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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2024 in all areas

  1. Hi, I'm currently working on a ludomusicology paper for my MA, which is looking at the reasons that gamers remix and perform video game music. I would like to address the mentorship aspect of participatory culture by looking at cases in which the feedback offered through OCR may have played a role in helping very contributors with very little musical experience develop to the point that they are achieving "YES"s, or even going on to work on professional projects. If anyone feels they fit that category and feel OCR has been central to your musical development and would be up for sharing their story as a case study for including in the paper, I'd be very grateful if they could let me know so we could talk further. Many thanks, Josh
    1 point
  2. Hello! I did have a lot of non-digital music experience, mainly playing piano and singing in choirs, but surprisingly I didn't have a great ear when it came to writing or listening to music, and I was a complete newbie in mixing/mastering. OCR definitely contributed a ton to developing that in only 2 years. You can find me in discord or twitter anytime! @JoshWiniberg
    1 point
  3. It's always wonderful to see someone try a piano solo mix. This was really gorgeous too. The playing is great and the arrangement itself is adventurous but the essence is somehow still quite faithful to me. Makes me want a Piano Collections part 2! Thanks for sharing your vision with us.
    1 point
  4. Happy New Year, everyone! Just wanted to check-in and let you all know that we've got a new submissions process for remixes. Since the inception of the site, we've been asking you to host your file somewhere and send us an email with a bunch of information about your remix. This has lead to a lot of headaches on both your end and our end, but now we're finally moving forward with a more modern method. Introducing the new Submissions Tracking page! We've used our forum software to build out a custom form where you can upload your track directly to us. This post will get a status and linked to a decision thread, and it also features a comments section where judges can communicate with you about issues with your remix. Submissions are private, so only you and the judges can see them. In the coming months we'll be retiring the old email method of submitting remixes with an auto-response that'll direct folks towards the new system. This new form, combined with our recently revamped Currently in the Judging Process dashboard, will help you keep tabs on your submissions. A big shout out to all of the ReMixers and Judges who helped me test out this new system. I've had ideas for years for turning our submissions and judging workflows into a fully integrated piece of software, and while the limitations of our forum software prevent us from hitting that goal 100%, this is a huge step in the right direction. I'm looking forward to hearing what you all are going to send us. ? — DarkeSword
    1 point
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