax

The separate discs idea was what I was thinking of. Thanks!

But no, I think we should do a project for the series as a whole, and I think each disc should just be a collection of themes from across the various games. Though I suppose if we did discs rather than volumes, it wouldn't matter quite as much. Maybe Disc 1 could be all the title themes, and all the main series themes, Disc 2 could be for SNES-GCN, and Disc 3 could be for DS-7, and the bonus tracks. Rivalry mixes I don't support for this project. Maybe another time, but we've got so many songs to do as it is, and I'd like to give each (or most) some proper individual attention.


My intention was for the whole series, I'm pretty dedicated to getting songs from every game on the album.

If anything, we should leave them out of it. SMK has 4 accepted remixes and MK64 has 5. DS has one, and none of the others have any at all.

Essentially, I'm against leaving any games off, but I'm VERY strongly opposed to just making it focus on SNES and N64. Frankly, in my opinion, the best of the series' music isn't on either of them, besides Mario Circuit and the two Rainbow Road songs.

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