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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Ever tried to input a SPD motion on a keyboard? It takes a lot longer than it does on a fightstick; long enough that you basically can't do it. Kind of a moot point since 360 controllers work on PC though, as is this entire discussion, again because of how simple it is to use Joy2Key or 360 controller (or both). Mapping your buttons isn't extra work unless your preferences are different from the default -- there is a big push to enable complete control remapping on consoles also to help disabled gamers out for this reason.
  2. ^Best post in this thread, haha. I think we just have to wait for more information on Ouya -- not hearing anything post KS kinda sucks.
  3. The ending to Clash at Demonhead for NES is awful. It takes one of the best action platformers on the system (seriously, go look it up sometime!) and mucks everything up. After you defeat the final boss, the medals you used to unlock his room need to be inserted into a bomb in order to disarm it. The catch? You get only 3 guesses to play Mastermind against the bomb or the game ends outright. Catch #2: You can unlock the boss chamber one medal short of the number you need to disarm the bomb.
  4. Yeah, this is a pass for me at that price no matter what features they add. I would _much_ prefer one PS3/360 disc with the first six games on it and a ton of bonus features, including translated originals for II/III at something like $40.
  5. Hooray, OA! I hope you had a stellar day, giving Moonlapse a proper sendoff from the frozen north!
  6. Voted for you -- the game looks great! Hopefully we can all be playing it soon.
  7. I love it when two separate parts of a song are played simultaneously towards the end of the song and it works perfectly. See Jillian Aversa's arrangement of "I Wonder as I Wander" for an example.
  8. While this patch is very impressive, in my opinion it does not fix the core problem with the game -- gold is the endgame. I will never have a good enough droprate that finding as much gold as fast as possible is not the optimal solution. Until that happens, I won't be as passionate about D3 as I am other games in the genre (including D2 and Torchlight). That aside though, the patch is quite good and I'm sure I'll be back to D3 periodically, in between games of League...
  9. I'm also up for working on tagging, Larry. Hit me up sometime if you want some more support there!
  10. Happy birthday to one of the most generous people I know! I hope you have a great end to your weekend!
  11. Glad you posted here! I've been following your work for a while on YouTube and SNESology. Looking forward to listening to grabbing the album -- keep up the good work!
  12. I also owned the original FF7 PC edition and it was really nice, especially once you could mod it to make the world map and field sprites less clunky. 800x600 compared to 640x480 was a big jump back then also
  13. I'll be picking this up after the price drops. Looking forward to another solid 2d fighter from Arcsys!
  14. I played PoP: Forgotten Sands some time ago and apparently already deleted the plugin or it wasn't auto-installed when I played. Scary stuff though
  15. This was hilarious. About that scene btw... SPOILERS! Seriously, are you reading this thread if you haven't seen it? Did anyone else think that Scarecrow's cameo as the "judge" was originally meant to be the Joker, prior to Ledger's death? Seems like Joker would have been a better fit there...
  16. Glad to hear that you also think FF3 is bigger than a single genre, as the soundtrack is so large that I think people might get tired of listening. That being said, I'm looking forward to what you end up doing with FF2 -- I really enjoyed the first album, Brandon!
  17. Zyra is so good. Her lane control is ridiculous, as is her ability to lock enemy champions behind their own towers during team pushes. I'm enjoying her a lot Edit: After a few more games, I think she is easily the game's most adaptable champion. I've tried a full on support build, maxing E and taking only one point in Q -- with an aggressive champion like Vayne or Twitch with you this works very, very well. For soloing you'll want Q first before the stun for max damage potential. You can out-gun nearly everyone in the cast if you get the jump on them -- open with E into seed, followed by Q into seed, then ult. Place the ult so that if they flash backwards they still get hit (range is large enough, likely to be nerfed eventually). Insta win against damn near anyone. If you're about to be ganked, try E --> seed --> ult and you'll likely get out, even against two or three.
  18. Happy birthday, djp! Have a blast at Otakon this weekend!
  19. Rage is on the bottom of my backlog -- I'll get there eventually though
  20. I got out pretty cheaply this summer; got only the Arkham City DLC and the Binding of Issac DLC -- an academic colleague bought me RAGE, which was nice.
  21. I like what you've done with the melody quite a bit; taking it uptempo is a good idea. However, the strength of the original piece lies in the choice of underlying chords used by Soule; I am losing those chords behind your drums, though I can tell that something is there in your mix. Try making your synth pads louder in the mix relative to the drums.
  22. I'm holding out for a port of the HD version that was released on XBLA.
  23. Wacky Wheels -- a great kart-racer for those of us that didn't own an SNES. Hocus Pocus and Cosmo were both great; glad to see other people mention them. Someone mentioned Rise of the Triad also...it's still hard to believe that it runs on a modified Wolf 3D engine! ROTT has everything Quake has that Doom does not, but not any of the overlap. For example, (true, platform on top of platform) multiple floors of physical space, and breakable objects are in, circular walls are out. All of them are worth a look if you have the time.
  24. Just wanted to add that this is amazing on my work netbook, where I don't carry all of my media extensions (Chipamp etc). Thanks a bunch -- keep up the great work on this!
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