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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/2017 in all areas

  1. Thank you! I'll need to play this game sometime. Is Final Fantasy X available on anything other than the PlayStation 2?
    1 point
  2. Yes, it plays toward the end of the game, when you think your journey is at end and the female protagonist will sacrifice herself to give the world and era of peace, only for a while, since the results are only provisional. (tried to keep it as spoiler free as possible)
    1 point
  3. Voted! Where in the game can I here the source? Is it at the end? I've never played Final Fantasy anything so I'm not sure.
    1 point
  4. You put the cart before the horse a lot with the grand plans that you have, and I haven't seen any ability to carry any of that stuff out yet. Start with a more manageable goal like getting some ReMixes posted, which is a solid indicator that you're able to put together cohesive, reasonably polished musical ideas. Re: promotions and buzz, it's not said out of cynicism, but do not rely on gaming press to promote anything. If you're not connected to any media, you need to get your ducks in a row with the legal aspects first. And when the project itself is strong (i.e. the team, the music, the artwork, and any video work for the KS pitch) and polished, you'll be able to get press then. Don't build "buzz." It's not worth anything until you have nearly all of the pieces in place for the project itself to actually be completed. Especially these days, most Kickstarters are launched when there's actual far-along progress already made, not before. Kickstarter is not something that will effectively fund an idea out of whole cloth, and it's dangerous to treat it as anything other than fundraising for a nearly-completed project.
    1 point
  5. I've been making beadsprites for awhile but I decided to try making videos involving the process. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post videos here though, especially since it has my own music attached. I have also done this with the Lavos final form from Chrono Trigger (pictured above) and planning to make the grown up baby Metroid from Super Metroid. Let me know what you think!
    1 point
  6. @dfcentre Perhaps I can help you: We don't really require passwords - user accounts allow participation on the forums, control of artist profile options, and will eventually be required for submissions, but simply browsing the site and downloading mixes can be done without an account. We DO have an SSL certificate, and we HAVE enabled the option in our forum software so that when you log on, it's via SSL. It redirects back out of SSL after the login has occurred, but the credentials are sent encrypted. See attached screenshot; you can also see this via logging out and back in - the password is posted via HTTPS.
    1 point
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