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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. I'd pay an impossible sum of money for a new Gargoyle's Quest game. I love all three of them.
  2. What's your Steam username / e-mail address? I've added someone I think is you, haha.
  3. The Damned gifted me Borderlands 2 today! He's not my Secret Santa, he's just spreading some extra Christmas cheer. Thanks to him for the random gift! In the spirit of making someone else's day with a random gift, I have a copy of Torchlight 1 free to the first person who asks for it. Just let me know!
  4. Best idea for an album release date ever. Well played, looking forward to listening as the moon falls!
  5. Fun things to try: First, to enable Megaman's own ultra meter, hold Jump and Shoot for 6 seconds on the title screen until you hear a noise. Then you can throw fireballs (QCF, charge for red) with the buster active, and if you hit Swap 1 and Shoot at the same time... Second, to remove your helmet, on the character select screen go to Ryu's profile, hold Shoot, and hit right, right, right, left. Third and most importantly, to enable the best music for EVERY stage, go to the weapon select screen, hold jump, and hit up, down, down, down.
  6. Capcom-Unity has released a statement that if you download it from somewhere else, just please go download it from them before New Year's. No need to suppress links to get it from other sources.
  7. This will make me sound like a scrub, but Vega is cheap as hell in this game. That wall-dive is damn-near undodgeable if you're near the corner when he does it.
  8. Wes, you keep inviting me to play and I'm finally going to be free tomorrow, pending any child disaster. Let me know what the password will be!
  9. Congratulations! Lots of new OCR parents this year, it seems...
  10. I'm good friends with one of last summer's interns for Game Informer -- the magazine is pretty good. They are actually underfunded by GameStop for the work that they do, IMO. They put out a good product though, and the website is just as high quality as the magazine. If you're interested less in game reviews and more in industry news/reporting articles, you'll do better at Polygon or the Penny Arcade Report (both of which are also excellent). GI does an excellent job at covering games though, if that's what you're looking for. Disclosure: I was interviewed for a feature on their website this past summer, though it doesn't affect my opinion of the magazine in the slightest (and I wasn't paid in any way for the interview).
  11. My gift will ship out this Friday. Apologies to my SS for taking so long! It's a good gift though, fwiw.
  12. I saw this, and am really excited. Journey's score (and the whole game, honestly) was, as Eric Whitacre wrote on Austin's twitter feed, "a triumph." It will be good motivation to watch the Grammy awards, in any case.
  13. Don't forget http://minnesota.publicradio.org/radio/programs/top-score/ -- Emily is doing good work introducing video game music over at Minnesota Public Radio (which serves more areas than just my home state, as I understand it).
  14. Welcome! Looking forward to hearing what you have to say on various topics. Keep in mind that many of the lists of keys and their affects, such as Christian Schubart's list (provided by Andrew, above) is written before the developement of an equal-tempered system of music. Now, each key is extremely similar (in that the distance between any two half-steps is the same on an equal-tempered instrument, regardless of key), which is why it was rightly pointed out that different modes will provide greater variety in affect than different keys in today's equal-tempered system. That being said, if you ever write a string quartet to be played by live players, they aren't restricted by equal temperament the way that the piano (and subsequently, most MIDI-driven sample libraries by default) is. In short, unless you're writing period-specific 18th/17th century music, you're much better off choosing a key that is idiomatic in some way for the group of instruments for which you write rather than relying on the outdated opinion of musicians from history.
  15. Hooray, grad school leashes! *sigh* Keep up the good work! I'd say so in person, but you'll have to party in DC without me and Addie this year.
  16. Listen to The Coop -- these boxes emulate old consoles so poorly it's pathetic. You're much better off just grabbing a Genesis emulator online and playing the games that way...a practice that won't cost you anything, I might point out.
  17. No worries! I am an extremely poor graduate student with a newborn baby in the house, so I share some of your pain regarding crappy finances.
  18. I got Symphony from Koriantor. It's a pretty decent shmup, though I am yet to feel the direct connection to my music I feel when I'm playing Audiosurf. Hoping that I understand how the connection works as I play more. Thanks again!
  19. I'd love to get an organized group of 5 together. I'm RTBardic online -- hit me up whenever.
  20. For whoever draws me, I'm open to getting almost anything -- I'm yet to receive a gift I haven't loved. If you'd like to go the video game route or find yourself struggling for options, I have a PC (see my Steam wishlist -- League of Legends stuff is also very welcome), 360), and Wii, and utilize them in roughly that order.
  21. I'm in, Wes -- will PM you the new address right now. Thanks for continuing to coordinate this!
  22. I'll pass -- I don't have the time to dedicate to it atm between ACIII and Skyrim, which I am yet to finish. Thanks for being a nice guy though, Brad! I'm sure someone will take you up on it.
  23. For those that are yet to see on Facebook, we had our first baby, Owen Walter, yesterday evening. He is doing extremely well, and we couldn't be happier. I'm trying to piece together a whole bunch of lullaby pieces to play during sleeping time. Any suggestions for OCRemix tracks that will work for this purpose would be helpful. I know that Brad Burr (prophetik) will also soon have a baby on his hands, so I'm hoping that there are a few other sets of new parents I'm unaware of for whom this thread might be useful. We'll have pictures up on Facebook later today and throughout the week, for those of you interested.
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