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Everything posted by BlueMage

  1. I otherwise have nothing of interest to contribute to this thread. Carry on.
  2. Most of you suck - hell, I'm on the other side of the damn planet and I'm able to download from it with ease.
  3. Just under 2000 at last check. Predominantly VG now, as prior to that, my tastes were, shall we say, lacking.
  4. Oh AE, you have been gone from OCR too long... Granted, to my ear, the tune does follow the original very closely. Rapping doesn't get on my nerves (a plus!). Bit grittier than what I expected, to be honest, but that's not a problem. Moar plz.
  5. I got to see it for free, with complimentary popcorn, drinks and icecream. That said, I didn't go in expecting a cartoon-faithful rendition - I went in expecting pretty CG with big robots belting the shit out of each other. And Hugo Weaving's voice. I found myself not disappointed in the slightest. I also found it reassuring that our planet's special forces are capable of holding their own against giant alien robots. Even more reassuring is that it only takes a squad of US special forces to take out any given robot.
  6. Time to take the SMP version for a spin, and see what a quad-core can really accomplish in this thing.
  7. Hey guys. Come to Brisbane instead? AKA, we need to get off our arses and organise another one.
  8. CHz, once I'm assured decent speeds in Oblivion on Vista, this baby is so Vista'd. I admit, XP occasionally muffs it with determining which core should be doing what - I mean, I'd dedicate a single core to System and leave one core dedicated entirely to foreground processes (ie, games, etc) but evidently XP doesn't think to do this. Nekko, the only instance of having to disable multiple cores for games that I've found has been in games that use the Dark Engine or some variant thereof. This means Thief, Thief 2 and System Shock 2 are the only games I've encountered with that problem.
  9. Why stop at just two cores? Get the quad-core offering and have a beast as blazingly fast as mine. Otherwise, yes, 6600 is the better power/price ratio currently.
  10. For future use, and this goes for anyone suffering this problem, might I recommend Puppy Linux as I've found it to be fast, stable and small. And it's bootable off of a USB flash drive. It also allows you to install GRUBLoader, which you could use to point directly at your Windows partition.
  11. And if he does actually just google himself constantly, guaranteed our very own djpretzel will be receiving a cease-and-desist email from Mr Thompson some time soon. Oh, the lulz that can come of this.
  12. It was, but an enjoyable over-the-top. Still, not something I'd replay, really. The Wii though, as it does with all first/third person shooters, offers a unique (console) experience, I'd imagine.
  13. IF ONLY BECAUSE OF THIS! Would watch. Seriously.
  14. Ahahahaha, they do have it! Superb. I shouldn't have to tell any of you who this bloke is - it only got GOTY several years running. Oh shit I just lost some of my internet anonymity.
  15. Makes for driving where you want to speed non-stop you mean. There's a reason I don't have any FZero-GX tracks on my playlist. Which is as follows. Oh fuck. iTunes went and deleted it. Well, plenty of BrainCells, goat, SnappleMan - all the guitar-heavy stuff. Makes you want to put your foot down.
  16. I'll post my current Car CD when I get home. Warning, tis mostly goat and SnappleMan and Braincells and shit. Great for encouraging aggressive driving.
  17. Same, but I mix it up with some Rammstein, Apocalyptica and E Nomine. German musics for the win! Also, 1748 songs, 4.8 days at 8GB
  18. I've determined that's the network interface these desktops use. Now, all fine and dandy for both Vector Linux and DSL. Unfortunately, my co-worker doesn't want linux - he wants Windows XP. And all I've got a legit copy of is XP Home. Internet is proving remarkably uncooperative in yielding these drivers, so I turn to you, OCRemix, to perhaps offer me assistance in this time of need. Thanks in advance.
  19. BUT YOU POINT AND CLICK JUST LIKE IN COUNTERSTRIKE! Oh wait, we've done this already, haven't we?
  20. Clearly this one.
  21. So first you clear the MBR - machine has no idea where to look to boot. Then, you want to save an image and restore it ... restore an image of the cleared MBR or what? If the MBR is empty, machine will not boot, assuming you don't have a boot floppy or similar.
  22. I'll agree on Oblivion, though I will swear on a stack of Bibles, Korans and Unix manuals that it's got THE EXACT SAME MUSIC as NWN2. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing.
  23. Too late ;_; Also, nice lyrics, fucked up film clip. Sonne, that is, not Zwitter.
  24. Those boys trained on the even-then-outdated DOOM murder simulator, so it's natural that their affinity wasn't as high as this guy, who no doubt had access to the latest murder simulators, like Gears of War, GTA3 and Viva Pinata.
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