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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2018 in all areas

  1. Hiya! Well here it goes! I was recently playing this game again from childhood and out of all the tracks I chose this one to try to remix. (Death Stage) I don’t have a computer or even speakers at the moment just headphones and I used the Auxy Music Studio app to mix. If anything I hope it’s somewhat enjoyable to listen to and it would be great to receive some advice. : ) Heres the original : https://youtu.be/4tvCfyOoAII Heres the remix: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-whA2-6QyA2yA_IHU_FV2W_ZQbo6ke4D
    1 point
  2. Out of sheer curiosity: How old are you? Because the stuff you're saying here sounds like things I'd have said when I was a teenage, metal supremacist. No you don't lol City Escape is played at 130 BPM double-time. That is the equivalent of 8th notes at 260 BPM. If you don't believe me, put a metronome over it at 130 and then at 260. In this thread you have claimed: • The song's are slow, which we can objectively prove most of them are not. • You have claimed that the melodies are not memorable. But again, the songs are extremely popular. So they just might not be memorable to YOU • Stated that Crush 40's songs are just slow strumming of chords...which again, is objectively false as evidenced by songs like Open Your Heart, Live and Learn, and just about all the others. So you don't know what you're talking about. You just don't like the songs and rather than just accept that and move on, you're trying to "prove" that you're somehow right. You don't need to justify it; just say you don't like it.
    1 point
  3. City escape is about 260 bpm, I checked. Seriously, take the original file and put a metronome over it. Its much faster than the track you linked there so... I will agree that catchy doesn't inherently mean good. To take a song everyone seems to unanimously hate - Friday by Rebecca Black - that could be considered catchy I reckon. It certainly sticks in the brain and makes it rot. I'd like to point out something you said earlier: Seems to me you're pretty much stating pop punk, Crush 40 and well... a LOT of music is bad. Saying something is "down right horrible" usually means "bad" in my experience. As for you voicing your opinion, you seem to be going a bit beyond that - For example, I'm not sure what you mean by statistics. Who's statistics are you talking about? What is it based on? Subjective opinion? Who's opinion? Yours? Are you saying that you think most music is bad or have you read something and believe it? This is where I I question if it is your "opinion" because you seem to be talking about something beyond that. You're talking like you did some research and found out that in fact, these songs are objectively bad, and we're all wrong for liking it. Maybe i'm overthinking what you're saying but that is how you're coming across to me, reading your posts.
    1 point
  4. DCT

    April Fool's Gold

    A joke? You mean I started all these Ice Cap remixes for nothing?!
    1 point
  5. Mazedude

    April Fool's Gold

    I actually wrote an e-mail to DJP about the site crash. I was very concerned.
    1 point
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