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Everything posted by Equinox

  1. QFT, this would be the perfect opportunity to completely work 64 bit into mainstream.
  2. You're right, i vaguely remembered what the end of MML2 was. So in other words, disregard that, i suck cocks. (It could use an appropriate ending)
  3. The Megaman Legends series were my favorites of the Megaman franchise, and i would prefer they stay finished.
  4. wtf, this song is retarded easy, still alive that is
  5. I'm in your inbox, increasing your messages.
  6. Shiki no Uta is so much more superior.
  7. Nice nice, that's that. Someone take CoD you nubs.
  8. Hey, Atma, calling dibs on Odyssey.
  9. Yes, it does, and memory is cheap enough to warrant the 32 bit barrier loss.
  10. Wii is gimped as hell on a multitude of levels, I'm not really sure why this RockBand news is a suprise.
  11. Items should always be off. They only serve one purpose and that's cheap victories.
  12. Electric Clouds - po! - Chrono Trigger Forest Birdcussion - Protricity - Donkey Kong Just two of my favorites.
  13. Right, it was hot then, and has been out for quite a while now and paying anything over it's original price at this point in time is pretty goddamn dumb. My 2c really.
  14. Well, unfortunately the Wii is pretty lacking in everything for me to consider paying anything over it's original price for it. However, they're easy to snag, watch threads on CheapAssGamer/Slickdeals and other sites like that and you can easily grab one without paying out the ass for one. Amazon usually has them in stock daily with free shipping and no tax. Good luck.
  15. Not feeling this, very monotonous and sounds like it was done in FL in five minutes. Interesting bass though. I should also note Link's Awakening is like one of my favorite games of all time and this song doesn't do it justice.
  16. Epic ninja login to say happy birthday. Poof.
  17. Fairly good suggestions, Jose. I live in Stuyvesant Town and have been to a fair amount of nice places nearby, and the East Village is actually not a bad place to chill, there's a restaurant in the area called "Around The Clock", relatively good food and very decent prices. Also next to it is a japanese market called Sunrise Mart, and i know half of you would love that stuff. Astor Place right nearby as well, nice big Barnes & Noble if you guys want to stop there and guys want to check some books out. Some billiards in the neighborhood. That said, i'm working tomorrow so i won't be able to make it. Sorry guys, enjoy.
  18. Amazing. This is like the only MMO i haven't played.
  19. This only goes to show how small the world really is. My condolences to Kee's family.
  20. I'll probably come, depending on work.
  21. Just sayin, about fucking time. Feel bad for you previous G15 owners. Unfortunately i work too much to make hardcore use of it (GUILDWARSLOL).
  22. Game is hella pretty in DX10, though i was getting about 20fps at 1680 x 1050 with everything cranked the hell up. I actually didn't try out DX9 performance. Pretty good so far, just haven't had time to play it enough. Also, this was the beta, not the demo, so i was playing online with everything, all classes.
  23. They had a lot of rare/hard to find albums that i couldn't find elsewhere. Sucks they got owned.
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