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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2015 in all areas

  1. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
    1 point
  2. Because of some obligations, I'm gonna have to postpone the deadline a bit. New deadline: Friday, July 10th.
    1 point
  3. Should have some news on this very soon, but only if the McRibs are delicious.
    1 point
  4. Definitely sure Stevo would be down with that; never a need to ask to pass on a mix to Sakimoto. We've got a good FF12 mix (along with other FFs in there, but mostly FF12) coming soon too. EDIT (6/25): RebeccaETripp - Final Fantasy XII, VI, IX, V & VII 'Final Fantasy Forest Medley'
    1 point
  5. Brandon Strader


    He basically moderates the whole forum by himself anyway, plus manages the twitter with tweetdeck, and PROBABLY has some input on the facebook page...................................................... this doesn't seem too farfetched to me. In fact the more I think about it (and the more people say it's not true) the more possible and likely it begins to seem. I will be the first to say, DarkeSword needs to bring some of his alter egos back. At least he could make a judging alter ego or 6 or 20 since the panel is so severely understaffed. He should make one also, called LighteShield, but which is an opposite personality to the one he currently puts on. And he could be all nonchalant and be like "I'm stepping down from FF5 as I do not have enough time, it will now be handled by LighteShield." Then the LighteShield version of DarkeSword would finish FF5 and everyone would be like whoo nice work LighteShield, but if you were following along, it was actually an alter ego of DarkeSword, but due to using the alter ego, it gave less pressure to finish the project, because it was then on "another person" so if things changed a little it'd be fine. Anyway, I bet GrayLightning is someone's alter ego, or at the very least, it was the ego of a person who just decided to do other things, maybe even drop music completely. If you're doing music for income or to be your primary job, you're going to be in for a rude awakening. When asked if she would make her first billion from her music Nikki Minaj said "Not from my albums-oh my god. People don't make money off albums"
    1 point
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