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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. SNES: The one must have that was neglected: EVO Search for Eden.
  2. As far as it was previously, numbering is like this: X.X.X X._._ for games _.X._ Content patches _._.X Fixes (uses the beta numbering too, so you can go from 1.0.1 to 1.0.34.) 1.X.X was World of Warcraft 2.0.0 was the Pre Burning Crusade patch 2.0.1something was the post BC fix patch. Now we should get 2.1, the first BC content patch. And at 245 meg, it is not the biggest patch. I do believe that honor goes to 1.4 which was (IIRC) the Diremaul Blackwing Lair Honor patch. Followed closely by 1.5 which was the Battlegrounds patch. Also, the reasons why I suspect a level cap or talent point increase is due to some odd fixes between impossible combinations, such as Cold Snap reseting Dragon's Breath and such things.
  3. It does suck that everyone with an opinion feels its their god given duty to share it with everyone else especially when IT DOES NOT MATTER. Limited selection, simply because I don't want to name games I like, but games I want to nominate. DC: Bangai-O PS2: Katamari Damaci GameCube: Ikaruga
  4. FYI: THis patch is MASSIVE Every class is tweaked (rogues all get improved sap, now the improved sap talent will increase the range of sap and blind, while reducing the energy cost... This makes me rather happy) New 70 flying mount areas are made available. You can kill ogres threatening Shattrat, fight in the flying city above Skettis (or so I heard) and help the consortium in the prison of the Ethereum. The Black Temple is open, and it is apparent a huge BRANCHING dungeon. You do fight Illidan, but you only are a nuisance and you simply slow him down. A new boss is added in one of the aunchindoom instances... not shadow lab, the one in which you get the shadowlab key. This boss is part of the epic flying form quest. In addition, a quest chain will be made available for the netherdrake mount. Read the patch notes, this one will be rather impressive. (and well, they are doing some unique tweaks which may indicate a level cap increase sooner than expected or an additional source of talents.)
  5. So, has Warhammer Online been out for a while now? Seems that you hear a lot about it but it still is not out, therefore it cannot be compared to WoW which has been out for about 3 years.
  6. I kinda wish my MMORTS idea would get fleshed out more... it almost seemed possible and interesting. Oh well, come on Diablo 3.
  7. Accelerated time from the observer's perspective results in slowed time from the combatant's perspective. Fast forward during DBZ fights and you will find balance.
  8. Not really. An objective based MMORTS could work in a smaller specialized team approach. Lets say you have an infiltration commander, an artillery commander, a medic commander, a resource gatherer commander and such kinda like a class in an MMORPG. You could have training objectives in a "simulator" something like normal leveling areas in MMORPGs. Based on your abilities (think something like command points based on your level) you get a default unit configuration. These training missions get you more unit purchasing power (the availability being dependant on your faction's current standings in the mission areas). Once you want to get into real action you team up with people and you either take on "objective missions," (PVE objectives that add more resources to your faction) and you would have "conflict missions" (PVP objectives kinda like battlegrounds where you gain footing on better resource spots, increasing your standing, thus lowering your costs for recruiting units.) The higher you are, the better units you can purchase, the better reputation you are the cheaper they are, and the more resources your faction has, the easier it is topurchase units.
  10. No, I would not. If you buy a game in which the goal is to kill in horrible ways, you have to expect that people are gonna die in horrible ways in the game. Don't want to see people die? Don't buy the game. Its that simple. No one is forcing someone to play violent videogames. Parents are just idiots who fail to do actual parenting by not showing any interest in what their kids are doing. Every game I got as a kid, my parents knew what it was. When I rented games, they would ask me what the game was and would look at me playing, even just for 5 minutes. Even today, when I buy a new game, they like to see it in action (although my parents, in their 50s, have developped a love for videogames that was rather surprising at first.) Jack Thompson should be suing parents who fail to do their jobs as parents. You don't sue car manufacturers for making cars that go faster than 100 kph when some dies due to a car crash at 150kph. You see the person as irresponsible.
  11. I see your list that has been on the internet for about 10 years and raise you another list that has been on the internet for 10 years. Originality is not something you can copy off of someone else.
  12. Obviously. She's Asian and thus proficient in 25 forms of martial arts. She is also good with firearms because she may have turned on a computer at some point in her life. Do not use the common secret op trigger words around her like Jackal, Jihad, or Pretzel, or it may trigger a murderous rage.
  13. Who knew that the green goblin would turn out to be peter's father?
  14. Remember that this being a superhero story, superhero rules about death apply. They may have their version of Superboy-prime pummelling at the walls of reality at some point.
  15. Let this be Bad Tuna. It cannot be anything other than Bad Tuna.
  16. More like Eeewww Dwarf Priest. That is such an alt made for raid instances...
  17. Lufia 2 It may be just too awesome for a single man to tackle, but I want to see you try. ESPECIALLY THE DRAGON SHRINE THEME!
  18. Intersting. I shall be buying a PS3 just because of the dead goat.
  19. He was apparently an avid user of the killmulator known as Microsoft's Counterstrike...
  20. Please don't demonize the shooter. His family is in grief as well. What you must do now is try to show compassion before anything else.
  21. Items in SSB actually do play a part in deciding who is the best. "Oh, a homerun bat has appeared, how can I get to it before my foe?"
  22. Congratulation. Its a hard leap of faith to do, and you have balls, I,ll give you that. (some would say the wedding will take care of removing them...) So, what's next? Wedding march remixing contest?
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