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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2018 in all areas

  1. This remix is very good. I have one area that put me out of the vibe a little, and that's when the light symbols start coming in at around 41-42 seconds. If those could be toned back a little, I think that'd be an improvement. Maybe they work well on speakers, but on headphones they're a bit loud. But that's picking nits pretty severely. This is excellent! On Tarrey town as a whole. 100% would rather have a house there than in Hateno. However, I think they did a good job in this game making the relationship between Zelda & Link a NON-romantic one. They are two kids, over their respective heads, and just trying to do their best with their awesome responsibility. They are both duty bound, to a task and each other. At no point did I feel any romantic tension between them buuuuuut I haven't beaten Ganon yet. I'm too busy picking up every damned rock to find Koroks and track down the last few shrines. So maybe the last couple of scenes drive home a romantic element not shown in any of the memories thusfar (at least in my interpretation). Anyhow, excellent remix, thanks for making my life a bit better and bringing me back to Tarrey town!
    1 point
  2. For the opening, I felt like the source melody was buried in the background, so I was waiting to hear it be put in the foreground and that finally happened at :26; nothing wrong with that approach, I just was hoping the balance of the parts wouldn't be an issue like last time, and that concern was quickly put to rest. Nice work by Peíorele on the trumpet, and you can really feel the fun come through from Guillaume's arrangement. Really nice personalization of the theme and a great addition to the SoA album. Lovely! YES
    1 point
  3. Harpsichord sounds easy more up front and the live trumpet makes a huge difference. Definitely some great changes here! I will nitpick that the trumpet is probably a little too up front at times, but as a former trumpet player it didn't bother me too much. Overall I'm good to go on this with these changes. Thanks got getting back to us! YES
    1 point
  4. The track was 5:11-long, so I needed to make out at least 155.5 seconds of overt source usage for the VGM usage to dominate the arrangement. :10-:28, :33-2:06.75, 2:39-2:46, 3:48.5-4:05, 4:08-4:55 = 182.25 seconds or 58.6% overt source usage Yeah, in listening to this I agreed with Gario on the bassline matching up with the opening bassline in the source at the very start, the only difference being that the bass notes drop occasionally (removing part of the source's constant pattern), so it's not the complete phrase. But it was directly referencing explicit writing from the source, so I counted most of the bass work in my timestamping. I disagreed with Gario on the synth design being strong. I did like most of the sounds here, but I thought the saw-style synth at 1:26 & 3:48 was vanilla, and the synths string timing from 4:15-4:41 sounded very stilted & exposed rather than stylized. I was put off by that, particularly the string synth, because alum's sound design usually feels fully cohesive. That said, most of the sound design was super cool. On the mixing side, I thought the lead synths at 1:26-1:53 were too loud/sizzling alongside the cymbals; this also seemed too hot there as well from 3:04-3:41 & 3:48-4:41 particularly when you had loud synth lines (e.g. 3:36-3:41). Maybe it's just me feeling like this was too loud at times, but I'm surprised none of the other Js ever brought it up. Re: MindWanderer criticizing the 3:03's rock section, I can see how he was put off by it being so different, but the transitions in and out of it were substantive, so it's not like there was a jumpy & sudden change in style, it was just a very distinct break. I can live with that, and the overall approach still felt unified. I'd appreciate another pass at the mixing (my biggest issue), and tweaking some of the instrumentation I wasn't digging, but those aren't enough to pull this down to NO when the arrangement is solid. As much as I'd like the mixing to not sound so loud and almost abrasive during the densest sections, I can live with this as is. Really catchy source tune choice by the excellent Jared Emerson-Johnson, and from a Fables game adaptation I didn't even know existed until now. Much like WayForward and Capcom, Telltale always works with the coolest outside IPs. A nice welcome back to (and from) aluminum! YES (borderline)
    1 point
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