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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2015 in all areas

  1. Hi all, My name's Jeremy Johnson, and I've gone by cooliscool since 2000, and an amateur composer of many years. I've played the piano and drums since age seven (20 years), and have progressively composed pieces in that time. I've reached a peak in these later years, and I'm pretty pleased. Remixed a few game songs, which I was very proud of, but never submitted them. I've lurked since 2003, around the time Charles Blachly died. Basically, Alph Lyla single handedly turned me into a composer, with their sheer excellen (ce and immaculate ears. Anyway, my music can be found at SoundCloud. The top 2 I composed last night in a rush of motivation. In "Joy" the right channel clips at times due to a mistake in limiting. Give them time, they kick in at 2 min!. If you feel up to it, listen to them in their entirety, and post honest feedback & suggestions. Considering my style, I couldn't think of a more appropriate place to promote my original work, receive feedback on it, network & make new, likeminded friends, and improve. Without question, in the future I would love to collaborate on a project, even if in a minor way. Much love, Jeremy MY SOUNDCLOUD PROFILE
    1 point
  2. Let us know what you find! Moving this to music composition & production since it's pretty on-topic for that forum.
    1 point
  3. discmakers.com has a great short run service where you can make as few copies as you want. I did a 2-copy thing with them once. http://www.discmakers.com/products/short-run.asp
    1 point
  4. While I agree that competitions should be won based on merit rather than public relations, that's not how the world works and it has never worked like that. Larry is right. So VOTE for Sonic! Or listen to all the entries and vote for his competitor! Mua ha ha ha!
    1 point
  5. Liontamer

    I need your help!

    Life does not work that way. Anyway, folks, definitely feel free to help out Air3s, he's extremely talented. If he doesn't deserve your vote, just don't give it to him, but show some love if he deserves it within the pool of what you're voting on.
    1 point
  6. I've been wanting someone to remix la-mulana for a while now, even tried to gather interest for a remix album but to no avail, this makes up for that though, it's a wonderful mix of some of my favourite themes from the game. Who knows maybe now someone else will get interested in this gem of a title.
    1 point
  7. P4A's story mode isn't an RPG mode; it's much closer to a visual novel. It's also the canonical continuation and intersection of P3 and P4 storylines.
    1 point
  8. The songs you mentioned are (in the same order you mentioned them) Jib Jig, Klomp's Romp, and Snakey Chantey, which WERE covered on the project by Patrick Burns, Joren de Bruin, and Tepid. Don't worry, they weren't left out
    1 point
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