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Black Mage

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Everything posted by Black Mage

  1. Apologies for grave digging, but I thought I'd add that this weekend (9-11 to 9-13), Braid is on sale on Steam for a mere $4.99. Download it whilst you can.
  2. I pre-ordered the CD and still await the awesomeness in the mail. I've waited for years for this! Their premier album is still one of my favorites and gives me chills when I listen to it. The CDs should be mailed out late this week.
  3. Drak, do you shoot into CRW, CR2, or DNG? I've tried CRW, but nothing reads it, not ever Adobe RAW converter. I've tried activating the DNG, but it keeps saying to run a badpixel script?
  4. Sweet! I knew thay had that for the smaller powershot cameras, but didn't know that they had it for the SX10. I'm going to give it a try!
  5. The Protomen - Father of Death Last night I dreamed I climbed to the top of a mountain of metal and for miles I could see the destruction of man. Speaking of which, The Protomen's second album, Act II - Father of Death, hits in one week! I've been waiting for this for freakin' ever.
  6. Actually, I don't even own a DSLR (though I do have a Nikon FM10 and N60 35mm SLR's), I shoot with a Canon Power Shot SX10 IS. Technically it's a point-and-shoot, but it gives me almost as much control as I'd get with a DSLR (it even has manual focus), minus the interchangeable lenses. For my macro shooting, I just switch into super-macro, one of my favorite settings. In that mode the camera has a minimum focal distance of 0mm, so I can actually focus on the lens glass. I'd love to get a good DSLR (EOS 5D Mark II), but my SX10 is a good value for what it can do and what I can coerce it to do. At the moment, though, I can't really justify blowing the better part of my life savings on a 5D MkII. I really wish I could get some sort of a digital back for my FM10, though...that would be kick-ass, having a completely mechanical/manual DSLR!
  7. I use a Canon SX10 IS. It gives me a lot of control over my photos, while still being relatively small; and the 20x optical zoom (35mm equivalent 28 - 560mm) is a nice plus, too. Also, the video quality is good and sound quality is surprisingly excellent. I'd love to have a Canon 5D Mark II and a 50mm f/1.2L, but my finances won't allow that anytime soon. (Speaking of the 5D Mark II, has anyone read the rumors about the 7D?) As for film, I believe that it will hang on to the professional/artistic photography niche for a long time, though it will soon die out as the consumer market is concerned. I love digital, but I am a firm believer that as black and white photography goes, film and wet process are forever superior to digital. I mean, sure you can run an image through Photoshop and make it look like it's selenium toned, but it's not. It's simply mimicking the color of selenium. Likewise for sepia, palladium, gold, and uranium toned silver gelatin prints. And if anyone still uses an APS (Advantix) film camera, dear god just run it over with your car. You'll be doing yourself (and photo lab techs, like me) a major service.
  8. The first three are from my trip to Lake Powell, this past June. The last is one of better food pr0n photos (it's blood orange marmalade).
  9. Wow, I've never seen a diamond-shaped lens flare, before.
  10. Now you're talkin'! I've long loved Celtic music, both trad and contemporary. I even play the Irish whistle to an acceptable degree. Here's one of my better recording of The Elfin Knight. Played on my Tony Dixon High D, I actually recorded it using my Canon SX10. http://www.imeem.com/people/yot9y-C/music/lpAnX5sj/tom-hamilton-the-elfin-knight/
  11. Vanessa-Mae - J.S. Bach: Partita #3 in E BMW 1006 - 1. Preludio
  12. WooHoo! I've missed the show and can't wait for that first download in iTunes! Many were the days I'd ride the bus to campus, listening to VGDJ.
  13. The visuals look amazing, but after seeing the aliens--or natives, I suppose you would say, as the humans are the alien invaders in this movie--after seeing the natives, I fear that the furries of the world could potentially ruin this one for me.
  14. Just got back from the movie. It's was pretty good, eventually. It does take a while to get into the meat of the movie, though. I actually saw four or five people walk out in the first fifteen minutes. I even considered following them, but decided to give it a chance and see what developed. I'm glad I stayed, because it does improve. The documentary format in the beginning got old for me, and fast. [spoilers] I'm not sold on this. They did mention in the film that they were workers; ones who followed orders and were without a command structure on Earth. I'm guessing that they were a labor caste, like in an ant colony. And Christopher was a higher-up in that hierarchy. [/spoilers]
  15. Only playable between 6pm and 6 am, Hotel 626 is some freaky shit. Turn out your light, put on your headphones and enable your webcam for some survival-horror creepiness. http://www.hotel626.com/ Granted, it is a game by the Doritos folks, but it creeped me out.
  16. This Week in Tech: Episode 205 - Step Up to the Guru Bar
  17. Gordon Lightfoot - The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald Wait...why the fuck is Gordon Lightfoot in my library? Must have downloaded while watching Deadliest Catch one night.
  18. Willing suspension of disbelief.
  19. Face, do yourself a big favor and just stop. (This takes me back to the days of n00b bashing in the forums.)
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