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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/2016 in all areas

  1. Tangledeep is now on Kickstarter! We're raising money for extra animation polish like walking & attacking animations, plus special guest composers like Hiroki Kikuta (Secret of Mana / Seiken Densetsu 3) who is already onboard!!! If you want to get access to pre-release builds after April, get the digital soundtrack, Steam key, or immortalize yourself in the game, check out the campaign! WHAT'S TANGLEDEEP It's a 16-bit, FF/Square-inspired dungeon crawler. A true roguelike that takes inspiration from classic western games and JRPGs alike. Tactical turn-based combat, procedural generation, deep customization, lots and lots of loot, and monsters to battle. I've been working on this for over a year now and I'm about 40% done - your feedback is appreciated! The game is playable on Mac and PC right now, but eventually will be on Linux and possibly consoles/mobile too. I'm doing all the code & design for the game (along with music, of course) while @OA is doing beautiful UI, environments and tiles, and a couple other artists doing characters, battle FX, and items. We're hoping to release the game by the end of the year! As of now, though the game is definitely shaping up, it's still pre-alpha with some placeholder art and lots of content yet to be made (and balancing to be done). Tangledeep Discord: https://discord.gg/4q5kjUm Bug Tracker: http://git.impactsoundworks.com:617/isworks-andrew/tangledeep/issues Twitter Dev: http://twitter.com/tangledeepgame Full Dev / Change Log: https://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=57600.0 WIN: http://tangledeep.com/builds/Tangledeep-LatestWinBuild.rar OSX: http://tangledeep.com/builds/Tangledeep-LatestOSXBuild.zip Today we have a wide spread of new art, polish, bug fixes, balance tweaks, and content. The biggest game experience changes are that you now start in the town, and you now have a permanent 'town portal' item that can be used anytime to return to town. You can then take a portal back to where you were. We're also experimenting with walking sprites - starting with the Hunter - which look pretty amazing, in my opinion! The current cast of characters, monsters and NPCs. Some new art + palette improvements here! A snapshot of the world as it looks now. Improved grass, trees, better lighting, better fog of war. Walking animation!?
    2 points
  2. Hahaha, I ascribe to this method as well In all seriousness though, yeah, this. I started off learning guitar when I was young, which naturally led into getting decent at bass, and then after that comes a fairly decent working knowledge of the majority of stringed instruments...and then about 4 years ago I picked up drums out of necessity for a friend's band. Trying to learn piano at the moment, and it's by far the most difficult instrument I've ever tried to learn . Pretty much the best advice is to just always be tinkering around with stuff!
    1 point
  3. Maaaan, Saturn Valley is one of my favorite tracks from Earthbound. You did a great job capturing the spirit of the original track. The song is jumpy, fun, and most of all, boingy. The lead sounds like it sometimes gets lost in the the bass and kick. 0:54-0:57 is where I notice this. Maybe just bring out the lead a little bit more. I also feel like the song kind of ends abruptly. Listening to this song on my phone without looking at the time, I thought the ending transition was leading into another section of the song. Since this is a WIP I'm sure there is more to come. Great job so far. I look forward to hearing how this develops!
    1 point
  4. I'm really enjoying this. I think the section after 1:47 would benefit from additional sound effects thrown in occasionally. It would also be good to change it up slightly somewhere around 2:15 to keep things interesting. Maybe you could swap the high and low voices, swap their parts? I'd love to hear where you take the song from here.
    1 point
  5. Yes. As someone who plays guitar/bass/drums/saxophone/keyboard, it is something you build up over years, and not all at once.
    1 point
  6. Yo, pro multi-instrumentalist here (keys/trumpet/guitar). I think part of the problem is that you're trying to tackle a bunch of things that require different skill sets/muscle memory. The best multi-instrumentalists I know spent "seasons" learning different instruments, and if your goal is high proficiency in so many different tools, I think divide and conquer is your best bet. If you feel like tackling a bunch of different things at once, then I would try to focus on a set of instruments that are at least in the same family. For example, trumpet and flute, while vastly different, are both wind instruments, so there's some overlap there. Guitar and bass use the same fretboard, so that knowledge transfers from one to the other. If you're serious about learning drums my advice is to lock yourself in a practice room with a metronome for two years, and make that your main focus. Get a lesson every now and again, just to make sure you're not doing anything that will lead to injury down the road. Good luck!
    1 point
  7. Just be mediocre at all of your instruments. Seems to work for me.
    1 point
  8. To hype myself for BadAss Volume 3, I revisited the first two volumes and thought I'd give them both a "small" review And now for the second: BadAss Volume 2: Electric BadAss The BadAss takes its second form, and its stronger, more intimidating, and more….um….BadAss than the previous form. Seriously, the quality of tracks increased, the sources used combined both popular games and lesser known/underrated games. This may very well be, currently, the best compilation of boss battle arrangements you will find. The one thing I will criticize, and this is a tiny one, is that this album might intimidate those who don’t like hard rock as much. But, there seems to be slightly more representation of other genres than just hard rock in this album. Before I go to my personal favorites, I want to make an honorable mention to the track “Broken Dreams.” The main body of the track struck me as repetitive and generic, but I absolutely loved how it sampled the best of the 90s Sonic cartoons. Personal Favorites: Track 1: Baby Bowser (Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island) - Bowzilla [Lashmush] God damn does Baby Bowser need a diaper change. This track is very angry, and very intense. The intro is outstanding, and I loved how the synth work in this track didn’t take away from the VERYANGRYANDINTENSEGOINGTOKILLYOU riffs. And way to make Baby Bowser seem more intimidating with those roars. Track 2: Robot Bosses (Sonic & Knuckles) - Hedgehog Fodder [Devastus] This track tricks you into thinking you’ll get a nice sounding track (just like Gilgamesh did in volume 1), and then BAM. The sirens go off, and the robots are out to kill you with more intense riffs. I love the liberal risks taken in this track as well. The original riffs really added to the track. And the subtle choirs and chanting really made it seem like this theme was fit for an army, rather than a single entity. Track 3: Teddy Bear (Splatterhouse 3) - Hunger [Mak Eightman] *From my original review of the track* I like how the distortion blends with the music. It makes Genesis music, or Genesis inspired music sound that much more hardcore than it already was. It’s very intense, insane, and those build ups are so solid. Track 4: The Combine (Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2 - Episode Two) - Mister Freeman [Justin Lassen] I mostly appreciate this track for how different it sounds compared to most of the other, rock heavy tracks. It’s slower, more synth reliant, with a dash of a haunting orchestra bridge. Reminds me of something Trent Reznor would do. Track 8: Dr. Wily (Mega Man 1, 3) - Top This [Flexstyle] *From my original review of the track* I can just see a DJ coming out to stage making a grand entrance at the very start of this track, and then saying into a mic “top this” right at the 0:29 mark. The percussion and bass work is outstanding. I want to dance to this, I want to jam to this, I want to rock out to this. The production here is……ahem…..top notch. Track 12: Ultimate Phalanx (Demon's Crest) - Red Retaliation [Torzelan] I love Demon’s Crest, and its soundtrack. I would have loved the final battle theme, if it didn’t last 16 seconds before looping again. That’s what makes this track so brilliant. These guys found a way to take a 16 second track, make it their own, add awesome lyrics to it, and stretch it out into 4 and a half amazing minutes. Whether you like this genre or not, anyone who aspires to arrange video game tracks should listen to this. Mainly to see that yes, it IS possible to make creative arrangements from original sources, no matter how short the source material is. Track 13: The Great Mighty Poo (Conker's Bad Fur Day) - Poop [Brandon Strader] Man, I don’t even know if anything I could say about this track would do it justice. The Great Mighty Poo theme was already an excellent track, and Brandon Strader somehow made it even better by making it a dark comedic rock opera. Track 14: Dr. Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog 2) - Egg-Shaped Prison [David L. Puga] At first I thought this album should have ended with the previous track, but by the end of the track, I was content with this being a good track to end the album on. It’s a nice take on the Sonic 2 battle theme, and whether intentional or not, the distorted ending does a good job making you think “is the BadAss onslaught REALLY over with?” Spoiler alert: It’s not
    1 point
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