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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Discipline Priest + Frost mage = easy grinding. The priest does a mass pull with a psychic scream, he shields himself, then the mage, and then he keeps the mage alive.
  2. Unfortunately mods can't make you a better PVPer, or better at high end raid content. There are decisions that HAVE to be made by a human. Not in most of the guilds I have seen. Taking decisions often mean "not following the walkthrough linked 25 times on the forum." I have seriously seen some guild leaders complain about someone making decisions during a battle... There is a plan and we must follow it. If we die, we are not following it enough. These macros are more often than not used in high end PVE gaming to be sure that no one makes the wrong decision. The leaders say which macros you need and which settings you should have.
  3. You should see my friend with her priest, she could almost bind her left click to one macro/mod and the right click to the another, and she would be instance ready. She no longer takes any counscious decision when she plays, it's only the macros that do the job. Another reason why I quit. We were talking about DPS (a couple of rogues) and one said "get this mod (some energy managing thing), I increased my DPS by 5 with it." Ya know, you are running mods in a game so that the game almost plays by itself. I wish WoW was not moddable.
  4. Either way, I realized when I was still playing that by having compilations, I ended up with 25 different mods I did not want. My main was a rogue, so all the caster related mods weren't used at all. CT raid assist is good, and I enjoyed Nurfed HUD, the rest however, is tailored to a specific set of needs.
  5. They are still compatible with the game. And Insomniax was iffy too for a while...
  6. Actually, tier1->tier2 could barely be considered an ugprade if you want to look at it that way. Many Shamans prefer Earthfury over Ten Storms for PVE, for example. I see rogues using their Nightslayer set rather than Bloodfang sometimes as well, and I myself see little reason to spend all my points on Transcendence when I can get UBER upgrades like Pure Blementium Band, Rejuvinating Gem, etc. In comparison, however, the sets in AQ are VERY good. Neither Prophecy nor Transcendence even holds a candle to Oracle, in my opinion. Stat wise, tier 2 is slightly superior... bonus wise, it's all about style of play. I can easily see a build around nightslayer working better. I loved bloodfang because of my overall perception... with the bloodfang set bonus, I would have had 3 or 4 sources of health triggered by hitting... being a SS/bladefury oriented rogue, that meant significant healing (with a simple lifestealing/darkmoon card heroism combo, I was the first non-healer on the healing meter...). I was gonna do the mainhand crusader, off hand agility or life stealing, darkmoon card heroism and bloodfang bonus... I kinda wish I could have seen it to see the healing/endurance added in...
  7. You with your facts ruining my joke... Ok, so I haven't been paying that much attention to WoW nowadays... sue me.
  8. You have your blue set (tier 0) You have your Tier 1 set (Molten core exclusive.) You have Tier 2 set (Onyxia, MC, and BWL) You will have .5 (better than 0 but under tier 1) You also have the Quest sets, ZG blues+purple (a .75 set if you ask me because of the lesser number of pieces) And the AC 20 quest set (1.25 IMHO) And probably a AC 40 set (either 1.75 or 2.25) The next real set (tier 3) will come most likely in burning Crusade, with the level 70 cap. Tier 3 will be a 70 blue thing, Tier 4 will be 70 purple, and tier 5 will be 70 orange. It is believed that tier 5 will look like a gundam wing mech armor and will include +str for every class except pally and warriors, +spirit for every class except priest, +agi for every class (especially hunters) except rogues, +stam for every class except warlocks, and +arcane damage for shammies only. This will be called the "statistical normalisation project." By then, pallies will be wearing Uberplate, shammies will be dualwielding 2 handed weapons, warlocks will have a permanent fear aura, priests will have a constant damage reduction shield lowering any damage taken by 200 (400 on crits) and rogues will no longer unstealth when someone casts a spell 3 zones away. Obviously, such a buff to rogues will cause them to only wear cloth, and to depend on dex for HP, Stam for armor, Str for energy, and spirit for crit rate. Intel will, as usual, be useless for rogues. This means taht every item in the rogue sets will have +int. A new 80 player cap will be put on raids. Drop rates will be decreased accordingly. The latest Dungeon: The Temporal Overusage Cavern will require a quest chain available starting at level 1 and will be part of a character's whole history. Doing the level 1 part will offer the Alliance their first ever level 1 green. The horde will gain a level 1 purple set dubbed "Tier Fairness." These quests will not be available to anyone over level 2, so sucks to be them.
  9. explain Well, we had to find an "educational" website and talk about it for 5 minits, and OCREMIX was blocked, so Joefu gave me the link to your website, so I picked your website out of the worthless crap of websites I had. and I talked about it for 5 minits, thanks Wingless. elaborate I am fairly certain that in a class he is undertaking, they had to find a collection of files grouped together in what is known as a website that had some form of educational purpose. After having Joefu recommend the data you arrange in a public format for anyone to see on the web, he selected what you would call your website to do a 5 minute presentation.
  10. It is rumored that when this thread will die, OCR will never be the same again.
  11. Welcome to OCR. I recomend you read a lot before you start posting. Get a feel for the place, and you should be doing fine. I also suggest that if you plan to not use basic grammar, you should just leave now.
  12. If you are alliance, try feathermoon stronghold. I would not know for horde.
  13. Depends how far you invest in both trees...
  14. You deal damage. You deal a lot of it. In a raid, you should be a back up healer in a "oh shit it all went wrong" situation. With my 60 rogue, I have only met one pally able to defeat me in a duel, and that was because I so rarelly fight pallies. Shammies can often defeat me (well, those that are well played.) With the whole damage dealing aspect of the shaman, they should do less in terms of healing. The problem you have is that the first guild to do something used a shammy as a healer and now everyone follows that one walkthrough and never questions it. A shammy is more suited in front, dealing damage, and healing when necessary. Just like a feral druid should be in cat form, and a balance druid in moonkin form. Also, pallies suffer from the same problem as shammies, they are stuck in one role because someone arbitrarely decided that pallies were buff/heal only. So I see pallies wearing cloth in instances... Go figure.
  15. At some point, rogues are gonna need more than a minor readjustment. So far, the only easily killed class for rogues will remain non-ice mages. I can't test it, but I am sure all priests will be at the level of shadow priests. As one of my friends said: "the only thing that can kill a shadowpriest is a troll shadow priest." Obviously, rogues do deserve some of the crap they receive about their power in PvP, but to ensure victory for the rogue, they have to pick a target and eait for a vulnerable moment. Fighting any target at full power for a rogue is complete madness and will cause death. In pve, a rogue is a boring experience. All you do is wait while you are at full power for about 5 minutes, then you wait 5 minutes for the tank to gain aggro, and then you have to not do as much damage as you can because the tank has to hold aggro. WARNING, UNRELATED RANT Should you try to suggest something not in a walkthrough (mind numbing poison on the bat boss comes to mind), most people act as if you are stupid. If you do it and you work, you don't get the credit for it, and if it doesn't people just reinforce the idea that you are stupid for trying to improve a strategy some doofus wrote on a website. No one plays WoW anymore. They download macros, use strategies from other guilds, and then they argue about loot. If there was any kind of balance, I wouldn't even complain about the rogue's status. But unlike for some classes, many people believe there is only one viable rogue build, and that is the sub/dagger spec. Now priests have gone from 3 viable specs to about a dozen interractions between talents. At some point, I wish that rogues will get the option to have a more flexible and interesting talent interraction. Also, you cannot concider the rogue complete as long as "improved distract" will remain a talent.
  16. I know, the problem is that they only strive to solve class problems. They don't even try to have some sort of balance be put in. A restoration druid should be as good a healer as a priest without talents. A shammy should be as good a healer as a priest - 20 levels. A pally should be as good a healer as a priest - 10 levels. The problem with the priest mana restoration is that other than the pally restoration, most mana restorations would basically give the priest too much power. Pally blessing is slow, that time usage is the best aspect of the thing. Evocation is a pretty cheap and dumbass talent. A mage with no mana is useless, I know that. So have that mage learn how to conserve mana. Improved mana gems would be a much better talent. And a lot more balanced. A warlock's lifetap is balanced because it uses his life to add more mana. If a priest had lifetap, all he would do would lifetap, heal himself, and relifetap... A druid innervate, if I remember correctly, is others only. If not, it should be that. A warrior cannot (other than by using potions) have an ability that brings his life back up in an instant. That would be gamebreaking. Just like the mana restoration abilities. They need to work on balancing the classes beyond just buffing and nerfing seemingly randomly. Every month, they satisfy half of their population and piss off the other half.
  17. ... Yeah, I don't miss the game at all. Always the same crap, buff one, nerf one, promise buff on another. With 10 classes, this rotation can go on for a while. They usually nerf the class buffed 2 patches ago. Priests are getting buffed, then next time they will get a minor adjustment (balanced readjusting) then they will get nerfed. By the time of class adjustment 10, they will release the expension, and start all over again with warriors, while they will nerf shammies, and readjust rogues.
  18. Yes, being impatient will make sure the shirt appears in the warehouse, and geta shipped 5 weeks ago.
  19. Ok... take a deep breath... International orders can take a lot longer to process. Sending a shirt to sweeden is not the same as sending one to texas. Also, it is a lot easier to get help by being polite. People are a lot more enclined to help you if you seem like a nice person. Flooding this thread would get people's attention, but it would be negative and you would get banned from OCR for flooding. djpretzel is a human being. As such, he is entitled to vacations, and to not be here all the time. OCR is not the only thing in his life, and quite frankly, I am thankful for all the time he gives to us. By now you have pmed him, and he will be aware of the situation when he reads your pm. Keep in mind that being this site's admin, it must mean his pm box is fulled 90% of the time. His mailbox, due to the remix submission process, must be in the same state. Leviathan on the other hand handles other business. OCR is not his main hang out. He will get your PM when he comes to OCR. Being a person with a lot of involvment with internet business, his email inbox as well must be filled with messages. He will take care of the issue when he learns of it, to the extent of what he can do. Don't forget that the ZTNet store might have some problems beyong what leviathan can handle. It may range from a corrupt order database to a physical problem that would lead to reduced stocks. The shirts will come in due time. If there is an known issue beyond what you have reported (which may simply be due to them waiting upon receiving additional shirts until they can ship them to you due to a higher demand and a lower number of shirts delivered to them), we will be informed as soon as leviathan or djp are informed. Issues have risen in the past, and we are quite high in the list of informed people, so don't worry. If I remember correctly, no one is making a profit off of the OCR shirts. Every penny over production costs is invested in OCR. No one is on a beach sipping pina coladas with your money.
  20. well dat aint nice Well, ya know, this is a noob thread... Anyway, just so you know: Read a lot. Read threads, read everything you can. In fact, you should only read stuff for the next couple of days. Get a good idea of how OCR forums work. And if you do chose to go to PPR, try to be intelligent and think before posting. Moreso if you go to unmod. We may act dumb, but most of us do so just for fun and we are in no way idiots.
  21. You tell me. I mean... You own your own domain, you have to be taking this internet thing seriously.
  22. Sigma, X4. I'm actually looking for a cheat for that bastard, because form 3 kills me.
  23. Yeah, I am walking away, it's about time actually. Had fun, but I'm better off in the real world... Goodbye azeroth.
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