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Meteo Xavier

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Status Updates posted by Meteo Xavier

  1. Well, I'm clearly biased in favor of it, but you're missing out on one of the coolest old-school JRPG final dungeons ever, plus the best lead up to the final battle I've ever seen and a very satisfying ending, and then there's the bonus dungeons!

    Course, it was 1991 when I fell in love with all that so I don't know how it holds up if you do it new in this day and age, but it really stops getting boring very soon. :)

  2. Hi there - are you still in the remixin' business?

  3. Hey Justin, I saw your message too late and I hadn't seen you on AIM since then. Whats up?

  4. Hey, did you get the email I sent you 2 days ago?

  5. Hello creeper! Yes, you know who you are. I can see that you keep checking my profile page for some reason. I don't know what it is you expect to find here, but I don't think it's going to arrive.

    You call yourself an audio professional, why not get a job or something already so you have something better to do with your time than creep me out? Go make some Kontakt scripts or something - it would be considerably less stalkerish. If that is not within your grasp to do, consider putting the following sentence into Google and see what comes back: "What does 'leave me the fuck alone' mean?"

  6. I am Meteo Xavier. What is the good word, Cat lady?

  7. Hey man, this is Meteo (obviously) from the SD3 project. We need an update on your track before the end of the month please. Deadline is a-comin.

  8. btw, don't take any of my goofiness seriously. I just like to mess with cat people whenever they are available. It's all for show and fun.

  9. No, I just really really like to play with cat people. But a lot of what I deem to be humor often puts people off with its vague focus and some people tend to take it seriously or literally, so I'm just telling ye ahead of time it's all purely for show and for fun.

  10. Did you have a chance to listen to those tracks I linked you to before July?

  11. New WAV for you. Hit me up to get it.

  12. There you are. Did you sign the consent form for SD3 or is there anything else I need to catch up with you there?

  13. What? Post English or at least fully formed words.

  14. I thought you'd want to see this: http://xenossoundworks.com/Now_Hiring_Sound_Designers.html

    This is your destiny, Yooz.

  15. My friend request has been accepted. I love you, Cat Woman. Let us get married and produce scores of insane, half human, cat children!

  16. Oh, YOU'RE Maru.....

    No wonder I've never seen you.

  17. I have to give you credit. That third party Facepalm thing is the funniest thing I've seen all week. Congrats broseff.

  18. Hey, its me again. I wondered if you'd get a kick out of this track I did last night:


  19. I put in my AIM list on Facebook and the name attached to the Darkesword AIM is Ryan Brookwell. Is someone impersonating you on Facebook?

  20. Hopefully NOW that subject is done and over with and I won't need that cover art again. This cover art is just a picture someone made of their email spam and put it on a T-shirt. I love shallow complexity that doesn't actually mean anything. <3

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