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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Zilean is good on a fast hitting team designed to win early -- to replace Nunu on a team, said team needs to be able to make use of the experience advantage Zil brings to the table. Incidentally, Zilean eventually out-performs Nunu in terms of slowing (Zil can keep it up forever)...it's just that Zil's slow does no damage. Conversely, I feel that Karma is an amazing long-game support char, since her heal (by far the best in the game, not Kayle) becomes insane on tanks that stack health since it heals a percentage of max, not a flat number. People need to stop thinking in terms of "this is a good AP" or "this is a good support" and instead be more specific, saying "this is a good AP for a team designed to do X and Y, but not Z." I feel larger-scale team composition is far more important than most of us give it credit for.
  2. What's your skill build specifically? I also wonder if a Combination Strike build that reached +24% damage using Reach +50% armor, Crippling Wave -25% damage, and Sweeping Wind (which for some reason triggers Combo Strike) might be viable. I've seen Inferno builds that use Wind, at the very least... What's your full setup atm, zircon?
  3. That's too bad. Oh well, then I'm getting Psychonauts for myself, haha.
  4. It's less if you recall after severely pushing your lane (when you would not be able to kill creeps safely anyway), but assume that you miss two full creep waves on every recall, yeah.
  5. Practice is definitely a big part of it -- keep at it! One big issue that some players don't realize is that you should strive to never leave your lane until you absolutely have to. When I am playing a ranged AD (Varus is my favorite currently), I try not to shop until I have 3,000 to spend. Even if I reach that point, if I can still safely farm and there aren't towers down to force me out of lane, I will continue to farm until the state of the game changes (a tower goes down, we need to fight over dragon, etc). The longer you last in lane, the more creeps you get to farm. If you don't have Teleport, every recall costs you at least 300 gold -- longer if you don't know exactly what you want to buy when you get back. If you do have Teleport, you should be using it to warp directly into a gank to get even more cash -- using it to instantly shop and return is almost always less than ideal. Lastly, if you're solo mid, don't forget to take out wraiths if your lane is pushed out too far to farm safely. Your jungler should be giving them to you whenever you want after the first full clear.
  6. YES. Even though I already own all of these I'll be buying it to have Psychonauts on Steam and will likely raffle off the others early next week when I get back from New York. Amazing bundle!
  7. Don't cut things off until I get a chance to listen on Tuesday please! (In New York atm for the MaMI 2012 conference).
  8. This is comedy gold. Brad, I'd register "prophetik music" as fast as you can, just in case. Strange that a mid-sized company would feel the need to target you though.
  9. While you're welcome to submit to OCR also, be sure to get Shadic or myself a copy via PM here. The submission process to OCR takes a significant amount of time, and only accepted submissions are made public -- both of which run counter to the goal of getting the P:M dev team music tracks on a timely basis.
  10. Also, be sure to negotiate based on who gets the rights to the music. If they maintain ownership of it afterwards, then you should be asking for a lot more. For a good guide to this and other things, I highly recommend this book, which includes sample contracts for big and small gigs provided by Tommy Tallarico -- it's a great starting point at the very least, and worth your $25 if you are serious about game audio.
  11. I like the mix, though I wish Andrew's vocals were a little more dry -- I feel that some amount of emotion is clouded by studio magic, and Andrew has the chops to sing without it. I'm glad to see more duets on the site -- keep up the good work, you two!
  12. Glad to see that interest hasn't completely waned out of this thread. Giving it one more bump to see if any interest will emerge now that school and Diablo III are both less pressing (though tearing myself away from D3 has been difficult, I admit).
  13. Glad to hear that things are challenging on Hell difficulty -- looking forward to your report of Inferno!
  14. I will be getting it for sure. The first Sonic & Sega All Stars racer is the best kart racer of the generation, definitely looking forward to this one.
  15. The film was absolutely incredible -- it definitely lived up to expectations. One criticism I've noted is a less than stellar reception of the music by Silvestri. While I agree that the music is not memorable, the orchestral soundtrack really does help to make it feel separate from the other films, which (especially Iron Man 1/2) had a rock background. If the music succeeds, then it is because it tells us that the film is neither Iron Man 3 nor Thor 2.
  16. I appreciate the enthusiam. However, without significant support from a lot of established artists, thinking about a large 40-track album is crazy. We currently don't have anything even approaching the level of support we need, and we very likely (read: 99.9999999%) will not be receiving it as there are already far too many projects in the pipeline here at OCR. I would be thrilled if I get enough people PM'ing me WIP tracks to warrant requesting an official project thread for a smaller album in the next few months. Baby steps, everyone! If this project does begin to receive an amount of support that justifies a change in scope, then I'll make those adjustments. For now, a 10-12 track album is plenty ambitious, and we should be focusing on something that is both practical and attainable. Lastly, on previous OCR tracks being utilized as music for Project: M -- I think it is a fantastic idea, and I'm sure the devs will poke around the site on their own time, finding mixes they think might be appropriate and getting permission from specific ReMixers. That is on the folks connected with the development of P:M (see Shadic's posts) and while it is a good idea, I don't think that it should be compounded into the album project or goals, lest things look too big, appear too confusing, and become too complex to organize.
  17. I don't know the implementation of how it works in the Smash code, but in general if you have a completed track, adding a loop point should be a relatively simple activity. Get a track finished first and we'll talk. Second, other tracks are great! However, if we wanted to cover every franchise / every stage then we would have a completely unmanageable album on our hands. We do not have the manpower to pull off something the size of the larger site albums (see: the Final Fantasy albums), so we have to limit our scope in order to make this at all realistic. I agree that all of this is getting well ahead of ourselves though. That's not a bad thing, but let's take things slowly, one step at a time.
  18. Everyone who has said something along the lines of "If we do this, I'm in for a track" -- if you do tracks, it will happen. I'm glad to see so much support for this! Start working and let's make this amazing.
  19. Yeah, there is no need to claim tracks per se, since Brawl allows for multiples. If you are really dying to make another Dracula's Castle mix (actually, the site doesn't have nearly enough ) then go for it.
  20. Edit: Because Brawl's music engine is amazing, feel free to start working on whichever stage / track you want. If we get two mixes, they can both be used! Updating just to keep us current, and to bump the thread once If anyone is seriously interested in taking on one of these tracks, by all means start it. Even if the dev team only gets one or two original tracks, that's better than nothing! Anything for notes in the stages that need tracks below is my suggestions, but certainly not a requirement. I'll step in as temporary director at least long enough to determine if getting this done is viable. It's going to be up to all of you at this point though -- make music! If anyone makes solid progress and wants to present a WIP to someone, PM me and I'll have a listen, critique, and pass it onward as needed. Similarly, if anyone is feeling extremely passionate about leading this project, PM me that also and we'll chat. WarioWare Inc. -- needs a Wario Land 3 mix to accommodate Wario's new aesthetic Dracula's Castle SSE: Jungle -- A remix of the Brawl theme by Uematsu would be sick Fourside Temple: M -- Skyward Sword mix, as the level will be remade with SS in mind Fountain of Dreams -- IMO a Kirby and the Amazing Mirror track would work outstandingly well here. Battlefield Final Destination N64 Stages -- epic chiptune mixes? (Note: Link is epic, but not 64 music) Hyrule Castle 64 Saffron City Kongo Jungle 64 Dreamland 64
  21. If we get 4-5 people that I know are capable of getting music made, I'm willing to coordinate and serve as a point person -- I certainly play my share of Project M, and have since some of the devs showed up to a local MN event some time ago. Here's a question for the developers: In the ideal world where OCR is doing whatever you want, what would that be? I see these stages as in need of new music because they're new: WarioWare Inc. -- needs a Wario Land 3 mix to accommodate Wario's new aesthetic Dracula's Castle SSE: Jungle Fourside (not technically new, but new music for this Melee stage would be nice) Temple: M -- probably a Skyward Sword mix? I know that this stage is due for a graphic overhaul of some kind in the next build. N64 Stages would be fun to include new music on also: Hyrule Castle 64 Saffron City Kongo Jungle Lastly, because it's mostly competitive Smashers that are playing, we should probably include new tracks for both Battlefield and Final Destination. (in before Fox only FD only no items etc) That's 10 tracks total, a manageable small project. I'd love it if the devs would let me know if they are interested in something like this -- I am willing to bug lots of people if you guys are up for it.
  22. I am all about getting an official OCR album done specifically for this project, that would be awesome. You guys have done really great work on this -- I've been following since you showed up to UMN's Teh Pwn Gaming Slumber LAN with an alpha build of v2. Keep up the great work, and I'm looking forward to when even more characters are finished!
  23. They have actually improved all tethers actually, such that normal chars can't edgehog tethers, and multiple tethers can connect simultaneously. Woot!
  24. The most impressive part are all of the custom animations for new moves. Great, great stuff. Still don't know whether I prefer this or Balanced Brawl, which retains the overall Brawl feel while giving everyone one fun new thing and balancing out the cast (though not as tightly as P:M). I'm really looking forward to implementations of Ivysaur and ZSS, my two favorite characters in Brawl.
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