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Everything posted by BlueMage

  1. Got this at VGMix too (jeez, it's like a mantra ) and I've always considered this a definite improvement over Stomping Through Seasons (got rejected from here a while back). One thing I have noticed is that most of GaMeBoX's tracks use extensive use of samples, often taken directly from the game. Now that is truly paying homage to a title Overall, a nice, mellow track, with enough bite to make sure you won't fall asleep. Easy 6 (>75%)
  2. Trust me, it does That said ... MMZ3 is strangely easy .... I mean, sure, the last boss is, like in MMZ, a nice surprise, but when you consider who you're fighting against .... it seems too easy. Bummerdude - very much a pain in the arse. You'd understand why if you knew who that final boss was. And you really should try the X series of MegaMan games - after 3, the NES ones were all pretty much the same over and over. That said, I'm considering getting X8 for PC.
  3. I got this from the RPG Splendid site I think ... and then, like an idiot, I never really listened to it. More fool me. Really is a melancholy piece, but one strangely suited to the world Zelda is set in. There's been too much black-and-white morality/emotion in most of the Zelda games - and this track shows the potential for more depth in that sense in the franchise. Good work Dhsu, 6 (>75%)
  4. Got this from VGMix some time back now. I admit, first time I listened to it, I wasn't too thrilled. Then I listened again, and it grew on me from there. This is one track I don't skip past, and have left on repeat for the better part of an hour on several occasions. F*cking awesome work DistantJ. Easy 7 (>85%)
  5. Mage-approved. Rocking stuff. Solos towards the end sounds like arrangement. Rest is, for most intents and purposes, a cover. Solos kick arse by the way. Not the greatest, but far, far, far from the worst. Held from a 7 because it didn't sound meaty enough to me 6 (>75%)
  6. It got 2nd place in the DoD for a reason. Mostly because it's a damn good piano solo. 7 (>85%)
  7. Glad to see this on OCR. Heard it at VGMix, liked it there, still like it now. Can't say anymore than that. 7 (>85%) (Holy crap, I beat GrayLightning to first post )
  8. But that's what you want sometimes. Sometimes the original piece is good enough that anything beyond minor reinterpretation doesn't respect the original, but more insults it. I'm not saying that the best original tracks should only have covers, but anything beyond conservative interpretation can seriously detract from its appeal. On this track though ... of all the Mega Man themes, Elecman's Theme is the one that stands out to me the most, and I do enjoy this track. It's not quite Elecman vs Funkaman (so mellow) but it's still a good track in its own right. 6 (>75%)
  9. zyko, a winner is YOU. 'bout time this particular theme from TGL was covered. I mean, sure, the opening is awesome, but everyone's done it. Don't think I've heard this one remixed before though. 7 (>85%)
  10. Quoted for emphasis and truth. No further review needed. Download now.
  11. Now that I've finally bitten the bullet, gotten a GameCube and Wind Waker, I can honestly say that the original of this sounded a bit .... thin. As though it wasn't all there. It didn't have the epic feel I'd associate with music defining a legend. This, on the other hand, most certainly does have that epic feel. There's a certain urgency in it after the Legend of Zelda theme section, the sort I'd associate with the showdown that's being described in the game about this time. In general, this track feels more full than the original, and that's not a bad thing. Now, if only Darkesword would turn his attentions to that awesomely-Celtic opening theme for Wind Waker
  12. Y'know, DJP's getting on, and I was beginning to think he just might've been over it ... then I heard this track The man still has it, and we are all better off for it. First track I downloaded at my new residence. iPod rating: 5 stars
  13. Beautiful, calm, serene .... such a soothing track, and a lack of familiarity with the source is no hinderance to enjoying it. iPod rating: 5 Stars
  14. You sunk my freakin' battleship Darangen! Magus theme, heavy guitarwork, orchestration laid in there too ... and third place in DoD. Well deserved ranking, for a kick-arse track. (New feature now) iPod rating: 5 stars
  15. Awesome track, and from a fellow Brisbanite too! Lava Reef and Hidden Palace are two great tracks to work with. I would say this is old-sk00l Jivemaster stuff, but simply put, it's better than that. Much, much better. If you run any live gigs man, I may just be tempted to check them out.
  16. Interview goat - goat wins for two reasons I can think of. First and foremost being that he shares my given name, and shares the surname of the great Evil One.
  17. Awesome job Rayza and Aurora - for a first time around, you both did very well, and the spontaneous tangents made it seem more like you believed what you were saying, rather than just reading from a script.
  18. Yeah, I downloaded this from VGMix....a couple of days or so ago now, but only listened to it tonight between lectures. Had to double-check iPod to make sure it was actually goat, at least until I heard the guitar. Nice, (comparatively) soft piece from goat, but my preference still goes towards Unchosen Paths - Rancid Purgatory and Scale the Machine. Speaking of which, why haven't they been submitted here? Not quite goat's (now) semi-trademark style of metal-orchestra, but pretty close, and a darn good listen too.
  19. I remember Iced Out Nine Twenty Two. Ok, 0:24 I'm hearing what sounds like harp strings. Seems like everyone includes a few harp strings as a little tip-o'-the-hat to McVaffe. Still, it sounds appropriate for an Ice Cap remix. Let's continue. Hmm.....opening lyrics sound fairly similar - in tone, if not meaning - to Eminem's latest radio song (Mockingbird I believe). Nice tight rhyming, made all the better by the fact that there's no swearing to detract from it. Kudos to Just Us for that. Around 4:00, Eminem influence becomes apparent again. That's not an insult, by the way - Eminem appears to have matured a great deal inbetween his last CD and his current one (at least in what I've heard) so, in this remix, there's a certain maturity to the lyrics which just doesn't come up when the rapper is just going on about guns, hoes, drugs and money. Cheers DCT and Just Us - you've got a fine mix here.
  20. Best part of listening to a Judge's mix is the fact that you know you're going to get quality music. It may not appeal to your aesthetics, but it'll be quality nonetheless. So when it does appeal, as is the case here, all the better
  21. I don't see what the problem with the 'odd' notes are - as I hear it, it's a great setup to flow into the next part of the melody. Rather than sounding at odds with the rest of it, it sounds right to my ear. But then again, ever since I started getting stuff from VGMix too, I've come to expect this sort of quality from Darangen - his Lufia remixes have made sure of that Also, I'm a sucker for electric guitar and piano mixes, so pretty much any mix that uses both will be a winner as far as I'm concerned. (Hence, Lufia mixes) I'm trying to give people who haven't heard his other stuff a hint here!
  22. Right.....after repeated listenings....this track's really grown on me. Disregard anything I said in my previous comment (aside from the vocalist being very talented - that stands). Well-made track.
  23. That you did sir, and kudos for it. OCRemix would be a whole lot drier and lacking if you hadn't shown that remixers could take the piss out of the source and still be respecting it.
  24. I heard this piece on VGMix first....and I must say, I was impressed then, and still am. But then, tis the rare Castlevania piece I don't like.
  25. Japanese lyrics.....I swear, if it's Japanese lyrics for the sake of Japanese lyrics .... Well, I must say, the vocalist is quite talented. Let there be no doubt in anyone's mind - the vocalist is talented. But the lyrics themselves....eh, not sure it's my cup of tea. Maybe if it were more of a background effect, it would fit better.
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