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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. To finish the Story modes in GX you really need to snake. Sucks, but that's where it's at, especially for Very Hard. I spent an entire summer working on that game -- imo it is the best racer ever. I even have most of the extra stuff from the AX arcade cabinet, as the Gameworks that used to be in town had one.
  2. I'd say marking spoilers until after the first weekend post-release should be a courtesy. That being said: The game was freaking awesome. It took me quite a while to figure out how to coat the long mineshaft with the white paint. The feeling of "I'm awesomely intelligent" when I did was great though. I am waiting on most of the multiplayer (thanks for playing the first world with me, BGC!) until after Holy Week when one of my fraternity buddies is free -- he's on seminary internship for now and this week is the busiest in the church calendar.
  3. Thanks! Just wondering if I should give it a mention in the conclusion of my research paper on L4D's communicative music. Looks like I could but wouldn't have to.
  4. Some of the reviews discussed the dynamic music. Does the soundtrack directly inform gameplay, such as Left 4 Dead? Or is the music responding to player activity rather than driving it?
  5. Keep this up -- I will play Week 3 after I finish my research paper.
  6. Either #2 or #3 imo -- NOT the jrpg style as measuring tiles easily is important in a game like this, and those graphics don't accommodate that.
  7. That is awesome. You lucked out getting the cabinet so cheaply!
  8. TxSF will be a 3d game like Tekken. SFxT will be a 2d game like Street Fighter. You can't possibly play cross-game.
  9. I wish I had time to play, gotta finish my research paper first ;( I now have three complete teams though, which is nice. Currently it is Spencer/X-23/Trish (primary), Arthur/Dr. Doom/Trish (projectile annoyance), Cap/Thor/Chun-Li (noob stomping). I know that everyone kinda hates on Captain America btw, but he's hella fun to play.
  10. The community that has built up here over the years is awesome. If you're new to the site and would like to get more involved with us than the occasional forum post, there are plenty of options for you to dip your toes in the water, as it were -- even if you're not a musician! Swing by IRC and chat (or just hang out and laugh at the random jokes), play a few rounds of Team Fortress 2 on the OCR server, or just join the Steam group. Back in 2008 when I threw in a few dollars, I never thought that my involvement here would contribute significantly to my graduate studies. I'm looking forward to presenting my first paper at a major conference next month, largely because of assistance from a number of OCR community members. Presenting as part of an academic conference panel is relatively rare for a master's student -- we usually get relegated to poster presentations or the role of assistant. Thanks to everyone for helping me get to where I want to be! Needless to say, I'm happy to continue to throw my hat into the ring, hopefully for a larger amount this year (gotta chat w/ my wife, who does the finances). Thanks again to Jimmy for starting this annual fund drive!
  11. It's worth noting that along with mass acceptance (of which the Grammy award is representative) comes academic acceptance, as well -- games are increasingly the subject of academic study, which is positive for the industry. Look at Kiri Miller's work with GTA and Guitar Hero/Rock Band as a place to begin if anyone here has JSTOR access.
  12. This -- looks like its vastly better in multiplayer from the trailer, incidentally.
  13. Wow, that is terrible. I hope that people in danger are able to evacuate to safe places -- what's the timescale for the tsunami, Larry?
  14. Train them to avoid teleporting: If you have any dedicated AA moves, just start busting them out when they teleport. Haggar's Lariat is probably the best, but Ryu's Shoryuken, Iron Man's Repulsor Blast etc. can punish them. If you have a fast dash move such as X-23 / Wolvie's dashing strikes, you can often charge on reaction and wind up trading places with neither player connecting (which is still better than getting hit yourself). Good assists to deal with this: Trish's Peekaboo trap assist takes those teleports off the table as a hard-counter. Haggar and Tron still work well to deal with people that get too close. A few supers worth noting: Doom's sphere shuts the "teleport above you" route down almost completely, and Hulk's leaping meteor super works well also if they drop in front of you. Hope this helps!
  15. Actually I thought brush's joke was pretty good
  16. Let's just hope they don't use the abysmal Anthology translation...stick with the GBA version or just redo the whole thing (without turn of the century injokes).
  17. Happy birthday -- it was great to meet you at magfest!
  18. Chun rose like a million points after I instagibbed you with her. Definitely putting some time in to figure her stuff out
  19. Gotten too good? Hit me up next time you see me on.
  20. Mag's ridiculous string of air C attacks is close enough Sindra (and others who can't find us): Try IRC -- I'm always on and usually up for a match.
  21. Happy birthday, Arek! I hope it's a great day!
  22. New trailer looks incredible -- I'm very much looking forward to this now. Unfortuantely, Thor doesn't look nearly as good...hopefully it's not a big flop.
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